


ábax abac slab ἄβαξ, ἄβακος (ábax, ábakos), ἀβακίσκος (abakískos) abaciscus, abacus, abax
áke ac-, acm-, acr-[3] point ἀκή (akḗ), ἀκίς, ἀκίδος (akís, akídos), ἀκόνη (akónē), ἄκρος (ákros), ἄκρον (ákron), ἄκρα acidanthera, acme, acmeism, acmesthesia, acmic, acne
akeîsthai ac-, ace-[4] cure ἀκεῖσθαι (akeîsthai), ἀκή (akḗ), ἄκος, ἄκεος (ákos, ákeos) aceology, autacoid, panacea
Akádēmos academ- Akademos Ἀκάδημος (Akádēmos) academe, academia, academic, academy
ákantha acanth- thorn ἀκή, ἄκανθα (ákantha) Acanthaster, acanthion, acanthite, Acanthocephala, acanthocephaliasis, acanthocyte, Acanthomintha, Acanthosaura, Acanthus, Metriacanthosaurus, neuroacanthocytosis
akarí acar-[5] mite ἀκαρί (akarí) acariasis, acarid, acariphagous, acaroid, acarology, acarophobia, acarus
akros acr- height, summit, tip, top ἀκή (akḗ), ἄκρος (ákros) high, extreme, ἄκρον (ákron) acrobat, acrobatics, acrochordon, acromegalia, acromegaly, acromion, acronym, acrophobia, acropolis, acrostic, acroterion, acrotomophilia
aktís actin-[6] beam, ray ἀκτίς, ἀκτῖνος (aktís, aktînos) actinic, actinism, actinium, actinocerid, actinodrome, actinoid, actinomere, actinometer, actinomorphic, actinomyces, actinophryid, actinopod, Actinopterygii, actinotherapy, actinozoa
adḗn aden-[8] gland ἀδήν, ἀδένος (adḗn, adénos) adenocarcinoma, adenoid, adenoidectomy, adenology, adenoma, adenomyosis, adenosis
aeírein aer- (ΑΕΡ)[9] lift, raise ἀείρειν (aeírein), ἀορτή (aortḗ), αἰρόμενον, ἀϝείρω aorta, aortic, endaortitis, meteor, meteorology
aḗr aer-, aero-[10] air, atmosphere ἀήρ, ἀέρος (aḗr, aéros) air aerobic, aerodynamic, aeronautics, aeroplane, aerorrhachia, aerosol, aerotitis
aisthētós aesth- feeling, sensation αἰσθητός (aisthētós), αἰσθητικός (aisthētikós) of sense perception from αἰσθάνεσθαι (aisthánesthai) to perceive aesthesia, aesthesis, aesthete, aesthetics, anaesthetic, synesthesia
aíther aether-, ether- upper pure, bright air αἴθειν (aíthein), αἰθήρ (aithḗr) ether, ethereal, etheric, hypaethros
ágein ag-[11] lead ἄγειν (ágein) (cognate with Latin agere), ἀγωγός (agōgós) agony, antagonist, antagonize, demagogue, pedagogue, pedagogy, strategy, synagogue
agápē agap-[12] love ἀγάπη (agápē) agape
agrós agr-[13] field ἀγρός, ἀγροῦ (agrós, agroû) agronomist, agronomy
aílouros ailur-[14] cat αἴλουρος (aílouros) Ailuroedus, ailuromancy, ailurophile, ailurophilia, ailurophobia
alkuṓn alcyon-[15] kingfisher ἀλκυών, ἀλκυόνος (alkuṓn, alkuónos) Halcyon, halcyon
áleuron ale-[16] (ΑΛ) wheat flour ἀλέω, ἄλευρον (áleuron), ἀλείατα aleuromancy, aleurone, aleuronic
álgos alg-[17] pain ἄλγος (álgos), ἀλγεινός, ἀλγεῖν (algeîn), ἄλγησις (álgēsis) analgesic, arthralgia, neuralgia, nostalgia
állos all-[18] other ἄλλος (állos) allegory, allogenic, allograph, allophone, parallactic, parallax
allḗlōn allel-[19] one another ἀλλήλων (allḗlōn) allele, allelomorph, allelotaxis, parallel, parallelism, parallelogon, parallelogram
álpha alph-[20] A, a Α, α, ἄλφα (álpha) alphabet, alphabetic, analphabetic, panalphabetic, polyalphabetic
alphós alphit- barley ἀλφός (alphós), ἄλφιτον, ἀλφίτου (álphiton, alphítou) alphitomancy
amath amath- sand amathophobia
amblús ambly-[21] dull ἀμβλύς (amblús) amblygeustia, amblygonite, amblyopia, Amblypoda
ámmos amm-[22] sand ἄμμος (ámmos), ἄμαθος (ámathos) amathophobia, Ammophila
amnós amn-[23] lamb ἀμνός (amnós), ἀμνεῖος, ἀμνειός, ἀμνίον (amníon) amniocentesis, amnion, amnioscope, amniote, amniotic, anamniote
amphí amph-, amphi-[24] both, on both sides of, both kinds ἀμφί (amphí) on both sides amphibian, amphibious, amphibole, amphibolic, amphimacer, Amphipoda, amphistyly, amphitheatre, amphoterism
amugdálē amygdal-[25] almond ἀμυγδάλη (amugdálē), ἀμύγδαλον (amúgdalon) almond, amygdala, amygdale, amygdalin, amygdaloid, amygdule
an an-, a-, am-, ar- not, without Greek ἀν-/ἀ- not ambrosia, anaerobic, anarchy, anemia, anesthesia, anhydrous, anonymous, apathy, aphasia, arrhythmia, atheism, atypical
aná ana-, am-, an-[26] again, against, back, up ἀνά (aná) anagram, anabaptist, anaphylaxis, anarrhexis, anion, anode
anḗr andr-[27] (ΑΝΕΡ) male, masculine ἀνήρ, ἀνδρός (anḗr, andrós), ἀνδρότης Andrew, Alexander, androcentric, androcentrism, androgen, androgenous, androgyne, androgynous, androgyny, android, andrology, androphobia, androspore, diandry, misandry, monandry, philander, polyandrous, polyandry, protandry, pseudandry, synandrous
ánemos anem-[28] (ΑΝ) wind ἄνεμος (ánemos) anemograph, anemometer, anemometric, anemone, anemophilous, anemophily, anemophobia, anemoscope, anemotropism
antí ant-, anti-[29] against, opposed to, preventive ἀντί (antí) against antagonist, antagonize, antibiotic, antibody, antichrist, antidepressant antidote, antifreeze, antifungal, antigen, antinomies, antipathy, antipodes, antirrhinum, antiseptic, antisocial, antithesis
antheîn anth-[31] flower ἀνθεῖν (antheîn), ἄνθος (ánthos), ἄνθησις (ánthēsis), ἄνθημα (ánthēma), ἀνθηρός (anthērós) anther, anthesis, Anthocoridae, anthodite, anthology, anthophobia, anthophore, Anthozoa, chrysanthemum, dianthus, enanthem, enanthema, exanthem, exanthematic, hydranth, hypanthium, perianth, zoanthid
ánthrax anthrac- coal ἄνθραξ, ἄνθρακος (ánthrax, ánthrakos) anthracite, anthracnose, anthracycline, anthrax
ánthrōpos anthrop- human ἄνθρωπος (ánthrōpos) man anthropology, anthroposophy, anthropomorphic, misanthrope, philanthropy
apó ap-, apo-[32] off, away from, separate, at the farthest point ἀπό (apó) from, away, un-, quite, sometimes changed, switched aphelion, apocrine, apocryphal, apogee, aporrhinosis, apostasy, apostate
Aphrodítē aphrod- Aphrodite Ἀφροδίτη (Aphrodítē), Ἀφροδίσιος (Aphrodísios), ἀφροδισιακόν (aphrodisiakón) aphrodisiac, pseudohermaphroditism
arákhnē arachn- spider ἀράχνης, ἀράχνη (arákhnē) Arachne, arachnid, arachnodactyly, arachnoid, arachnology, arachnophobia
árkhein arch-, arche-, archi- ruler ἄρχειν (árkhein), ἄρχων (árkhōn), ἀρχή (arkhḗ) rule (in compounds: ἀρχε-, ἀρχι-) anarchism, anarchist, anarchy, andrarchy, antarchy, archangel, archetype, architect, archon, autarch, autarchism, autarchy, eparch, eparchy, exarch, gynarchy, monarch, monarchism, monarchist, monarchy, navarch, octarchy, oligarchy, patriarchy, plutarchy, polyarchy, synarchism, synarchy, tetrarchy, triarchy, trierarch
arkhaîos archae-, arche- ancient ἀρχαῖος (arkhaîos) ancient from ἀρχή (arkhḗ) rule Archaea, archaeoastronomy, archaeology, archaic, archaism, archegonium, archeology
árktos arct- Relating to the North Pole or the region near it; relating to cold ἄρκτος (árktos) bear, ἀρκτικός (arktikós) Antarctic, arctic, Arctic Ocean, palearctic
aretḗ aret- virtue ἀρετή, ἀρετῆς (aretḗ, aretês) aretaic, arete
áristos arist- excellence ἄριστος (áristos) aristocracy, aristocrat
arithmós arithm- count, number ἀριθμός (arithmós), ἀριθμέω, ἀριθμητικός (arithmētikós) antilogarithm, arithmetic, arithmomania, logarithm, logarithmic
ársēn arsen-[33] male ἄρσην, ἄρσενος (ársēn, ársenos), ἀρσενικός (arsenikós) arsenic, arsenopyrite
árthron arthr- joint ἄρθρον (árthron) anarthria, arthritic, arthritis, arthrogryposis, arthropathy, arthroplasty, arthropod, arthroscope, arthroscopic, arthroscopy, arthrosis, dysarthria, osteoarthritis, spondyloarthropathy
ártios arti- even ἄρτιος (ártios), ἀρτιότης evenness, ἀρτιάκις artiodactyl, artiodactylous
askós asc-[34] bag ἀσκός (askós), ἀσκίδιον (askídion) ascidium, ascites, ascitic, ascocarp, ascoma, ascomycete, Ascomycota, ascospore, ascus
áspros aspr-[35] white ἄσπρος (áspros) diaper
astḗr aster-, astr- star, star-shaped ἀστήρ, ἀστέρος (astḗr, astéros), ἄστρον (ástron) star aster, asterisk, asteroid, astrology, astronomy, astronaut, diasterism geaster, monaster
asthenḗs asthen- weak ἀσθενής (asthenḗs) asthenopia, asthenosphere, asthenozoospermia
athárē ather-[36] gruel ἀθάρη (athárē) atherogenic, atheroma, atherosclerosis
âthlos athl- contest ἆθλος (âthlos) contest, feat, ἄεθλος athlete, athletic, decathlon, pentathlon, triathlon
athroízein -athroid- gathered or lumped together ἀθροίζειν (athroízein) to gather together epiathroid, hypoathroid
aulētḗs aul- flute, tube ἄημι (ἄϝημι), αὐλός (aulós), αὐλέω, αὔλησις, αὐλητής (aulētḗs) aulete, aulos, hydraulic, hydraulus
autós aut-, auto-[37] self; directed from within αὐτός (autós) self, same autarchism, autarchy, autarky, authentic, autism, autistic, autobiography, autocracy, autograph, autoimmune, automatic, automaton, automobile, autonomy, autopilot
aúxein aux-[38] increase αὔξειν (aúxein), αὐξάνειν auxánein, αὔξησις (aúxēsis), αὐξητικός (auxētikós) auxanogram, auxanography, auxanology, auxanometer, auxesis, auxetic, auxin, auxochrome, auxology, auxotroph, auxotrophy
áxios axi-[39] merit, worth ἄξιος (áxios) worth axiology, axiom, axiomatic
áxōn axon-[40] axis, axle ἄξων, ἄξονος (áxōn, áxonos) axon, axonography, axonometric, axonotmesis


baínein ba-[41] βαίνειν (baínein), βατός (batós), acrobat, acrobatic, adiabatic, aerobatic, anabasis, anabatic, antiparabema, base, basic, basidiocarp, basidioma, basidiomycete, basidiospore, basidium, basion, basionym, basis, basophilic, bema, catabasis, catabatic, diabase, diabatic, diabetes, diabetic, dibasic, hyperbaton, hypobasis, katabasis, katabatic, monobasic, polybasic, stereobate, stylobate, tribasic
bállein bal-, bel-, bol- throw βάλλειν (bállein), βολή (bolḗ), βλῆμα (blêma) ametabolic, ametabolism, amphibole, amphibolic, amphibolite, amphibolous, amphiboly, anabolic, anabolism, astrobleme, ball, ballism, ballista, ballistic, ballistospore, belomancy, belonephobia, bolide, bolometer, catabolic, catabolism, devil, diabolic, emblem, emblematic, embolic, embolism, embolismic, embolize, embolon, embolus, emboly, hemiballismus, holometabolism, hyperbola, hyperbole, hyperbolic, hyperboloid, metabolic, metabolism, metabolite, metabolize, palaver, parable, parabola, parabolic, paraboloid, parle, parley, parol, parole, problem, problematic, symbol, symbolic, symbolism, symbolist, symbolize, symbology, taurobolium, thromboembolism
