
This translation is older than the original page and might be outdated. See what has changed.


  • General ( प्रस्थ ) ; respecting ‖ the Vniverse: or the four chief terms of it.
    • EAST Orient. , ईस्थ (east)
    • WEST, Occidental. , वेस्थ (west )
    • NORTH, Septentrional, Arctic. , नर्थ (north )
    • SOVTH, Meridional, Antarctic. , स्थ (south)
  • ऊर्ध्वस्थ ( ऊर्ध्व - up ) , निम्नस्थ (निम्न- down) , वामस्थ ( वाम् - left ) , दायस्थ ( दाया - right )
  • अधिस्थ (अधि- above) , अधःस्थ (अधः- below) , अग्रस्थ ( अग्र- infront) , पश्चस्थ ( पश्च - behind )
  • उपरीस्थ (superficial) ,
  • अंतः ( अंथः - end )
    • परन्थ ( far ) , उपंथ ( near )
    • अनंत ( अनंथ - non-ending)
    • in actions of self - directed TH sound ( R - arrows )
      • towards , away , upward , downward
    • in terms of creation of TH from ( J )
      • source , diverging , blast , burst
    • in terms of converging (K ) towards the sound TH
      • converge , focus , concentrate
    • around the sound
      • peri , circum
    • concerned with the proximity of sound
      • near , here , this , मध्यस्थ (medial) , निकटस्थ (proximal)
      • far , there , that , दूरस्थ (distal or far)
      • where
      • anywhere
      • somewhere
  • परिस्थिति (situation) , स्थिति
  • उपस्थित (present) , अनुपस्थित (absent)
  • permanent , अस्थायी (temporary)
  • समस्थिति (equal situation or homeostasis)
    • स्थानीय (local)
  • स्थिर (static) , अस्थिर ( non-static )
  • प्रांतस्था (cortex) , अंतस्था (medulla)
  • शिथिल (diastolic) , contract
  • स्वस्थ , अस्वस्थ ( स्व(self) + स्थ (located) )
  • More General
    • As an indicator of location more primitive
      • अंत (end) , अंतरा ( interval) , आंत्र ( inside)
      • अत्र ( here ) , तत्र ( there )
      • स्त
        • स्तर ( layers) being
          • stage
          • storey of a building
          • stage
          • performance
          • dance , act , drama , play , circus
        • सूर्यास्त
        • वास्तु , वस्तु
    • indicate a phenomenon of rising
      • उत , उद , उथ
    • as an indicator of quantity
      • अति
        • अधि



  • ( वातावरण , माहौल ) atmosphere
  • ( स्थिति , हालत ) condition
  • ( परिस्थिति , ) circumstance
  • ( परिवेश , अलाका ) surroundings
  • (पर्यावरण , माहौल ) environment
  • ( गृहतल , फलस्तर , फर्श ) floor
  • ( आधार , नीव , बुनियाद ) base
  • position
  • state
  • coordinates
  • situation
  • ( क्षेत्र , इलाका ) area
  • मैदान
  • समतल स्थान
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  • hi/spatial_reasoning.txt
  • 2024/08/20 08:19
  • brahmantra