
ग्रसनली (Oesophagus)

    • Synonyms
    • Situation
      • Between trachea and vertebral column
      • Begins at lower border of cricoid cartilage at the level of C6
      • Traverses
      • Through superior mediastinum
      • Then posterior and inferior mediastinum
      • Opens in to cardia of stomach
    • PARTS
      • Cervical part
        • Relations
          • Anterior
            • Trachea and right and left recurrent laryngeal nerves
          • Lateral
            • Thyroid gland lobes ,
              • Left side - thoracic duct
          • Posterior
            • Longus colli muscle and vertebral column
      • Thoracic part
        • Thoracic constriction; broncho-aortic constriction
        • Diaphragmatic constriction
      • Abdominal part
      • Serosa; serous coat
      • Subserosa; subserous layer
      • Adventitia
      • Muscular layer; muscular coat
        • Crico-oesophageal tendon
        • Broncho-oesophageus
        • Pleuro-oesophageus
      • Submucosa
      • Mucosa; mucous membrane
        • Muscularis mucosae
      • Oesophageal glands
    • Cervical part ( ग्रीवा भाग )
    • Thoracic part ( वक्ष भाग )
      • Thoracic constriction; broncho-aortic constriction ( श्वास-नाल और महाधमनी संकीर्णन )
      • Diaphragmatic constriction ( मध्यपट संकीर्णन )
    • Abdominal part ( उदर भाग )
    • Serosa; serous coat
    • Subserosa; subserous layer
    • Adventitia
    • Muscular layer; muscular coat
      • Crico-oesophageal tendon
      • Broncho-oesophageus
      • Pleuro-oesophageus
    • Submucosa
    • Mucosa; mucous membrane
      • Muscularis mucosae
    • Oesophageal glands
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  • hi/oesophagus.txt
  • 2023/06/19 09:25
  • brahmantra