báptein bapt- dip βάπτειν (báptein), βάμμα (bámma) abaptiston, Anabaptist, baptism, baptize
barús bar-[45] weight, pressure βαρύς (barús), βάρος (báros) abarognosis, antibaryon, baresthesia, bariatric, baritone, barognosis, barogram, barograph, barometer, barometric, barophobia, barostat, barycentre, barycentric, baryogenesis, baryon, barysphere, baryton, barytone, hyperbaric, hypobaric, isobar, isobaric
bas bas- step βάσις
bathús bath- deep, depth βαθύς (bathús), βάθος (báthos) batholith, bathophobia, bathos, bathymetry, bathyscaphe, bathysphere, isobathic
b bet- B, b beta alphabet, alphabetic, analphabetic, panalphabetic, polyalphabetic
bíblos bibl-[46] book βίβλος (bíblos), βιβλίον (biblíon) book bible, biblioclasm, biblioclast, bibliogony, bibliographic, bibliography, biblioklept, bibliomancy, bibliomania, bibliophile, bibliophilia, bibliophobe, bibliophobia, bibliotaph
bioûn bio-, bi-[47] life βιοῦν (bioûn), βίος (bíos) life, βιωτός (biōtós), βιωτικός (biōtikós), βίωσις (bíōsis) abiogenesis, abiotic, aerobiology, anhydrobiosis, anoxybiosis, antibiotic, astrobiology, autobiography, biocentrism, biochron, biocoenosis, biogenesis, biographic, biography, biologism, biologist, biology, biome, biometric, biomorph, biomorphism, biophilia, biophysicist, biophysics, biopoiesis, biopolymer, biopsy, biorhythm, biosemiotic, biosphere, biostasis, biosynthesis, biota, biotic, biotin, biotope, biotype, biozone, chemobiosis, cryobiosis, cryptobiosis, ectosymbiosis, endosymbiont, endosymbiosis, enterobiasis, exobiology, macrobiotic, microbiology, osmobiosis, probiotic, symbiogenesis, symbiology, symbiont, symbiosis, symbiotic
blastánein blast-[48] germ, embryo, bud, cell with nucleus βλαστάνειν (blastánein), to sprout, bud, βλαστός (blastós), βλάστημα (blástēma) blastema, blastochyle, blastocoel, blastocoele, blastocyst, blastoderm, blastoma, blastula, cytotrophoblast, diploblasty, ectoblast, endoblast, entoblast, fibroblast, osteoblast, sideroblast
blénnos blenn- slime βλέννος (blénnos) blennadenitis, blennophobia, blennosperma, blennorrhagia
boll bol- throw
bôlos bol-[49] clod, lump βῶλος (bôlos) bole, bolus, embolism
bomb bomb-[50] boom βομβεῖν, βόμβος, βόμβησις bomb, bound
botánē botan- plant βοτάνη, βότανον (botánē, bótanon), βοτανικός botanic, botanist, botanology, botany
brakhíōn brachi-, brachio-, brachion-, brachioni- arm βραχίων (brakhíōn) brachialgia, brachionerysipelas, brachionigraph, brachiorrhachidian, brachiosaurus
brakhús brachy-[51] short βραχύς (brakhús) amphibrach, brachistochrone, brachycephaly, brachydactyly, brachyury, dibrach, tribrach
bradús brady-, bradys-[52] slow βραδύς (bradús), βράδος (brádos) bradycardia, bradysuria, bradytelic
bránkhion branchi- gill βράγχιον (bránkhion) branchiopneustic, branchiopod, nudibranch
brôma bromat-, bromato-, broma-, bromo- food βρῶμα (brôma) bromatium, bromateccrisis, bromatherapy, bromatology, bromography
brómos brom-[53] oats βρόμος, βρόμη (brómos, brómē) oats brome, Bromus, Bromus ramosus
brômos brom- stench βρῶμος (brômos) stench, clangor bromate, bromide, bromine, bromoderma, organobromine
brónkhos bronch-[54] windpipe βρόγχος (brónkhos), βρόγχια (brónkhia) bronchia, bronchiole, bronchion, bronchitis, bronchomalacia, bronchopneumonia, bronchus, tracheobronchomalacia
brontḗ bront-[55] thunder βροντή (brontḗ) brontology, brontophobia, Brontosaurus
brotós brot-[56] mortal βροτός (brotós) ambrosia, ambrotype
boúturon butyr-[57] butter βούτυρον (boúturon) butyric
bussós byss-[58] bottom βυσσός, βυσσοῦ (bussós, bussoû) abyss, abyssopelagic, hypabyssal
bússos byss-[59] flax βύσσος (bússos) byssus


kakós cac-, kak-[60] bad κακός (kakós), κάκιστος (kákistos) cachexia, cacistocracy, cacodemon, cacoepy, cacography, cacophobia, cacophobe, cacophobic, cacophonous, cacophony, cacorrhacitis, kakistocracy, kakistocrat
kalós cal-, call- beautiful καλός (kalós) beautiful; κάλλος (kállos) beauty, κάλλιστος (kállistos) calisthenics, calligraphy, Callista, Callisto, calophyllous, kaleidoscope
kalúptein calyp-[61] cover καλύπτειν (kalúptein), καλυπτός (kaluptós), κάλυξ, κάλυκος (kálux, kálukos) apocalypse, apocalyptic, apocalypticism, calyce, calyptra, Calyptrogyne, calyx, epicalyx, eucalypt, eucalyptus
kapnós capn-[62] smoke καπνός (kapnós), καπνόομαι capnogram, capnograph, capnography, capnolagnia, capnomancy, capnometer, capnometry, capnomor, capnophile, hypercapnia, hypocapnia
kardiá cardi-[63] heart καρδιά (kardiá) cardiac, cardialgia, cardiograph, cardioid, cardiologist, cardiology, cardiomegaly, cardiomyopathy, cardioplegia, cardioplegic, cardiospasm, electrocardiogram, electrocardiography, endocardium, epicardium, hemicardia, myocardium, neurocardiology, pericardium
karpós carp-[64] fruit καρπός (karpós) acarpous, acrocarpous, amphicarpous, angiocarpous, anisocarpic, Carpo, carpogonium, carpology, carpophagous, carpophore, carpospore, cystocarp, dipterocarp, endocarp, epicarp, exocarp, Karpos, mericarp, mesocarp, monocarpic, pericarp, polycarpic, procarp, pseudocarp
karpós carp-[65] wrist καρπός (karpós) carpal, carpal tunnel syndrome, carpus, metacarpus
katá cata-, cat- down, against, back κατά (katá) down, against, back catabolic, catacomb, catalyst, catarrhine, catastrophe, catatonia, cathode, cation
katharós cathar-[66] pure καθαρός (katharós) catharsis, cathartic
kaíein caust-, caut- burn καίειν (kaíein), καυστός, καυτός (kaustós, kautós), καυστικός (kaustikós), καῦσις (kaûsis), καῦμα (kaûma) calm, catacaustic, causalgia, causalgic, caustic, cauter, cauterize, cautery, diacaustic, encaustic, holocaust, hypocaust
kainós cen-, caen-[67] new καινός (kainós) caenogastropod, caenogenesis, Cenozoic
kenós cen- empty κενός (kenós) cenotaph, kenosis
koinós cen-, coen-[68] common κοινός (koinós) cenobite, coenesthesia, coenocyte, epicene, epicœne, koinonos, koinophilia
kéntron centr- center κεντεῖν, κέντησις, κέντρον (kéntron) needle, spur, κεντρικός, κεντρισμός acentric, acrocentric, amniocentesis, anthropocentric, anthropocentrism, barycenter, biocentric, biocentrism, centaur, centauromachy, centesis, centre, centric, centrism, centrist, centroid, centromere, centromeric, centrosphere, centrosymmetric, centrosymmetry, centrum, eccentric, eccentrism, eccentrist, ecocentric, ecocentrism, ecocentrist, egocentric, egocentrism, enterocentesis, epicentre, holocentric, metacentric, monocentric, neocentromere, orthocenter, orthocentric, paracentesis, pericardiocentesis, technocentric, technocentrism, telocentric, thoracentesis, thoracocentesis
kephalḗ cephal- head κεφαλή (kephalḗ) acephalic, acephaly, anencephaly, autocephaly, brachiocephalic, brachycephalic, cephalic, cephalomancy, cephalometry, cephalon, cephalopagus, cephalopod, diencephalon, dolichocephalic, encephalitis, encephalogram, encephalopathy, holoprosencephaly, hydrocephalus, macrocephaly, mesaticephalic, mesencephalic, mesocephalic, metencephalon, microcephaly, myelencephalon, neencephalon, paleencephalon, prosencephalon, rhombencephalon, rhombencephalosynapsis, syncephalus, telencephalon
kéramos ceram- clay κέραμος (kéramos) ceramic
kéras cerat- horn κέρας (kéras), κέρατος (kératos) keratin, triceratops
khaítē chaet-[69] hair, bristle, or seta χαίτη (khaítē) long hair chaetophobia, chaetophorous, Chaetomium, Chaetomorpha, Oligochaeta, Polychaeta, polychaete, spirochaete, spirochete
kheír chir-[70] of the hand or hands χείρ (kheír) hand chiral, chiropractic, chiroptera, chirurgy, enchiridion, Haplocheirus
khelṓnē chelon- relating to a turtle χελώνη (khelṓnē) tortoise Archelon, chelonia
khlōrós chlor-[71] green χλωρός (khlōrós) chloranthy, chlorine, chlorophobia, chlorophyll, chloroplast, pyrochlore
khóndros chondr- cartilage χόνδρος (khóndros) hypochondriasis, osteochondritis
khoreía chore- relating to dance χορεία (khoreía) dancing in unison from χορός (khorós) chorus chorea, choree, choreia, choreography, chorus, hemichorea
khrêsthai chres- use χράω, χρῆσθαι (khrêsthai), χρηστός (khrēstós), χρήστης, χρῆσις (khrêsis), χρήσιμος chresard, chresonym, chrestomathic, chrestomathy, heterochresonym, heterochresonymy, orthochresonym, orthochresonymy
khrôma chro-, chrom- color χρῶμα (khrôma) achromat, achromatic, achromatism, achromatopsia, achromatopsic, amphichroic, apochromat, auxochrome, chroma, chromatic, chromatid, chromatophore, chrome, chromium, chromogen, chromolithography, chromophobia, chromophore, chromosome, dichroic, dichroism, dichromatic, heliochrome, heterochromatic, heterochromatin, microchromosome, monochromatic, monochrome, photochromism, pleochroism, polychromatic, polychrome, trichroism, trichromatic, trichromic
khrónos chron-[73] time χρόνος (khrónos) anachronism, asynchronous, biochronology, chronaxie, chronic, chronicle, chronogram, chronograph, chronology, chronometer, chronometry, chronophobia, chronophotography, chronostasis, geochronology, heterochrony, hydrochronometer, isochron, protochronism, synchronic, synchronism, synchronize, synchronous, tautochrone
khrusós chrys-[74] gold χρυσός (khrusós), χρύσεος golden chrysalis, chryselephantine, chrysolite, chrysophobia, chrysoprase
kirrhós cirr-[75] orange κιρρός (kirrhós) cirrhosis
kládos clad-[76] branch κλάδος (kládos) clade, cladistics, cladogenesis, cladogram, heterocladic
klastós clast- broken κλᾶν, κλαστός (klastós), κλάσις, κλάσμα anorthoclase, antanaclasis, clastic, iconoclast, orthoclase, osteoclast, plagioclase, pyroclastic, synclastic
kleís clav- key κλείς (kleís) key from κλείειν, (kleíein) to close clavichord, clavicle, conclave
kleistós cleist- closed κλείειν, κλειστός (kleistós), κλεῖσμα cleistogamy, cleistothecium, enterocleisis, kleisma
kleîthron cleithr- bar, key κλεῖθρον (kleîthron) Clathrus, cleithrophobia, cleithrum
ekklēsíā cle-[77] call ἐκκλησίᾱ, κλῆσις, κλητός (ekklēsíā, klêsis, klētós) ecclesia, Ecclesiastes, ecclesiastic, ecclesiology, ecclesiophobia, epiclesis, paraclete
klínē clin- bed κλίνη (klínē) clinic
