
    • upper and shortest part of brainstem
      • VENTRAL SURFACE ( अग्र स्तर )
        • emerges from cerebral hemispheres joins to form
          • crus cerebri of midbrain (
            • converges downwards to enter
              • pons
            • forms posterolateral boundary of
              • interpeduncular fossa ( अंतरा डंगाल खात )
            • superficial surface ( उपरिस्थ स्तर )
              • corrugated by underlying longitudinal fibers
              • crosses transversely from above downwards by ( उसके ऊपर से जाते हैं )
                • optic tract ( नेत्र पथ )
                • taenia pontis
                • superior cerebellar artery , posterior cerebral artery
            • medial side ( बाजु के दीवार से )
              • groove ( खात )
                • occulomotor nerve emerges ( नेत्रप्रेरक तंत्रिका निकलती हैं )
            • dorsal aspect ( पृष्ठ स्तर से )
              • trochlear nerve emerges ( चौथी नेत्रप्रेरक तंत्रिका )
                • curls around lateral aspect of cerebral peduncles
      • DORSAL SURFACE ( पृष्ठ स्तर )
        • shows four rounded elevations called corpora quadrigemina ( उभाड़ )
          • separated from each other by
            • cruciform sulcus
              • vertical limb of sulcus when ( ऊपरी की ओर परिखा में )
              • traced above forms a depression ( एक खात )
                • lodges pineal body
              • traced below becomes continuous with ( नीचे की ओर )
                • frenulum veli
                  • median ridge on dorsal surface of superior medullary velum ( छावनी )
          • laterally from colliculi ( पार्श्व ये चतुष्ठकाय से )
            • thick ridges of white matter extend ( श्वेत पदार्थ निकलते हैं )
              • called brachium ( जिन्हे हम भुजा कहते हैं )
                • superior brachium ( ऊर्ध्व भुजा )
                  • connects superior colliculus to lateral geniculate body
                  • connects inferior colliculus to medial geniculate body
                • inferior brachium
          • two superior
            • superior colliculus
          • two inferior
            • inferior colliculus
    • INTERNAL STRUCTURE ( अंतः संरचना )
      • Mid brain divided by coronal plane passing through cerebral aqueduct in to two parts
        • anterior part or cerebral peduncle
          • parts from dorsal to ventral ( पीछे से आगे )
            • tegmentum ( कंचुक )
            • substantia nigra ( मलीन पदार्थ )
              • curved , crescent shaped
              • pigmented band of grey matter
                • deeply pigmented nerve cells
                  • contain melanin ( polymerized form of dopamine )
                  • synthesize dopamine
                    • carried through their axons ( nigrostriatal fibers)
                      • to corpus striatum
                  • iron
              • spiky process project in to crus cerebri
              • parts
                • dorsal part (pars compacta ) - medium sized cells
                • pars reticularis ( ventral part ) - few cells
                  • intermingled with fibres of crus cerebri
            • crus cerebri ( प्रमस्तिष्क टाँग )
              • most anterior part
              • white matter
                • descending tracts ( अवरोही पथ )
                  • connect cerebral cortex to
                    • anterior horn cells of spinal cord
                    • cranial nuclei
                    • pontine nuclei
                  • middle 2/3 of crus ( मध्य टाँग )
                    • corticospinal ( प्रमस्तिष्क - मेरु )
                    • corticonuclear
                  • medial 1/6 th of crus मध्य 1/6 टाँग )
                    • frontopontine (- ललाट )
                  • lateral 1/6 th of crus ( पार्श्व 1/6 टाँग )
                    • temporopontine , parietopontine , occipitopontine
        • posterior part or tectum
        • LEVELS OF SECTION ( कर्तन स्तर )
          • transverse section of midbrain at level of superior colliculus
            • grey matter
              • more centrally
                • occulomotor nucleus
                  • edinger westphal nucleus
                  • emerging fibres pass through
                    • medial side of crus cerebri in posterior of interpeduncular fossa
                • mesencephalic nucleus of trigeminal nerve
              • more peripheral
            • white matter
              • ventral tegmental decussation
                • arising from red nuclei
                  • rubrospinal tracts
              • dorsal tegmental decussation
                • arising from superior colliculus
                  • tectospinal and tectobulbar tracts
          • Transverse section of midbrain at level of inferior colliculus ( निम्न काय )
            • grey matter
              • centrally ( बीच में )
                • nucleus of trochlear nerve ( चौथी तंत्रिका का )
                  • situated close to median plane
                • mesencephalic nucleus of trigeminal nerve
              • more peripheral
                • beneath the inferior elevations of colliculus
                  • nucleus of inferior colliculus
            • white matter ( श्वेत पदार्थ )
              • central part of tegmentum
                • decussation of superior cerebellar peduncle
              • ventral lateral part of tegmentum
                • medial to lateral
                  • medial lemniscus ( मध्य )
                  • trigeminal lemniscus ( त्रिधारा )
                  • spinal lemniscus
                  • lateral lemniscus
              • median longitudinal fasciculus
              • tectospinal tracts
              • rubrospinal tracts
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  • hi/midbrain.txt
  • 2023/06/23 13:14
  • brahmantra