• FACE
  • A horizontal lens shaped cleft on face called
    • Generally called
      • MOUTH
    • Particular
      • Externally covered by
        • Lips
          • Upper lip
            • Philtrum
              • median vertical groove
            • Tubercle
          • Lower lip
          • Each lip supported by
            • Frenulum of upper lip
            • Frenulum of lower lip
            • Composed of
              • skin
              • superficial fascia
              • orbicularis oris muscle
              • Submucosa containing labial glands and blood vessels
              • Mucous membrane
            • Mucocutaneous junction
        • Labial commissure
        • Angle of mouth
        • Cheek
        • Juxta-oral organ Chiewitzi
          • Papilla of parotid duct
            • opposite the crown of upper second molar tooth
          • Composed of
            • Skin
            • Superficial Fascia
              • fascial muscles
            • Buccinator
              • covered by buccopharyngeal fascia
              • pierced by parotid duct
            • Submucosa
            • Mucosal membrane
          • continuous with lips
            • nasolabial sulcus or furrow
      • Internally
        • ORAL CAVITY
          • Mucous membrane of mouth
          • Oral vestibule
            • Externally by lips
            • internally by teeth and gums
            • Communicates to exterior by
              • Oral fissure; oral opening
              • Open Mouth
            • Closed mouth with lips elevated
            • Closed mouth with teeth occluded
          • Oral cavity proper
            • ROOF
              • Palate
                • partition between nasal and oral cavity
                • Palatine raphe
                • Transverse palatine folds; palatine rugae
                • Incisive papilla
            • FLOOR
              • Anteriorly
                • Sublingual Region
                  • fold of mucosa
                    • frenulum of tongue
                      • on each side
                        • sublingual papilla
                        • summit of papilla
                          • opening of submandibular duct
              • Posteriorly
                • Oropharyngeal Isthmus ( isthmus of fauces)
            • FRONT
              • Gingiva; gum
                • Gingival margin
                • Gingival papilla; interdental papilla
                • Gingival sulcus; gingival groove
            • BACK
            • SIDES
              • palatoglossal arches
            • Sublingual caruncle
            • Sublingual fold
Tunica mucosa oris Mucous membrane of mouth
Vestibulum oris Oral vestibule
Rima oris Oral fissure; oral opening
Labia oris Libs
Labium superius Upper lip
Philtrum Philtrum
Tuberculum Tubercle
Labium inferius Lower lip
Frenulum labii superioris Frenulum of upper lip
Frenulum labii inferioris Frenulum of lower lip
Commissura labiorum Labial commissure
Angulus oris Angle of mouth
Bucca Cheek
Corpus adiposum buccae Bichati Buccal fat pad Bichati
Organum juxtaorale Chiewitzi Juxta-oral organ Chiewitzi
Papilla ductus parotidei Papilla of parotid duct
Cavitas oris propria Oral cavity proper
Palatum Palate
Palatum durum Hard palate
Palatum molle; velum palatinum Soft palate
Raphe palati Palatine raphe
Plicae palatinae transversae; rugae palatinae Transverse palatine folds; palatine rugae
Papilla incisiva Incisive papilla
Gingiva Gingiva; gum
Margo gingivalis Gingival margin
Papilla gingivalis; papilla interdentalis Gingival papilla; interdental papilla
Sulcus gingivalis Gingival sulcus; gingival groove
Caruncula sublingualis Sublingual caruncle
Plica sublingualis Sublingual fold

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  • en/mouth_anatomy.txt
  • 2024/07/30 03:38
  • brahmantra