kókhlos cochl-[78] snail, spiral shell κόχλος (kókhlos) cochlea
koîlos coel- hollow κοῖλος (koîlos) blastocoel, coelom, coelomate, coelomic, enterocoely, pseudocoelomate, sarcocele, schizocoelomate, schizocoely, spongocoel
kônos con-[80] cone κῶνος (kônos), κωνικός (kōnikós) conic, conical, conicoid, conodont, conoid, conoscope, orthocone, orthoconic, polyconic
kópros copr-[81] dung κόπρος (kópros) copremia, coprographia, coprolagnia, coprolalia, coprolite, coprolith, coprology, coprophagia, coprophagy, coprophilia, copropraxia, encopresis, encopretic
kórax corac-[82] raven κόραξ, κόρακος (kórax, kórakos) coracoid
kósmos cosm-[83] universe κόσμος (kósmos) cosmic, cosmogeny, cosmogony, cosmology, cosmonaut, cosmopolitan, cosmopolite, cosmos, microcosm
kosmeîn cosmet- the art of dress and ornament κοσμεῖν (kosmeîn), κοσμητική (kosmētikḗ) from κόσμος (kósmos) cosmesis, cosmetics, cosmetologist, cosmetology
kotúlē cotyl-[84] cup κοτύλη (kotúlē) cotyledon, dicotyledon, dicotyledonous, eudicotyledon, monocotyledon, monocotyledonous, tricotyledonous
krátos -cracy, -crat government, rule, authority κράτος (krátos), κρατία (kratía) acrasia, akrasia, akratic, anocracy, aristocracy, autocracy, autocrat, autocratic, bureaucracy, democracy, democratic, pancratium, plutocracy, technocracy, technocrat, theocracy
kraníon crani-[85] skull κρανίον (kraníon) craniologist, craniometry, craniosynostosis, cranium, hemicrania, megrim, migraine
krēpís crepid-[86] boot, shoe κρηπίς, κρηπίδος (krēpís, krēpídos), κρηπίδιον, κρηπίδωμα crepidoma
kríkos cric-[87] ring κρίκος (kríkos), κρικοειδής (krikoeidḗs) cricoid, cricoidectomy, Cricosaurus, cricothyroid, cricothyrotomy, cricotomy
krínein crit-, crisi-[88] judge, separate κρίνειν (krínein), κρίσις (krísis), κρίμα (kríma) apocrine, crisis, criterion, critic, critical, criticaster, criticise, criticism, critique, diacritic, eccrine, eccrinology, eccrisis, eccritic, endocrine, endocrinology, exocrine, heterocrine, holocrine, hypercriticism, hypocrisy, hypocrite, kritarchy, Kritosaurus, merocrine, syncrisis
krossós cross-[89] fringe, tassel κροσσός (krossós) crossopterygii
krúptein crypt-[90] hide, hidden κρύπτειν (krúptein) to hide, κρυπτός (kruptós) apocrypha, apocryphal, archaeocryptography, crypt, cryptanalysis, crypteia, cryptic, cryptobiosis, cryptobiotic, cryptochrome, cryptogam, cryptogenic, cryptography, cryptology, cryptomonad, cryptophyte, cryptosystem, grot, grotesque, grotto
kteís cten-[91] comb κτείς, κτενός (kteís, ktenós) ctenidium, ctenoid, ctenophore
kúbos cub-[92] cube κύβος (kúbos) cubic, cuboctahedron, cuboid, hemicube, hypercube
kuanós cyan-[93] blue κυανός (kuanós) cyanic, cyanide, cyanogen, cyanophobia, cyanophore, cyanosis, cyanotic, isocyanic
kúklos cycl-[94] circle κύκλος (kúklos), κυκλικός (kuklikós) acyclic, anticyclone, anticyclonic, bicycle, cycle, cyclic, cyclide, cycloid, cyclone, cyclops, cyclosis, cyclotomic, dicyclic, eccyclema, epicycle, epicycloid, hemicycle, hemicyclium, heterocyclic, homocyclic, hypercycle, hypocycloid, isocyclic, mesocyclone, monocyclic, polycyclic, pseudocyclosis, tetracyclic, tricycle, tricyclic, unicycle
kulíndein cylind-[95] roll κυλίνδειν (kulíndein), κύλινδρος (kúlindros) cylinder, cylindric, cylindroid, cylindroma, pseudocylindric
kúōn cyn-[96] dog κύων, κυνός (kúōn, kunós) cynic, cynicism, cynodont, cynology, cynophagy, cynophilia, cynophobia, Cynosaurus, cynosure, eucynodont
kústis cyst-[97] capsule κύστις (kústis) cysteine, cystic, cysticercus, cystine, cystolith, cystoma, oocyst, polycystic
kútos cyt-[98] cell κύτος (kútos) astrocyte, cnidocyte, cytapheresis, cytaster, cytokine, cytokinesis, cytokinin, cytology, cytoplasm, cytostasis, cytostatic, exocytosis, gonocyte, hypercytosis, leukocyte, leukocytosis, monocyte, monocytopoiesis, pancytopenia, phagocytosis, polycythaemia, polycythemia, syncytium


da-, dida-[99] (ΔΑ) learn δάω autodidact, Didache, didact, didactic, didacticism
dákruma dacry-[100] tear δάκρυον, δακρύειν, δάκρυμα (dákruma) dacryoadenitis, Dacryphilia
dáktulos dactyl-[101] digit, finger, toe δάκτυλος (dáktulos) anisodactyly, antidactylus, arachnodactyly, artiodactyl, brachydactyly, clinodactyly, dactyl, dactylic, dactylology, dactylomancy, dactylomegaly, dactylus, dactyly, date, didactyly, ectrodactyly, heterodactylous, heterodactyly, leptodactylous, monodactyly, oligodactyly, pamprodactyly, pentadactyl, pentadactylous, pentadactyly, perissodactyl, polydactyly, pterodactyl, schizodactyly, syndactylous, syndactyly, tetradactylous, tetradactyly, tridactyly, zygodactyly
dámasis dam-[102] (ΔΑΜ) tame δάμασις (dámasis), ἀδάμας (adámas) untameable, invincible adamant, adamantine, adamantinoma, Damian
deîn de-[103] bind δεῖν (deîn), δετός, δέσις (detós, désis), δέμα (déma), δεσμός (desmós), δέσμα (désma) arthrodesis, asyndeton, desmid, desmitis, desmoid, desmoplasia, desmosome, diadem, plasmodesma, polysyndeton, syndesis, syndesmosis, syndetic, syndeton
délta delt-[105] D, d Δ, δ, δέλτα (délta) delta, deltoid, deltahedron
démein dem-, dom-[106] build δέμειν (démein), δῶμα, δῶματος, δομή, δόμος (dómos), δέμας (démas) apodeme, monodomy, opisthodomos, polydomy
dêmos dem-[107] people δῆμος (dêmos) Damocles, demagogue, deme, democracy, demographic, demography, demonym, demophobia, demotic, ecdemic, endemic, epidemic, epidemiology, pandemic
déndron dendr-[108] tree δένδρον (déndron); akin to δρύς (drús) tree dendric, dendrite, dendrochronology, dendrogram, dendromancy, Epidendrum, rhododendron
dérein der-[109] skin δέρειν (dérein), δέρμα, δέρματος (dérma, dérmatos) Dermaptera, dermatology, dermis, ectoderm, endoderm, epidermis, hypodermic, mesoderm, scleroderma, taxidermy, xeroderma
despot-[110] master δεσπότης, δεσπότου, δεσποτικός, δεσποτεία, δεσποτίσκος despot, despotic, despotism
deúteros deuter-[111] second δεύτερος (deúteros) deuteragonist, deuteranomaly, deuteranopia, deuteride, deuterium, deuterogamist, deuterogamy, Deuteromycota, deuteron, Deuteronomy, deuterostome
dexiós dexi-[112] right δεξιός (dexiós) Dexiarchia
di- di- two δι- (di-) diatomic, dicot, digamy, diode, dipole
diá dia-[113] apart, through διά (diá) deacon, diagram, dialysis, diameter
diakósioi diacosi-[114] two hundred διακόσιοι (diakósioi), διακοσιάκις two hundred times diacosigon, diacosipentecontaheptagon
didáskein dida- teach διδάσκειν (didáskein) autodidact, Didache, didact, didactic
deinós din-[115] terrible, fearfully great δεινός (deinós) dinosaur
diplóos dipl-[116] twofold διπλόος (diplóos), δίπλωσις (díplōsis), δίπλωμα (díplōma) diploblasty, diploid, diploidy, diploma, diplomacy, diplomat, diplomatic, diplomatics, diplonema, diplophase, diplopia, diplosis, diplotene, haplodiploid, haplodiploidy
didónai do-[117] (ΔΟ[118]) give διδόναι (didónai), δοτός, (dotós,), δόσις (dósis), δόμα, δόματος (dóma, dómatos) δῶρον, διδόμενον anecdote, antidoron, antidote, apodosis, dose
dṓdeka dodec-[119] twelve δώδεκα (dṓdeka) dodecagon, dodecahedron, Dodecanese, dodecaphony, dodecastyle, dodecasyllabic, hemidodecahedron
dokeîn dog-, dox- opinion, tenet δοκεῖν (dokeîn) to appear, seem, think, δόξα (dóxa) opinion, δόγμα (dógma) dogma, dogmatic, dogmatism, doxology, heterodox, orthodox, paradox
drân dra-[120] do δρᾶν (drân), δραστικός (drastikós), δρᾶσις (drâsis), δρᾶμα, δράματος (drâma, drámatos), δραματικός (dramatikós) dramatic, dramaturgy, drastic, melodramatic, monodrama
drássesthai drach-[121] grasp δράσσεσθαι (drássesthai), δράγμα (drágma), δραχμή (drakhmḗ) didrachm, drachm, drachma, dram, tetradrachm
drameîn dram-, drom- (ΔΡΑΜ) run δραμεῖν (drameîn), δρόμος (drómos) aerodrome, anadromous, antidromic, catadromous, diadromous, dromaeosaurid, heterodromous, hippodrome, loxodrome, monodromy, palindrome, syndrome
drósos dros-[122] dew δρόσος, δρόσου (drósos, drósou) drosometer, Drosophila
drûs dry-[123] tree δρῦς, δρυός (drûs, druós), Δρυάς dryad, dryadic, hamadryad
dúo dy-[124] two δύο (dúo), δυάς, δυάδος (duás, duádos) dyad, dyadic
dúnasthai dyna-[125] power δύνασθαι (dúnasthai), δυνατός, δύναμις (dúnamis), δυνάστης (dunástēs) aerodynamic, aerodynamics, antidynastic, autodyne, didynamous, dynamic, dynamism, dynamite, dynamo, dynast, dynastic, dynasty, heterodyne, metadynamics
dus- dys- badly, ill δυσ- (dus-) dysentery, dysphagia, dysphasia, dysplasia, dystrophy


ek ec-[126] out ἐκ (ek) eccentric, ecstasy, ecstatic
ekklēsía ecclesi- assembly, congregation ἐκκλησία (ekklēsía) from ἐκκαλέω (ekkaléō) I summon or I call out Ecclesiastes, ecclesiastical
ēkheîn ech- sound ἠχή, ἠχώ, ἠχοῦς, ἠχεῖν (ēkheîn), ἤχημα anechoic, catechesis, catechism, catechist, catechize, catechumen, echo, echoic
oîkos eco- house οἶκος (oîkos) ecology, economics, economy, ecumenism
ektós ecto-[127] outside ἐκτός (ektós) ectoderm, ectoparasite, ectotherm
aíx eg-[128] goat αἴξ, αἰγός (aíx, aigós) egophony
aigyptos egypt- Egypt, egyptian αἰγυπτος (aigyptos) egyptology
eirḗnē eiren- (iren-)[130] peace εἰρήνη (eirḗnē) peace irenic (eirenic), irenology
ḗlektron electr-[131] amber ἤλεκτρον (ḗlektron) electric, electricity, electrolysis, electrolyte, electromagnetic, electron, electronic, polyelectrolyte
éleos elem-, alm-[132] pity ἔλεος, ἐλέου (éleos, eléou), ἐλεημοσύνη (eleēmosúnē) almoner, alms, eleemosynary
emeîn eme-[133] vomit ἐμεῖν (emeîn), ἔμετος (émetos) antiemetic, emesis, emetic, emetine, emetophobia, haematemesis
en en-, el-, em-[134] in ἐν (en) emphasis, enclitic, enthusiasm, ellipsis, elliptic
enantíos enanti-[135] opposite ἐναντίος (enantíos) enantiomer, enantiomerism, enantiomorph, enantiornithine
enképhalos encephal- brain ἐγκέφαλος (enképhalos) encephalopathy
éndon endo-[136] inside, within ἔνδον (éndon) endocardial, endocerid, endocrine, endocytosis, endogamy, endogenous, endoscopy, endoskeleton, endosperm, endospore
engús engy-[137] narrow ἐγγύς (engús) Engystomops, hypengyophobia
ennéa ennea-[138] nine ἐννέα (ennéa), ἐννεάς, ἐννεάδος (enneás, enneádos) ennead, enneadic, enneagon, enneagram, enneahedron, enneamer, enneastyle, enneasyllabic, enneode
