
मुखचिरी (Mouth)

  • FACE ( चेहरा )
  • एक अनुप्रस्थ चंद्राकार छिद्र जिसे
    • Generally called
      • MOUTH (मुह / लोल)
    • Particular ( विशेष रूप से )
      • Externally covered by ( बाहरी )
        • Libs ( ओष्ठ )
          • Upper lip (ऊर्ध्वओष्ठ )
            • Philtrum
              • median vertical groove
            • Tubercle
          • Lower lip ( अधरोश्ठ )
          • Each lip supported by ( प्रत्येक ओष्ठ )
            • Frenulum of upper lip
            • Frenulum of lower lip
            • Composed of
              • skin
              • superficial fascia
              • orbicularis oris muscle
              • Submucosa containing labial glands and blood vessels
              • Mucous membrane
            • Mucocutaneous junction
        • Labial commissure
        • angle of mouth ( मुखचिरी कोण )
        • Cheek ( गाल , गंड )
        • Juxta-oral organ Chiewitzi
          • Papilla of parotid duct
            • opposite the crown of upper second molar tooth
          • Composed of
            • Skin
            • Superficial Fascia
              • fascial muscles
            • Buccinator
              • covered by buccopharyngeal fascia
              • pierced by parotid duct
            • Submucosa
            • Mucosal membrane
          • continuous with lips
            • nasolabial sulcus or furrow
      • Internally
        • ORAL CAVITY ( मुख गुहा / वक्त्र गुहा )
          • Mucous membrane of mouth ( मुह की स्लेश्म झिल्ली )
          • Oral vestibule ( मुख परिगुह्या )
            • Externally by lips
            • internally by teeth and gums
            • Communicates to exterior by
              • Oral fissure; (मुख चिरी )
              • Open Mouth
            • Closed mouth with lips elevated
            • Closed mouth with teeth occluded
          • Oral cavity proper ( उचित मुह गुहा )
            • ROOF ( छत )
            • FLOOR ( तल )
              • Anteriorly ( आगे का तल )
                • Sublingual Region ( अधःजिह्व क्षेत्र , फर्श का आगे का भाग )
                  • fold of mucosa
                    • frenulum of tongue
                      • on each side ( हर तरफ / अगल बगल )
                        • sublingual papilla ( अधःजिह्व )
                        • summit of papilla
                          • opening of submandibular duct
              • Posteriorly
                • Oropharyngeal Isthmus ( isthmus of fauces)
            • FRONT (अग्र )
              • Gingiva; gum ( मसूड़ा )
                • Gingival margin
                • Gingival papilla; interdental papilla
                • Gingival sulcus; gingival groove
            • BACK
            • SIDES ( पार्श्व )
              • palatoglossal arches ( जिह्वतालु चाप )
            • Sublingual caruncle
            • Sublingual fold ( अधःजिह्व मोड )
hard palate - palatum durum कठोर तालु
soft palate - palatum molle कोमल तालु
uvula - palatina तालु काकलक
palatoglossal arch - arcus glossopalatinus तालु जिह्वा- चाप
palatopharyngeal arch - arcus pharyngopalatinus तालुग्रसनी चाप
superior labial frenulum -
frenulum linguae जिह्वा फ्रीनुलम
inferior labial frenulum
upper lip
lower lip
gingiva (gums)
palatine raphe
posterior wall of oropharynx
pterygomandibular raphe - raphe pterygomandibularis
floor of mouth
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  • hi/mouth_anatomy.txt
  • 2024/07/30 03:38
  • brahmantra