Ēṓs eo-, eos-[139] dawn, east Ἠώς, Ἕως (Ēṓs, Héōs) Eocene, eohippus, Eosentomon, eosin, eosinophil, eosinophilic, Eozoic
epí ep-, epi-[140] upon ἐπί (epí) ephedra, ephemeral, ephemeris, epicenter, epidemic, epilog, epiphany, episteme, epistemic, epistemology, epitaph, epitaphios, epithet, epitome, epoch, eponymous
eréssein ere-[141] row ἐρέσσειν (eréssein), ἐρέτης (erétēs) rower, ἐρετμόν (eretmón), εἰρεσία trireme, trierarch, hyperetes
wérgon erg-, org-, urg-[142] work ϝέργον (wérgon), έργον (érgon), ἐργάτης (ergátēs), ὄργανον (órganon), ὀργανικός (organikós), ὄργια (órgia) allergic, allergy, argon, demiurge, dramaturgy, endoergic, energetic, energy, erg, ergate, ergatocracy, ergodic, ergometer, ergonomics, ergophobia, exoergic, gamergate, georgic, heterorganic, homorganic, liturgy, metallurgy, microorganism, organ, organic, organism, organist, organize, organogenesis, organoid, organoleptic, orgiastic, orgy, parergon, surgeon, synergism, synergy, theurgic, theurgist, theurgy, zymurgy
érōs erot-[143] (sexual) love ἔρως, ἔρωτος (érōs, érōtos) erogenous, erotic, erotomania, erotophilia, erotophobia
eruthrós erythr-[144] red ἐρυθρός (eruthrós), ἐρύθημα (erúthēma) erythema, Erythraean, erythraemia, erythroblastopenia, erythrocyte, erythrocytosis, erythromelalgia, erythrophobia, erythrophore, erythroprosopalgia
ésō eso-[145] within ἔσω (ésō) esophoria, esoteric, esotericism, esotropia
etheîn eth-[146] custom, habit ἐθεῖν (etheîn), ἦθος (êthos) ethic, ethics, ethology, ethos
ētheîn ethm-[147] sieve, sift ἠθεῖν (ētheîn), ἠθμός (ēthmós); ἤθειν (ḗthein) ethmoid
éthnos ethn-[148] people, race, tribe, nation ἔθνος (éthnos), ἐθνικός (ethnikós) ethnarch, ethnarchy, ethnic, ethnoarchaeology, ethnography, ethnomusicology, polyethnic
étumos etym-[149] TRUE ἔτυμος (étumos) etymologic, etymologicon, etymologist, etymologize, etymology, etymon
eu-[150] well, good εὖ (eû) aneuploidy, eudaemon (eudemon), eukaryote, euphony, euphoria, euphoric, euploid, euthanasia
eurús eur-[151] wide εὐρύς (eurús), εὖρος breadth, width aneurysm, Europe, eurypterid, microaneurysm
éxō exo-[152] outside ἔξω (éxō) exogamy, exoplanet, exoskeleton, exosome, exosphere, exoteric, exothermic, exotic, exoticism, exotropia


gála galact-[158] (ΓΛΑΚ)[159] milk γάλα, γάλακτος (gála, gálaktos) galactagogue, galactic, galactorrhea, lactose, polygala, polygalactia, galaxy
gámos gam-[160] marriage, wedding γάμος (gámos), γαμεῖν (gameîn), γαμέτης (gamétēs), γαμετή (gametḗ) agamic, agamogenesis, agamospermy, agamy, allogamy, anisogamete, anisogamy, apogamy, autogamy, cleistogamous, cleistogamy, cryptogam, deuterogamist, deuterogamy, digamous, digamy, endogamous, endogamy, exogamous, exogamy, gamete, gametic, gametocyte, gametogenesis, gametophyte, geitonogamy, heterogametic, heterogamous, heterogamy, homogametic, karyogamy, misogamy, monogamous, monogamy, oogamy, planogamete, plasmogamy, polygamist, polygamy
gámma gamm-[161] G, g Γ, γ, γάμμα (gámma) gamma
gargalízein gargal- tickle γαργαλίζειν (gargalízein), γαργαλιζόμενον (gargalizómenon), γαργαλισμός (gargalismós) gargalesis, gargalesthesia, hypergargalesthesia
gargarízein gargar- gargle γαργαρίζειν (gargarízein), γαργαρισμός (gargarismós), γαργαρεών gargarize
gastḗr gastr-[163] stomach γαστήρ, γαστρός (gastḗr, gastrós) epigastric, epigastrium, gasteroid, gastric, gastrin, gastritis, gastroenterologist, gastroenterology, gastrolith, gastronomic, gastronomy, gastroparesis, gastropod, gastroptosis, gastroschisis, gastrotrich, mesogastric, Myxogastria
ge-, geo-[164] earth γῆ (gê), γαῖα, γαίας (gaîa, gaías), γεω- (geō-) apogee, biogeography, epigeous, Gaia, geocentric, geocentrism, geode, geodesy, geodetic, geography, geoid, geology, geomancy, geometry, geomorphology, geophysicist, geophysics, georgic, Georgics, geosphere, geostatic, geostrophic, geosynchronous, geosyncline, hypogeous, hypogeum, Pangea, perigee
geítōn geiton-[165] neighbor γείτων, γείτονος (geítōn, geítonos), γειτόνημα geitonogamy
gígnesthai gen-, gon-[166] (ΓΕΝ)[167] birth, beget, race, kind γίγνεσθαι (gígnesthai), and related γένος (génos), γενετικός (genetikós), γένεσις (génesis); see also γενεά (geneá) allergen, anagenesis, antigen, autogenesis, autogenous, biogenesis, dysgenic, endogen, endogenous, epigene, epigenesis, epigenetics, epigone, erogenous, Eugene, eugenic, eugenics, exogenous, gametogenesis, gene, genealogy, genesis, genetic, genocide, genotype, genophobia, gonad, heterogeneous, homogenesis, homogenetic, homogeneous, hydrogen, hypogene, hypogenesis, hypogenic, hypogenous, monogenic, oogenesis, paragenesis, pathogen, polygenous, progenesis, pseudogene, spermatogenesis
géphura gephyr-[169] bridge γέφυρα (géphura), γεφυρόω gephyrophobia
gérōn ger-[170] old γέρων, γέροντος (gérōn, gérontos) old man, γηράσκω grow old erigeron, gerascophobia, geriatric, geriatrics, gerontocracy, gerontology, gerontophile, gerontophilia, gerontophobia, gerontoplast, gerousia, progeria, progeroid
géranos geran-[172] crane γέρανος (géranos), γεράνιον (geránion), γερανώδης Geranium
geúein geu-[173] (ΓΕΥΣ)[174] taste γεύειν (geúein), γεύεσθαι (geúesthai), γεῦσις, γευόμενον ageusia, dysgeusia, hypergeusia, hypogeusia, parageusia
glaukós glauc-[175] gray γλαυκός (glaukós), γλαυκότης, γλαύξ, γλαῦκος glaucophane, Glaucopsyche, glaucophobia
glía glia-[176] glue γλία (glía) glial, glioblastoma, glioma, gliosis, microglia, neuroglia
glôssa gloss-, glot-[177] tongue γλῶσσα (glôssa), γλωττίς (glōttís) aglossia, anthropoglot, aryepiglottic, diglossia, epiglottis, gloss, glossary, glossophobia, glottis, heterogloss, heteroglossia, idioglossia, isogloss, monoglot, monoglottism, polyglot, polyglottism
gloutós glut-[178] rump γλουτός (gloutós) gluteus
glukús glyc-[179] sweet γλυκύς (glukús) glycogen, glycogenesis, glycogenolysis, glycolipid, glycophyte, glycoprotein, glycoside, glycosidic, hypoglycaemia
glúphein glyph-[180] carve γλύφειν (glúphein), γλυφή (gluphḗ), γλυπτός (gluptós), γλυπτικός (gluptikós) aglyphous, anaglyph, ditriglyph, ditriglyphic, glyph, glyptic, Glyptodon, glyptograph, hieroglyph, hieroglyphic, monotriglyph, opisthoglyphous, petroglyph, proteroglyphous, solenoglyphous
gnáthos gnath-[181] jaw γνάθος (gnáthos), γναθμός Agnatha, agnathous, chilognath, compsognathus, endognathion, epignathous, exognathion, gnathic, gnathophyma, hypognathous, hystricognath, mesognathion, mesognathous, prognathism
gignṓskein gno-[182] (ΓΝΩ)[183] know γιγνώσκειν (gignṓskein), γνῶναι, γνωτός (gnônai, gnōtós), γνωστός (gnōstós), γνωστικός (gnōstikós), γνῶσις (gnôsis), γνῶσμα, γνώμη (gnôsma, gnṓmē), γνώμων (gnṓmōn) agnosia, agnostic, agnosticism, anagnorisis, diagnosis, dysanagnosia, gnomic, gnomon, gnomonic, gnosia, gnosis, Gnostic, gnosticism, pathognomonic, physiognomy, prognosis, telegnosis
gōnía gon-[184] corner, angle, knee γωνία (gōnía), γόνυ (gónu) goniometer, gonion, gonioscope, gonitis, gonyaulax, gonycampsis, hexagon, pentagon, polygon, trigon, trigonometry
gráphein gramm- letter, writing γράφειν (gráphein), γράμμα, γράμματος (grámma, grámmatos), γραμματικός (grammatikós) anagram, anagrammatic, diagram, diagrammatic, engram, epigram, epigrammatic, grammar, grammatic, grammaticist, hologram, lipogram, monogram, pangrammatic, pentagram, program, programmatic, telegram, telegramme, tetragram, tetragrammaton, trigram
gráphein graph-[186] draw, write γράφειν (gráphein), γραφικός (graphikós), γραφή (graphḗ), γραφία (graphía), γραφεῖον (grapheîon) allograft, anepigraphic, autograft, autograph, digraph, epigraphic, epigraphy, graft, graph, grapheme, graphemics, graphene, graphic, graphite, graphology, graphomania, graphospasm, heterograph, hexagraph, holography, homograph, isograft, logographic, micrograph, monograph, orthography, paragraph, photograph, photographic, photomicrograph, polygraph, pseudepigraphy, syngraft, telegraph, telegraphy, tetragraph, trigraph
grupós gryp-[187] hooked γρυπός (grupós), γρυπότης, γρύπωσις (grupótēs, grúpōsis) arthrogryposis, Grypoceras, Gryposaurus
gumnós gymn-[188] nude γυμνός (gumnós) gymnasium, gymnast, gymnastics, gymnophobia, gymnoplast, gymnosophist, gymnosperm, gymnospore
gunḗ gyn-, gynaec-[189] woman γυνή, γυναικός, (gunḗ, gunaikós) acrogynous, androgyne, androgynous, androgyny, epigyne, epigynous, epigynum, gymnogynous, gynaeceum, gynaecocracy, gynarchy, gyne, gynecocracy, gynecology, gynecomastia, gynodioecious, gynoecium, gynoid, gynophobia, heterogynous, hypogynous, misogynist, monogyny, oligogyny, philogyny, polygynist, polygyny
gûros gyr-[190] ring γῦρος (gûros), γυρός (gurós) agyria, autogyro, gyre, gyrectomy, gyrencephalic, gyrodyne, gyroid, gyromagnetic, gyromancy, gyroscope, gyrosphere, gyrostat, gyrostatic gyrotropic, gyrus, microgyrus, micropolygyria, pachygyria, polygyria, polymicrogyria, ulegyria
gurós gyrin- tadpole γυρός, γυρῖνος (gurós, gurînos), γυρινώδης (gurinṓdēs) Gyrinophilus


hadrós thick hadr-[1] ἁδρός (hadrós) Hadrocodium, Hadromys, hadron, Hadropithecus, hadrosaur, hadrosaurid
haîma blood haem-, hem-[2] αἷμα, αἵματος (haîma, haímatos) anaemia, anemia, haematemesis, haematopoiesis, haematuria, haemochromatosis, haemophilia, haemophobia, haemoptysis, haemorrhage, haemorrhoid, haemosiderosis, haemostatic, hematocrit, hematogenesis, hematoma, hematophagous, hematophagy, hematopoiesis, hematopoietic, hematuria, hemocoel, hemocyte, hemoglobin, hemoglobinuria, hemophagy, hemophilia, hemophiliac, hemoptysis, hemorrhage, hemorrhagic, hemorrhea, hemorrhoid, hemorrhoidectomy, hemosiderin, hemosiderosis, hemostat, hemotherapy, hyperaemia, hyperemia, hyphaema, hyphema, methemoglobin, methemoglobinemia, microhematuria, microhemorrhage, polycythaemia
haireîn choose, take haere-[3] αἱρεῖν (haireîn), αἱρεῖσθαι (haireîsthai), αἱρετός (hairetós), αἱρετικός (hairetikós), αἵρεσις (haíresis) aphaeresis, diaeresis, heresiarch, heresy, heretic, plasmapheresis, synaeresis, syneresis
háls salt hal-[4] ἅλς, ἁλός (háls, halós), halide, halieutic, halite, halochromic, halochromism, halogen, halomancy, halophile, halophyte, oxohalide, thermohaline
haploûs simple, single hapl-[5] ἁπλοῦς (haploûs), ἅπλωσις (háplōsis), ἅπλωμα (háplōma) haplochromine, haplodiploid, haplodiploidy, haplography, haploid, haplology, haplont, haplontic, haplophase, haplopia, haplosis, haplotype
hḗbē youth heb- [6] ἥβη (hḗbē), ἡβητικός (hēbētikós), ἔφηβος (éphēbos), ἡβᾶν (hēbân), ἡβάσκω, ἡβητής (hēbētḗs) ephebeum, ephebia, ephebiatrics, ephebic, ephebiphobia, ephebophilia, ephebos, hebephilia, hebephobia, hebephrenia, hebetic, hebiatrics, hebophile, hebophilia
hédos sit hed-[7] (ΕΔ) ἕδος, ἕδεος (hédos, hédeos), ἕδρα (hédra), ἕζεσθαι (hézesthai) cathedra, chair, dodecahedron, dodecahemidodecahedron, endohedric, ephedra, exedra, hemipolyhedron, hexahedron, octahedron, pentahedroid, pentahedron, polyhedron, pyritohedron, rhombohedron, sanhedrin, synedrion, tetrahedroid, trapezohedron, trisoctahedron
hēdómenon pleasant, sweet hed-[8] ἥδεσθαι, ἡδόμενον, ἡδύς (hēdómenon, hēdús), ἡδύτης, σϝηδύς, ἡδονή (hēdonḗ) anhedonia, anhedonic, hedonics, hedonism, hedonist, hedonistic, hedonology, hyphedonia
hēgeîsthai lead heg-[9] ἄγω, ἡγεῖσθαι (hēgeîsthai), ἡγούμενος (hēgoúmenos), ἡγεμών (hēgemṓn), ἡγεμονία, ἡγεμονικός diegesis, diegetic, eisegesis, exegesis, exegete, exegetic, hegemon, hegemonic, hegemony, hegumen, hypodiegetic, metadiegetic, protohegumen
hḗlios sun heli-[10] ἥλιος (hḗlios) aphelion, heliocentric, heliocentrism, heliodor, heliograph, heliolatry, heliomania, heliometer, heliopause, Heliophila, heliophobia, heliophyte, Helios, helioscope, heliosphere, heliostat, heliotherapy, heliotrope, heliotropic, heliotropism, helium, parhelion, perihelion
helíssein something twisted or spiral helic-[11] ϝελίσσω, ἑλίσσειν (helíssein), ἕλιξ, ἕλικος (hélix, hélikos), ἕλιξις, ἕλιγμα (hélixis, héligma), (helikoeidḗs) anthelix, antihelix, helicine, helicograph, helicoid, helicopter, helicospore, helix
Hellás Greece, Hellas Hell-[12] Ἑλλάς, ἑλλάδος (Hellás, helládos) Helladic, Hellenic, Hellenism, Hellenistic
hélmins worm helminth-[13] ἕλμινς, ἕλμινθος (hélmins, hélminthos) anthelmintic, antihelminthic, helminth, helminthic, helminthoid
enslaved helot-[14] Εἵλως, Εἵλωτος, Εἱλώτης Helot, helotism, helotry
hēméra day hemer-[15] ἡμέρα (hēméra) Decameron, ephemeral, ephemeris, ephemeron, ephemerous, hemeralopia
hḗmeros tame hemer-[16] ἥμερος (hḗmeros), ἡμερότης (hēmerótēs) hemeroby, hemerochora, hemerophile
hḗmisus half hemi- ἥμισυς (hḗmisus) anhemitonic, hemiballismus, hemicryptophyte, hemicube, hemicycle, hemidesmosome, hemimelia, hemimetabolic, hemimetabolism, hemimetaboly, hemiparesis, hemiplegia, hemipolyhedron, hemisphere, hemitonic
hén one hen- ἕν (hén), ἑνάς, ἑνάδος (henás, henádos), ἕνωσις (hénōsis) enosis, enotikon, henad, hendiadys, henotheism, hyphen
héndeka eleven hendec-[17] ἕνδεκα (héndeka) hendecagon, hendecagram, hendecagrammic, hendecane, hendecasyllabic, hendecasyllable hendecahedron
hêpar liver hepat-[18] ἧπαρ, ἥπατος (hêpar, hḗpatos), ἡπατικός (hēpatikós) heparin, hepatic, hepatitis, hepatocyte, hepatology, hepatomancy, hepatoscopy, hepatotoxic, hepatotoxin, hepatotropic
heptá seven hept-[19] ἑπτά (heptá) heptachord, heptagon, heptagram, heptagraph, heptahedron, heptamer, heptameric, heptameter, Heptateuch, heptathlete, heptathlon, heptatonic, heptode
haireîn choose, take heres-, heret-[3] αἱρεῖν (haireîn) to take, choose heresy, heretic, heretical
Hermês Hermes herm-[20] Ἑρμῆς (Hermês), ἑρμηνεύς (hermēneús), ἑρμηνεύω (hermēneúō), ἑρμηνευτικός (hermēneutikós), ἑρμήνευσις, ἑρμήνευμα herm, hermaphrodite, hermeneutic, hermeneutics, hermetic
hḗrōs hero hero-[21] ἥρως, ἥρωος (hḗrōs, hḗrōos), ἡρωίνη (hērōínē), ἡρωϊκός (hērōïkós), ἡρωϊσμός (hērōïsmós) antihero, hero, heroic, heroine, heroism
hérpein creep herp-[22] ἕρπειν (hérpein), ἕρπης, ἕρπητος (hérpēs, hérpētos) herpes, herpetology
héteros different, other heter-[23] ἕτερος (héteros) heterochromatin, heterodox, heterodoxy, heterogeneity, heterogeneous, heterophobia, heterosexuality, heterosexual, heterosis, heterotic
heurískein find heur-[24] εὑρίσκειν (heurískein), εὕρηκα (heúrēka), εὕρημα (heúrēma) eureka, heuristic, metaheuristic
héx six hex-[25] ἕξ (héx), ἑξάς, ἑξάδος (hexás, hexádos) hexachord, hexad, hexadic, hexagon, hexagram, hexahedron, hexamer, hexamerous, hexameter, hexapod, hexastyle, hexasyllabic, Hexateuch, hexatonic, hexode, tetrahemihexahedron
hidrṓs sweat hidrot-[26] ἱδρώς, ἱδρῶτος (hidrṓs, hidrōtos), ἱδροῦν (hidroûn), ἵδρωσις (hídrōsis) anhidrosis, dyshidrosis, dyshidrotic, hematidrosis, hidrocystoma, hidropoiesis, hidroschesis, hidrosis, hidrotic, hyperhidrosis, hypohidrosis
hierós holy, sacred hier-[27] ἱερός (hierós) hierarch, hierarchy, hieratic, hierocracy, hierodeacon, hieroglyph, hieroglyphic, hierogram, hierolatry, hieromonk, hierurgy
híppos horse hipp-[28] ἵππος (híppos) ephippium, hippeis, hippocampus, hippodrome, hippology, Hippolyte, hippomancy, hippophagy, hippophile, hippophobia, hippopotamus, parahippocampus
hodós way hod-[29] ὁδός (hodós) anode, cathode, diode, electrode, episode, ergodic, exodos, exodus, heptode, herpolhode, hodograph, hodology, hodometer, hodonym, hodophobia, hodoscope, hydathode, method, methodic, Methodism, Methodist, methodology, octode, parodos, pentode, period, periodic, synod, tetrode, triode
hólos whole hol-[30] ὅλος (hólos), ὁλικός (holikós) catholic, holiatry, holism, holistic, holography, holomorphic, holonomy
homós same hom-[31] ὁμός (homós) homiletic, homily, homogeneous, homograph, homologous, homology, homomorphism, homonym, homophobia, homophone, homosexual, homozygous
homalós even, flat homal-[32] ὁμαλός (homalós) even, from ὁμός (homós) same anomalous, anomaly
hómoios like, similar homoe-, home-[33] ὅμοιος (hómoios), ὁμοῖος, ὁμοιότης homeomorphism, homeopathy, homeostasis, homeothermy, homoeopathy, homoiotherm, homoiothermic
hóros boundary hor-[34] ὅρος (hóros), ὁρίζειν (horízein) aorist, aphorism, aphorismus, aphorize, diorite, horizon, horopter, horotelic
hṓra hour hor-[35] ὥρα (hṓra) horologist, horology, horometry, horoscope
hormân that which excites horm-[36] ὁρμᾶν, ὁρμεῖν (hormân, hormeîn), ὁρμή (hormḗ), ὅρμησις (hórmēsis), ὁρμῶν (hormôn) horme, hormephobia, hormesis, hormetic, hormic, hormone
húalos glass hyal-[37] ὕαλος (húalos) hyaline, hyaloid
húbris wantonness hybr-[38] ὕβρις (húbris), ὑβρίζω, ὕβριστος, ὑβριστικός (hubrízō, húbristos, hubristikós), ὑβρισμός, ὕβρισμα, ὑβριστής hubris, hubristic, hybris, hybristic
húdnon truffle hydn-[39] ὕδνον (húdnon) hydnoid, Hydnum
húdōr water hydr-[40] ὕδωρ, ὕδατος (húdōr, húdatos), ὕδρα (húdra) clepsydra, dehydrate, hydathode, hydatid, hydatidosis, hydra, hydrant, hydrate, hydraulic, hydraulics, hydrochloric, hydrodynamics, hydroelectric, hydrogen, hydrologist, hydrology, hydrolysis, hydromancy, hydrophile, hydrophilic, hydrophily, hydrophobia, hydrophobic, hydroponic, hydrosphere, hydrostat, hydrostatic, hydrothermic, hydrous, hydrozoa, polyhydric
hugiḗs healthy hygie-[41] ὑγιής (hugiḗs), ὑγίεια (hugíeia), ὑγιεινός (hugieinós), ὑγιάζειν Hygieia, hygiene, hygienic, hygienics, hygienist
hugrós wet hygr-[42] ὑγρός (hugrós) hygric, hygroma, hygrometer
humḗn skin or membrane hymen-[43] ὑμήν, ὑμένος (humḗn, huménos) hymen, hymenium, hymenomycete, hymenophore, hymenoplasty, Hymenoptera, hymenorrhaphy, hymenotomy
huoeidḗs U-shaped hyo- ὑοειδής (huoeidḗs) hyoid, hyostyly
hupó under , below hyp-, hypo-[44] ὑπό (hupó) hyphen, hypoallergenic, hypodermic, hypogene, hypothermia, hypotonic, hypoxemia, hypoxia
hupér above, over hyper-[45] ὑπέρ (hupér) hyper, hyperbaric, hyperbola, hyperbole, Hyperion, hyperlink, hyperoxia, hyperpyrexia, hyperthermia, hypertonic
huphaínein weave hyph-[46] ὑφαίνειν (huphaínein), ὕφασμα, ὑφή (huphḗ) web hypha, hyphomycete, hyphopodium
húpnos sleep hypn-[47] ὕπνος (húpnos) hypnagogia, hypnagogic, hypnolepsy, hypnophobia, hypnopompia, hypnopompic, hypnosis, hypnotherapy, hypnotic, hypnotist, hypnotize
húpsos height hyps- ὕψι, ὕψιστος, ὕψος (húpsos), ὑψοῦ, ὑψόθεν hypsography, hypsometer, hypsophobia
hûs hog hys-[48] ὗς (hûs), ὕαινα (húaina) hyena, hyenoid
hustéra womb hyster-[49] ὑστέρα (hustéra) hysteralgia, hysteratresia, hysterectomy, hysteria, hysteric, hysterosalpingography
hustereîn later hyster-[50] ὑστερεῖν (hustereîn), ὕστερος (hústeros), ὑστέρησις (hustérēsis), ὑστέρημα (hustérēma) hysteresis, hysteretic, hysteron proteron


iénai go i-[51] ἰέναι (iénai), ἴμμεναι, ἰόν, ἰών (ímmenai, ión, iṓn) anion, anionic, cation, cationic, ion, ionic, ionize, polyanion, polycation
iâsthai heal iatr-[52] ἰᾶσθαι (iâsthai), ἰατρός (iatrós), ἰατρικός (iatrikós), ἰατρεύειν (iatreúein), ἰατρεία (iatreía), ἴασις, ἴαμα iatrogenic, physiatry, podiatrist, podiatry, psychiatrist, psychiatry
ikhthús fish ichthy-[53] ἰχθύς, ἰχθύος (ikhthús, ikhthúos) ichthyology, Ichthyophaga, ichthyophobia, ichthyoplankton, ichthyosis
eíkosi twenty icos-[54] ϝεικοσι, εἴκοσι (eíkosi), εἰκοσάς, εἰκοσάκις twenty times hemi-icosahedron, icosagon, icosahedron
íkteros jaundice icter-[55] ἴκτερος (íkteros), ἰκτερικός (ikterikós), ἰκτεριάω icteric, icterogenic, icterohemorrhagic, icterohepatitis, icteroid, icterus
eîdein shape, form, picture id- (ϜΙΔ) εἶδειν (eîdein), εἶδος (eîdos) eidetic, eidolon, eidos, idol, idolater, idolatry, idyll, idyllic, idyllist, pareidolia
ideîn idea, thought ide-[56] ἰδεῖν (ideîn), ἰδέα (idéa) ideogram, ideologue, ideology
ídios own, peculiarity idi-[57] ϝίδιος, ἴδιος (ídios), private, personal, one's own idiolect, idiom, idiopathic, idiopathy, idiophone, idiosyncrasy, idiosyncratic, idiot, idiotic
ís sinew in-[58] ἴς, ἰνός (ís, inós), ἰνίον (iníon) inion, inotrope, inotropic
I, i iota- iota iotacism
wíswos equal, same is-, iso-[59] ϝίσϝος (wíswos), ἴσος (ísos) isogloss, isograph, isometric, isomorphic, isosceles, isotonic, isotropic
iskhíon hip joint ischi-[60] ἰσχίον (iskhíon), ἰσχιαδικός (iskhiadikós) ischiadic, ischium, sciatic, sciatica


karyon nucleus -kary- καρυον (karyon) Eukaryote, Prokaryote
kafé brown kastan- καφέ (kafé) Kastanophobia
khílioi thousand kilo- χίλιοι (khílioi) kilobyte, kilogram, kilometer, kiloliter
kineîn movement, motion kine-, cine- κινεῖν (kineîn), κίνησις (kínēsis), κίνημα (kínēma) akinesia, akinesis, akinete, akinetic, cinema, cinematic, diakinesis, dyskinesia, dyskinetic, hyperkinesia, hyperkinesis, hyperkinetic, hypokinesia, hypokinesis, hypokinetic, kinematics, kinescope, kinesiologist, kinesiology, kinesis, kinesthetic, kinetic, kineticism, kinetics, kinetochore, kinetophobia, photokinesis, telekinesis
kléptein steal klept- κλέπτειν (kléptein), κλέπτης (kléptēs) kleptocracy, kleptomania, kleptophobia, kleptoplasty
ktētikós possession, ownership ktet- κτητικός (ktētikós), κτήτωρ (ktḗtōr) ktetic, ktetor
kûdos glory kudo- κῦδος (kûdos) kudos


lambánein grasp, seize, take lab-, lep-[61] λαμβάνειν (lambánein), λῆψις (lêpsis), λῆμμα (lêmma) analemma, analemmatic, analeptic, catalepsy, cataleptic, dilemma, dilemmatic, epilepsy, epileptic, hypnolepsy, hysteroepilepsy, metalepsis, narcolepsy, nympholepsy, octosyllabic, procatalepsis, prolepsis, proleptic, proslepsis, syllabic, syllabism, syllable, syllabogram, syllepsis, trisyllabic, trisyllable
lagós hare lag- λαγός (lagós) lagomorph, Sylvilagus
lámpein shine, torch lamp-[62] λάμπειν (lámpein), λαμπάς (lampás) lamp, lamprid, Lampris
lékithos egg yolk lecith-[63] λέκιθος (lékithos) lecithin
légein say leg- [64] λέγειν (légein), λέγεσθαι (légesthai), λεκτός (lektós), λεκτικός (lektikós), λέξις (léxis), λεξικός (lexikós), λεξικόν (lexikón), λόγος (lógos), (logḗ), λεγόμενον (legómenon), λογεῖον alexia, alexithymia, apologetic, apologia, apology, dialect, dialectic, dialectologist, dialectology, dialog, dialogue, dyslexia, dyslexic, dyslogia, dyslogism, ethnolect, legomenon, lexeme, lexicography, lexicology, lexicon, lexigram, lexis, logic, logion, logos, prolegomenon
leîos smooth lei-[65] λεῖος (leîos) leiomyoma
lekánē dish, pot lekan-[66] λεκάνη (lekánē) lekane
lépein flake, peel, scale lep-[67] λέπειν (lépein), λεπίς, λεπίδος (lepís, lepídos) antilepton, lepidolite, Lepidoptera, Lepidorhombus, lepidote, lepidotrichia, leprosy
leptós small, fine, thin lepto-[68] λεπτός (leptós) leptocyte, leptogenesis, Leptomonas, lepton, leptophyllous
leukós white leuc-, leuk-[69] λευκός (leukós) aleukemia, aleukocytosis, leucism, leucocyte, leucopenia, leucoplast, leukemia, leukocytopenia, leukopenia, leucophore
lípos fat lip-[70] λίπος (lípos) lipolysis, lipophile, lipophilic, lipopolysaccharide, lipoprotein, synaloepha
litḗ prayer, supplication lit-[71] λιτή (litḗ), λιτανεία (litaneía) litany
líthos stone lith-[72] λίθος (líthos) aerolithology, endolith, endolithic, epilithic, lithagogue, lithic, lithography, lithology, lithophile, lithophone, lithophyte, lithosphere, lithotomy, megalith, Mesolithic, microlite, monolith, monolithic, Neolithic, Paleolithic, photolithography, phytolith
lógos word, reason, speech, thought log-, -logy λόγος (lógos), λογία (logía) analogy, anthology, apology, biology, dialogue doxology, ecology, epilogue, etymology, eulogy, geology, ideologue, logarithm, logic, logogram, logopaedics, logophile, logotherapy, meteorology, monologue, morphological, neologism, neurology, philology, prologue, psychology, tautology, terminology, theology, toxicology, trilogy, zoology
lúein dissolving ly-, lysi-, lyt-[73] λύειν (lúein), λυτός (lutós), λυτικός (lutikós), λύσις (lúsis) analyse, analysis, analytic, aparalytic, autolysis, catalyse, catalysis, catalyst, catalytic, cytolysis, dialysis, electrolysis, electrolyte, electrolytic, Hippolyte, hydrolysis, hydrolyte, hydrolytic, lysigeny, lysine, lysis, lysosome, lytic, meta-analysis, palsy, paralyse, paralysis, paralytic, plasmolysis, proteolysis
lýkos wolf lyc- λύκος (lýkos) Lycaon, lycanthropy, lycopersicon


makrós long macr-[74] Greek μακρός (makrós), μακρότης (makrótēs) length
mágnēs magnet-[75] Greek μάγνης, μάγνητος (mágnēs, mágnētos) bioelectromagnetism, biomagnetism, diamagnetic, diamagnetism, electromagnet, geomagnetic, magnesium, magnet, magnetic, magnetism, magnetite, magnetize, magnetobiology, magnetologist, magnetometer, magnetosome, manganese, paramagnetic, paramagnetism
maínesthai crazy man-, mant-[76] (ΜΑΝ)[77] Greek μαίνεσθαι (maínesthai), μανία (manía), μανικός (manikós), μάντις hypermania, hypomania, kleptomania, mania, maniac, manic, megalomania, monomania, pyromania, pyromaniac
mēkhanḗ machine or instrument mechan-[79] Greek μῆχος, μηχανή (mēkhanḗ), μηχανικός (mēkhanikós) machine, mechane, mechanics, mechanism, mechanize, mechanobiology, mechanophilia, mechanophobia
mégas great, large meg-, megal-[80] Greek μέγας, μεγάλου (mégas, megálou) acromegaly, Megacles, megacycle, megalomania, megalopolis, megaphone
meîon less mei-[81] Greek μεῖον (meîon), μείωσις (meíōsis) ameiosis, ameiotic, meiobenthos, meiosis, meiotic
mélas black, dark melan-[82] Greek μέλας, μέλανος (mélas, mélanos), μελανότης amelanism, aphaeomelanism, eumelanin, hypermelanic, melancholic, melancholy, Melanesia, melanin, melanism, melanoblastoma, melanocyte, melanoma, melanophobia, melanophore, melanosis, melatonin, neuromelanin, pheomelanin
mélissa bee meliss-[83] Greek μέλισσα (mélissa) melissophobia
mḗn month men- Greek μήν (mḗn) menopause, menorrhea
mēninx membrane mening-[84] Greek μήνιγξ, μῆνιγγος (mēninx, mēningos) leptomeninges, meninges, meningioma, meningitis, meninx
meíresthai part mer-[85] Greek μείρεσθαι (meíresthai), μέρος (méros) antimere, antimeria, biopolymer, decamer, decamerous, dimer, dimeric, dimerism, dimerous, enantiomer, enneamer, heptamer, heterodimer, heterotetramer, hexamer, homodimer, homotetramer, isomer, isomeric, isomerism, mereology, merisis, merism, meristem, meristematic, meristic, meromorphic, metamere, metamerism, Moirai, monomer, monomeric, octamer, oligomer, oligomeric, pentamer, pentamerous, photopolymer, phytomer, polymer, tautomerism, telomer, telomere, tetramer, tetrameric, trimer, trimerize
mésos middle mes-[86] Greek μέσος (mésos) Mesolithic, mesophile, mesophilic, mesoscopic, mesosphere, mesozoic
metá above, among, beyond met-, meta-[87] Greek μετά (metá) metabolism, metalogic, metamorphic, metamorphosis, metaphase, metaphor, metaphysics, metastatic, meteor, method
métallon mine metall- [88] Greek μέταλλον (métallon), μεταλλικός (metallikós) dimetallic, electrometallurgy, hydrometallurgy, metallic, metalloid, metallophobia, metallophone, metallurgist, metallurgy, organometallic, polymetal, polymetallic, pyrometallurgy, tetrametallic, trimetallic
métron measure meter-, metr- Greek μέτρον (métron) anemometer, anemometric, antisymmetric, antisymmetry, asymmetric, asymmetry, axonometric, barometer, barometric, bathometer, diameter, diametric, dysmetria, graphometer, hexameter, hygrometer, hygrometry, isodiametric, isometric, isoperimetric, meter, metre, metric, metrology, metronome, monosymmetric, parameter, parameterize, parametric, parametrize, pentameter, perimeter, polymeter, symmetric, symmetry, telemeter, telemetric, telemetry, tetrameter, thermometer, trimeter, trimetric
mḗtēr mother metr-[89] Greek μήτηρ, μητρός (mḗtēr, mētrós), μητρικός (mētrikós) haplometrosis, metrocyte, metropolis, pleometrosis
mikrós small micr-[90] Greek μικρός (mikrós), μικρότης microbe, microcosm, microeconomics, micrometer, microphone, microscope, microscopic
mimeîsthai repeat mim-[91] Greek μιμεῖσθαι (mimeîsthai), μιμητικός (mimētikós), μίμος (mímos) mime, mimeograph, mimesis, mimetic, mimic, necromimesis, pantomime, phenomime, psychomime, psychomimetic
míntha mint minth-[92] Greek μίνθα (míntha), μίνθη (mínthē), μινθάριον Acanthomintha, Mentha, menthol, mint, Minthostachys
miseîn hate mis-[93] Greek μισεῖν (miseîn), μῖσος (mîsos) misandrist, misandry, misanthrope, misanthropy, misocainea, misogamist, misogamy, misogynist, misogyny, misoneism, misopaedia, misophonia, misotheism
mítos thread mit-[95] Greek μίτος (mítos) mitochondrion, mitosis, mitospore
mnâ mn-[96] Greek μνᾶ (mnâ) mina, mna
mnâsthai memory mne-[97] Greek μνᾶσθαι (mnâsthai), μνήμη (mnḗmē) amnesia, amnesty, anamnesis, anamnestic, dysmnesia, Mneme, mneme, mnemonic
mónos alone, only mon-[98] Greek μόνος (mónos), μονάς, μονάδος (monás, monádos) monachism, monad, monadic, monarchy, monastery, monastic, monasticism, monatomic, monism, monist, monk, monoid, monolith, monometer, monopod, monopoly, monopsony, monotone
mōrós foolish, dull mor-[99] Greek μωρός (mōrós) moron, moronic, oxymoron, oxymoronic, sophomore, sophomoric
morphḗ form, shape morph-[100] Greek μορφή (morphḗ) allomorph, amorphous, anamorph, anamorphic, anamorphism, anamorphosis, anthropomorphism, apomorphy, autapomorphy, automorphism, catamorphism, dimorphic, dimorphism, dysmorphic, dysmorphophobia, ectomorph, ectomorphic, enantiomorph, enantiomorphic, endomorph, endomorphic, epimorphism, geomorphology, hemimorphic, holomorph, holomorphic, holomorphism, homeomorphic, homeomorphism, homomorphic, homomorphism, hylomorphism, hypermorphosis, isomorphic, isomorphism, mesomorph, mesomorphic, metamorphic, metamorphism, metamorphosis, monomorphic, monomorphism, morpheme, Morpheus, morphine, morphology, morphosyntactic, morphosyntax, paramorph, peramorphism, peramorphosis, perimorph, plesiomorphy, polymorphic, polymorphism, pseudomorph, synapomorphy, teleomorph, teleomorphic, theriomorphic, trimorphic, trimorphism, zoomorph, zoomorphism
mûs mouse my-[101] Greek μῦς, μυός (mûs, muós), μυών amyotrophic, electromyogram, electromyograph, electromyography, endomysium, epimysium, murine, musophobia, myoelectric, myomancy, myomorphous, myomorphy, myopathy, myositis, myotome, Nectomys, Oryzomys, perimysium, Sigmodontomys
múein shut (the eyes) my-[102] Greek μύειν (múein), μύσις (músis), μύστης (mústēs) miosis, myopia, myopic, myosis, mystery
múkēs fungus mycet-[103] Greek μύκης, μύκητος (múkēs, múkētos) ascomycete, basidiomycete, mycology, Mycoplasma, zygomycete, zygomycosis
mudríasis dilate mydr-[104] Greek μύδρος, μυδρίασις (mudríasis) mydriasis
muelós marrow myel-[105] Greek μυελός (muelós) amyelia, myeloblast, myelocyte, myelogenous, myeloid, myelopoiesis, poliomyelitis
múlē mill myl-[106] Greek μύλη (múlē), μύλος (múlos) amyloid, amyloidosis, amylolysis, amylopectin, amylophagia, amyloplast, amylose, amylum
mys muscle myo- [107] Greek μυς (mys) leiomyoma
muríos countless, ten thousand myri-[108] Greek μυρίος (muríos) myriad, myriagon, myriagram, myriapod, myriapodology
múrmēx ant myrmec-[109] Greek μύρμηξ (múrmēx) myrmecochory, myrmecoid, myrmecology, myrmecophobia, Myrmidons, myrmomancy
músos uncleanness mys-[110] Greek μύσος (músos) mysophilia, mysophobia
mûthos story myth-[111] Greek μῦθος (mûthos) mythic, mythology, mythomania, mythopoeia, mythos
múxa slime myx- Greek μύσσομαι, μύξα (múxa) match, myxedema, myxoedema, Myxini, myxogastrid
muzáō suck myz-[112] Greek μυζάω (muzáō), μύζησις (múzēsis) Myzopoda


narkân numb narc-[113] ναρκᾶν (narkân), νάρκη (nárkē) narcolepsy, narcosis, narcotic
naûs ship naut-[114] ναῦς (naûs), ναύτης (naútēs) aeronautic, Argonaut, astronaut, cosmonaut, nausea, nautical, nautilus
neîn spin, thread ne-[115] νεῖν (neîn), νῆσις spinning, νῆμα, νήματος (nêma, nḗmatos) axoneme, diplonema, leptonema, nematocyst, nematocyte, nematode, nematology, pachynema, synnema, treponema, zygonema
néos new ne-, neo-[116] νέϝος, νέος (néos) Neolithic, neologism, neon, neonate, neophyte
nekrós dead necr-[117] νεκρός (nekrós), νέκρωσις (nékrōsis) necromancy, Necronomicon, necrophilia, necrophobia, necropolis, necropsy, necrosis, necrospermia, necrotic, necrotize, necrotomy
nēktós swimming nect- νηκτός (nēktós) nectopod, nekton
némein arrangement, law nem-, nom-[118] νέμειν (némein), νομός (nomós), νόμος (nómos), νέμεσις (némesis), νομάς, νομάδος (nomás, nomádos), νομαδικός (nomadikós), νομαδία, νομή, νομίζειν (nomízein), νόμισμα (nómisma) anomie, anomy, antinome, antinomic, antinomy, archnemesis, autonomy, isonomy, metronomic, nemesis, nomad, nomadic, nomadism, nomadize, nomarch, nomarchy, nome, nomology, nomothetic, Numidia, numismatics
nêma hair nemat- νῆμα, νήματος (nêma, nḗmatos) nematocyst, nematocyte, nematode, nematology
nephrós kidney nephr-[119] νεφρός (nephrós) mesonephric, mesonephros, metanephridium, metanephros, nephridiopore, nephridium, nephrite, nephritis, nephrogenesis, nephrolith, nephrolithiasis, nephrologist, nephrology, nephron, nephroptosis, nephrostome, pronephros, protonephridium
nêsos island nes-[120] νῆσος (nêsos) Chersonesus, Indonesia, Melanesia, Micronesia, Peloponnese, Polynesia
neûron nerve, sinew neur-[121] νεῦρον (neûron) aponeurosis, endoneurium, epineurium, neural, neurapraxia, neurasthenia, neuritis, neuroblast, neuroblastoma, neurocranium, neurocyte, neuroendocrine, neuroendocrinology, neurologic, neurologist, neurology, neuromorphology, neuron, neurone, neuropathic, neuropathology, neuropathy, neuroplastic, neurosis, neurosurgeon, neurosurgery, neurotic, neuroticism, perineurium, polyneuropathy
nómos arrangement, law, order nom- νόμος (nómos), νομή agronomy, antinomy, astronomy, autonomous, autonomy, bionomics, economics, economy, gastronomy, metronome, numismatic, polynomial, taxonomy
nomás those who let pasture herds nomad- νομάς, νομάδος (nomás, nomádos), νομαδικός (nomadikós) nomad, nomadic, nomadism, nomadize
nótos south not-[122] νότος (nótos) Notogaea, Notomys, Nototherium
nôton back not-[123] νῶτον (nôton), νῶτος, νωτιαῖος notochord
nóthos spurious noth-[124] νόθος (nóthos) nothogenus
núx night nyct-[125] νύξ, νυκτός (núx, nuktós) nyctalgia, nyctanthous, nyctinasty, nyctophilia, nyctophobia
nustázein nod nyst- νυστάζειν (nustázein), (nustagmós) electronystagmography, nystagmic, nystagmus


obelós spit, nail obel-[127] ὀβελός (obelós), ὀβελίσκος (obelískos) metobelus, obelisk, obelism, obelus
obolós obol-[128] ὀβολός, ὀβολοῦ (obolós, oboloû) obol, obolus
ōkeanós ocean-[129] ὠκεανός (ōkeanós) Oceania, oceanic
ókhlos crowd, mob ochl-[130] ὄχλος, ὄχλου (ókhlos, ókhlou) enochlophobia, ochlocracy, ochlophobia
oktṓ eight oct-[131] ὀκτώ (oktṓ), ὀκτάς (oktás), ὀκτάκις (oktákis) eight times hemi-octahedron, octad, octadic, octagon, octahedron, octameter, octode
hodós path, way od- ὁδός (hodós) anode, diode, odometer, parodos, pentode, tetrode, triode
odoús tooth odont-[132] ὀδούς, ὀδόντος (odoús, odóntos) anodontia, conodont, cynodont, dicynodont, dysodontiasis, macrodontia, mastodon, odontoid, odontology, odontophore, orthodontics, orthodontist, pedodontics, periodontal, smilodon, Thrinaxodon, Zanclodon
odúnē pain odyn-[133] ὀδύνη (odúnē) allodynia, anodyne, glossodynia, mastodynia, pleurodynia
woîkos house oec-[134] ϝοῖκος (woîkos), οἶκος (oîkos) andromonecy, archdiocese, autoecious, autoecism, dioecious, dioecy, ecesis, ecologist, ecology, economics, economist, economize, economy, ecoregion, ecosystem, ecumenic, ecumenism, gynomonoecy, heteroecious, heteroecism, heteroecy, homoecious, monoecious, monoecy, oecology, oeconomus, oecumenic, oikology, oikophobia, palaeoecology, paleoecology, parish, paroecious, perioeci, trioecious
oîdos swell, swollen oed-, ed- οἶδος (oîdos), οἰδεῖν (oideîn), οἴδημα, οἴδηματος (oídēma, oídēmatos) angioedema, edema, edematous, oedema, oedematous
woînos wine oen-[135] ϝοῖνος (woînos), οἶνος (oînos) enology, oenochoe, oenologist, oenology, oenophile, oenophilia, oinochoe
oisophágos gullet oesophag-[136] οἰσοφάγος (oisophágos) oesophagectomy, oesophagitis, oesophagus
oîstros gadfly, sting oestr-[137] οἶστρος (oîstros), οἰστράω, οἴστρησις, οἴστρημα anestrous, anestrus, anoestrus, estrogen, estrogenic, estrus, oestrone, oestrus
ógdoos eighth ogdo-[138] ὄγδοος (ógdoos), ὀγδοάς, ὀγδοάδος (ogdoás, ogdoádos) ogdoad
oeidēs like -oid -οειδής (-oeidēs) asteroid, mucoid, organoid
olígos few olig-[140] ὀλίγος (olígos) oligarchy, Oligocene, oligopoly, oligosaccharide, oligotrophic
ōmós raw om-[141] ὠμός (ōmós), ὠμότης (ōmótēs) rawness omophagia, Omophagus
ômos shoulder om-[142] ὦμος (ômos), ὠμία (ōmía) acromion, omohyoid, omophorion
morbid growth, tumor -oma -ωμα melanoma
ómbros rain ombr-[143] ὄμβρος (ómbros) ombrogenous, ombrology, ombrometer, Ombrophila, ombrophilous, ombrophobe, ombrotrophic
ómma eye ommat- ὁράω, ὦμμαι, ὄμμα, ὄμματος (ómma, ómmatos) ommatidium, ommatophore
omphalós navel omphal-[144] ὀμφαλός (omphalós) omphalectomy, omphalic, omphalopagus, omphalophobia, paromphalocele
ónos ass on-[145] ὄνος (ónos), ὀνίσκος (onískos) Oniscidea, Oniscomorpha
ónkinos barb, hook onc-[146] ὄγκος, ὄγκινος (ónkinos) Oncinocalyx, Oncorhynchus
ónkos bulk onc-[147] (ΕΓΚ[148]) ἐνεγκεῖν, ὄγκος (ónkos), ὀγκόω, ὀγκωτός, ὄγκωσις, ὄγκωμα oncocyte, oncocytoma, oncogenesis, oncologist, oncology
óneiros dream oneir-[149] ὄνειρος (óneiros), ὀνειρώσσω, ὀνείρωξις (oneírōxis) oneiric, oneirism, oneirocritic, Oneirocritica, Oneirodidae, oneirogen, oneirogenic, Oneiroi, oneiroid, oneirology, oneiromancy, oneironaut, oneironautics, oneirophobia, oneirophrenia, oneiroscopy
ônos price oni-[150] ὦνος (ônos), ὤνιος (ṓnios) oniochalasia, oniomania, oniomaniac
ónoma name onomat-[151] ὄνομα, ὀνόματος (ónoma, onómatos), ὀνομάζω, ὀνομαστικός (onomastikós) antonomasia, onomasiology, onomastic, onomasticon, onomastics, onomasty, onomatology, onomatophore, onomatopoeia
óntos being, existence ont- ὄντος, ὀντότης (óntos, ontótēs), οὐσία (ousía) dysontogenesis, homoiousia, homoousia, monoousious, ontogenesis, ontogenetic, ontogeny, ontology, ousia, parousia
ónux claw onych-[152] ὄνυξ, ὄνυχος (ónux, ónukhos), ὀνύχιον (onúkhion), ὀνύχινος, ὀνυχίζω hapalonychia, Mesonychia, mesonychid, onychectomy, onycholysis, onychomancy, onychomycosis, onychophagia, onychophagy, onychorrhexis, onyx, paronychia, sardonyx
ónuma name onym-[153] ὄνυμα (ónuma) acronym, allonym, anonymous, antonym, autonym, caconym, cryptonym, eponym, eponymous, eponymy, euonym, homonym, hyperonym, hyponym, hyponymy, meronym, meronymy, metonym, metonymy, metronymic, paronym, paronymous, pseudonym, pseudonymous, synonym, synonymous, synonymy, tautonym, tautonymous, tautonymy, troponym, troponymy, xenonym, xenonymy
ōión egg oo-[154] ᾠόν (ōión) bottarga, dioon, epoophoron, oidioid, oidium, ooblast, oocyst, oocyte, oocytogenesis, oogamete, oogamous, oogamy, oogenesis, oogonium, ooid, oolite, oolith, oology, oomancy, oophagy, oophorectomy, oophoron, ootheca, ootid, ootidogenesis, paroophoron
opḗ hole op-[155] ὀπή (opḗ), ὀπαῖον (opaîon) metope, opaion
óphis snake ophi-[156] ὄφις, ὄφεως (óphis, ópheōs) Brachyurophis, ophicephalous, Ophicephalus, Ophiceras, Ophiclinus, ophidiophobia, ophiolite, ophiologist, ophiology, ophiophagous, Ophiophagus, ophiophagy, ophiophobia, Ophisaurus, Ophisops, ophitic
ophthalmós eye ophthalm-[157] ὀφθαλμός (ophthalmós) exophthalmic, exophthalmos, microphthalmia, ophthalmia, ophthalmic, ophthalmologic, ophthalmologist, ophthalmology, ophthalmoparesis, ophthalmoplegia, parophthalmia, xerophthalmia
ópisthen behind opisth-[158] ὄπισθεν (ópisthen), ὀπίσθιος anopisthograph, opisthion, opisthobranch, opisthodomos, opisthoglyphous, opisthognathous, opisthograph, opisthokont, opisthosoma, opsimath, opsimathy
ópsesthai eye ops-, opt- (ΟΠ) ὄψεσθαι (ópsesthai), ὀπτός (optós), ὀπτικός (optikós), ὄψις (ópsis) amblyopia, anopia, autopsy, biopsy, catadioptrics, catoptrics, catoptromancy, catoptrophobia, cyclops, diopter, dioptre, dioptrics, diplopia, eisoptrophobia, emmetropia, hemianopsia, myopia, opsoclonus, optic, optokinetic, panopticon, pleoptics, synopsis, synoptic, tritanopia
opsé late opsi-[159] ὀψέ (opsé), ὄψιος opsimath
opsōneîn cook, prepare for eating opson-[160] ὀψωνεῖν (opsōneîn), (opsōnia) opsonin, opsonoid
óros mountain or-, oro-[161] ὄρος, ὄρεος (óros, óreos), ὀρειάς Oread, orogenesis, orogenic, orogeny, orographic, orography, oronym
órkhis testicle orch-[162] ὄρχις (órkhis), ὀρχίδιον (orkhídion) anorchia, cryptorchidism, monorchism, orchid, orchiectomy, orchiopexy, Orchis, polyorchidism
orkheîsthai dance orches-[163] ὀρχεῖσθαι (orkheîsthai) orchestra
orégein reach oreg-[164] ὀρέγειν (orégein), ὀρεκτός (orektós), ὀρεκτικός (orektikós), ὄρεξις (órexis), ὄρεγμα (óregma) anorectic, anorexia, dysorexia, orectic, orexin, parorexia
órgia work org- ὄργια (órgia) orgasm
órganon organ, instrument, tool organ- ὄργανον (órganon) organic, organism, organogenesis
órnis bird ornith-[165] ὄρνις, ὄρνιθος (órnis, órnithos) Avernus, ornithology, ornithomancy, ornithorhynchus, ornithosis
orphanós orphan-[166] ὀρφανός (orphanós), ὀρφανότης orphan
orthós straight orth-[167] ὀρθός (orthós), ὀρθότης orthocenter, orthocentric, orthodontia, orthodontic, orthodontist, orthodox, orthodoxy, orthographic, ortholog, orthologous, orthonym, orthopedic, orthoscope, orthosis, orthostat, orthostyle, orthotic
óruza rice oryz-[168] ὄρυζα (óruza), ὀρύζιον Oryza, Oryzomys, rice, risotto
osmḗ odor osm-[169] ὀσμή (osmḗ), ὄσμησις anosmia, anosmic, cacosmia, coprosmia, dysosmia, dysosmic, euosmia, hyperosmia, hyperosmic, hyposmia, hyposmic, osmium, osmolagnia, osmophobia, osphresiolagnia, parosmia, phantosmia, troposmia
ōsmós push, thrust osm-[170] ὠσμός (ōsmós) osmometry, osmosis, osmostat, osmotic
ostéon bone oste-[171] ὀστέον, ὀστέου (ostéon, ostéou), ὀστοῦν, ὀστοῦ (ostoûn, ostoû) dysostosis, endosteum, exostosis, hyperostosis, monostotic, Osteichthyes, osteoarthritis, osteoblast, osteochondritis, osteochondrosis, osteoclast, osteogenic, osteogenesis, osteoid, osteology, osteolysis, osteoma, osteomalacia, osteonecrosis, osteopathy, osteopenia, osteoporosis, osteosarcoma, osteosis, osteothrombosis, osteotome, osteotomy, periosteum, synostosis
óstreion shell ostrac- ὄστρειον (óstreion), ὀστρακίζω (ostrakízō), ὄστρακον (óstrakon) Entomostraca, Leptostraca, Malacostraca, ostracism, ostracize, ostracod, ostracoderm, ostracon, periostracum
oyster ostre-[172] ὄστρεον ostreophagist, oyster
oûs ear ot-[173] οὖς, ὠτός (oûs, ōtós) anotia, Aotus, microtia, Myosotis, otalgia, otic, otitis, otocephaly, otocleisis, otoconium, otocyst, otodynia, otolith, otology, otopathy, otophyma, otoplasty, otorhinology, otorrhea, otosclerosis, otoscope, otoscopy, ototomy, parotic, parotid, periotic, synotia
oxús sharp, pointed oxy-[174] ὀξύς (oxús) anoxia, anoxic, dioxide, hypoxia, monoxide, oxide, oxyanion, oxygen, oxyhalide, oxymoron, oxyntic, oxytone, paroxysm, pentoxide, polyoxide, tetraoxygen, tetroxide, trioxide
ózein smell oz-[175] ὄζειν (ózein), ὄζων (ózōn), ὄζη ozocerite, ozone, ozopore


pakhús pach-[1] thick παχύς (pakhús), πάχος, πάχεος (pákhos, pákheos) pachydermata, pachyglossia, pachynsis, Pachypodium
paíein pae-[2] strike παίειν (paíein), (paistos) anapaest, anapaestic, anapest, anapestic
paidós paed-, ped-[3] child παῖς, παιδός (paîs, paidós), παιδικός (paidikós) orthopedic, paediatric, paedogenesis, paedomorphism, page, pedagogue, pedagogy, pedant, pedantic, pediatric, pedodontics, pedophilia
palaiós palae-, pale-[4] ancient, old παλαιός (palaiós) paleo diet, paleobiology, paleobotanic, Paleocene, Paleogene, Paleolithic, paleology, paleomagnetism, paleontology, paleopolyploidy, paleopsychology, Paleozoic
pálin palin-, palim-[5] back πάλιν (pálin) palimpsest, palindrome, palingenesis, palinspastic
Pán pan- Pan πάειν, Πάν (Pán), Πανικός (Panikós) panic
pantós pan-, pam-[6] all πᾶς, παντός (pantós), πᾶν (pân), πασῶν, παντότης, πάντοθεν diapason, panacea, pandemic, pandemonium, panoply, panoptic, pantology, parrhesia
pará par-, para-[7] beside, near παρά (pará) parable, parabola, parallel, parallelepiped, parameter, parapagus, paradox, parody
parthénos parthen-[8] virgin παρθένος (parthénos) parthenocarpy, parthenogenesis, Parthenon, Parthenope
pássein pass-[9] sprinkle πάσσειν (pássein), παστός (pastós) paste
pátos pat-[10] path πάτος (pátos), πατεῖν (pateîn), πατητός, πατητής, πατητήριον peripatetic, peripateticism
páskhein path-[11] feeling, disease πάσχειν (páskhein), παθητικός (pathētikós), πάθος (páthos) allopath, allopathy, antipathy, apathetic, apathy, empathy, etiopathogenesis, homeopathic, homeopathy, idiopathic, pathetic, pathoclisis, pathogen, pathogenesis, pathogenic, pathologist, pathology, pathos, psychopath, psychopathic, psychopathy, sympathectomy, sympathetic, sympathy
patrós pater-, patr-[12] father πατήρ, πατρός (patḗr, patrós), πατριά (patriá), πατριώτης (patriṓtēs) allopatric, allopatry, eupatrides, patriarch, patriarchy, patriot, patriotic, patriotism, patrology, patronym, patronymic, sympatric, sympatry
pēktós pect- fixed πηκτός (pēktós) pectic, pectin
pēgnúnai peg-, pect-[13] fix πηγνύναι (pēgnúnai), πηκτός (pēktós), πηκτικός (pēktikós), πῆξις (pêxis), hysteropexy, pagophobia, parapagus, pectic, pectin, rheopectic, rheopecty, rheopexy
pēlós pel-[14] clay, mud πηλός (pēlós) pelite, pelitic
pélagos pelag-[15] sea πέλαγος (pélagos), πελαγικός (pelagikós) abyssopelagic, allopelagic, archipelagic, archipelago, bathypelagic, epipelagic, hadopelagic, mesopelagic, pelagic, pelagonym
pelargós pelarg-[16] stork πελαργός (pelargós), πελαργώδης pelargonic, Pelargonium
pémpein pemp-, pomp- send πέμπειν (pémpein), πομπή (pompḗ) apopemptic, hypnopompic, pomp, psychopomp
penía penia- deficiency πενία (penía) leukopenia
pénte pent-[17] five πέντε (pénte), πεντάς, πεντάδος (pentás, pentádos), πεντάκις (pentákis) five times, πενταπλάσιος (pentaplásios) five-fold, πενταχοῦ diapente, pentachoric, pentad, pentagon, pentagram, pentalpha, pentapolis, pentatonic, pentatope, pentode
pentakósioi pentacosi-[18] five hundred πεντακόσιοι (pentakósioi) pentacosiomedimni
pentḗkonta pentecont-[19] fifty πεντήκοντα (pentḗkonta), πεντηκοντάς, πεντηκοντάδος (pentēkontás, pentēkontádos) pentecontad, pentecontagon
pentēkostós pentecost-[20] fiftieth πεντηκοστός (pentēkostós) Pentecost, pentecostalism
peper-[21] pepper πέπερι, πεπέρεως paprika, pepper
péponos pepon-[22] ripe πέπων, πέπονος (pépōn, péponos) pumpkin
péssein pept- digest πέσσειν (péssein), πεπτός (peptós), πεπτικός (peptikós), πέψις (pépsis) dipeptide, dyspepsia, dyspeptic, eupepsia, eupeptic, monopeptide, oligopeptide, pepsin, peptic, peptide, peptone, polypeptide, tetrapeptide, tripeptide
pḗra per- wallet πήρα (pḗra), πηρίδιον (pērídion) peridium
péran peran- across, beyond πέραν (péran) Perates
pérdikos perdic-[23] partridge πέρδιξ, πέρδικος (pérdix, pérdikos) Melanoperdix, partridge
perí peri-[24] around περί (perí) Pericles, pericope, perigee, perihelion, perimeter, period, periphery, periscope
persikós persic-[25] peach περσικός (persikós)
pétra petr-[26] rock πέτρα (pétra) epipetric, petroglyph, petrographic, petrography, petroleum, petrology, petrosomatoglyph
phaiós phae-, phe-[27] dark φαιός (phaiós) phaeohyphomycosis, phaeomelanin, pheochrome, pheochromocytoma
phageîn phag- eat φαγεῖν (phageîn), φαγία (phagía) autophagosome, autophagy, bacteriophage, dysphagia, esophagitis, geophagia, hematophagy, macrophage, odynophagia, phagocyte, phagocytosis, phagolysosome, phagophilia, phagophobia, phagosome, phagy, polyphagia, pseudodysphagia, sarcophagus
phálangos phalang-[28] close formation of troops, finger bones φάλαγξ, φάλαγγος (phálangos) aphalangia, phalanges, phalanx
phálaros phalar-[29] having a patch of white φάλαρος (phálaros)[30] phalarope
phármakon pharmac-[31] drug, medicine φάρμακον (phármakon) alexipharmic, pharmaceutics, pharmacodynamics, pharmacogenetics, pharmacogenomic, pharmacokinetics, pharmacology, pharmacophobia, pharmacy
phaínein phan-, phen-[32] to show, visible φαίνειν (phaínein), φαντός (phantós), φαινόμενον (phainómenon), φάσις (phásis) diaphanous, emphasis, epiphany, fantasy, phanerozoic, phantasm, phantom, phase, phene, phenetic, phenology, phenomenon, phenotype, photic, prophase, sycophant, telophase, theophany, tryptophan
phébesthai pheb-, phob-[33] fear φέβεσθαι (phébesthai), φόβος (phóbos), φοβέω autophobia, hydrophobia, panphobia, phobophobia
phérein pher-, phor-[34] bear, carry φέρειν (phérein), φορά (phorá), φόρος (phóros) adiaphora, adiaphorism, anaphor, metaphor, pheromone, phoresis, phoresy, phosphor, prosphora, pyrophoric
pheúgein pheug-, phyg-[35] (ΦΥΓ) flee φεύγειν (pheúgein), φυγή, φυγάς, φυγάδος (phugás, phugádos) fugitive, φυγαδικός apophyge, hypophyge
phílos phil-, -phile[36] love, friendship φίλος (phílos), φιλικός (philikós), φιλεῖν (phileîn), φιλία (philía), φίλτρον (phíltron) bibliophile, heterophil, hydrophile, paraphilia, philanthropy, philharmonic, philophobia, philosophy, philter, philtre, philtrum
phīmós phim-[37] muzzle φῑμός (phīmós), φιμοῦν (phimoûn), φιμωτικός, φίμωσις (phímōsis) paraphimosis, phimosis, phimotic
phlebós phleb-[38] vein φλέψ, φλεβός (phléps, phlebós), φλέβιον phlebitis, phlebography, phlebosclerosis, phlebotomist, phlebotomize, phlebotomy, thrombophlebitis
phlégein phleg-, phlog-[39] burn, heat, inflammation φλέγειν (phlégein), φλέγμα (phlégma), φλόξ (phlóx) flame phlegm, phlegmasia, phlegmatic, phlegmon, phlegmonous, phlogistic, phlogiston, Phlox
phloiós phloe-[40] tree bark φλοιός (phloiós) hypophloeodic, phlobaphene, phloem, phloeophagy
phóbos phob- fear φόβος (phóbos) acrophobia, arachnophobia, claustrophobia, ergophobia, homophobia, hydrophobia, zeusophobia
phōnḗ phon-[41] sound φωνή (phōnḗ), φωνητικός (phōnētikós), φώνημα (phṓnēma) acrophonic, acrophony, allophone, antiphon, antiphony, aphonia, aphonic, apophony, archiphoneme, cacophony, diaphony, diplophonia, dysphonia, euphonic, euphonious, euphonize, euphony, heterophonic, heterophony, homophone, homophonous, homophony, hypophonesis, ideophone, idiophone, isophone, logophonetic, megaphone, microphone, misophonia, monophonic, monophony, morphophonology, phonaesthesia, phonaesthetics, phone, phonemic, phonesthemic, phonetic, phonetics, phonics, phonogram, phonograph, phonology, phonophobia, phonosemantics, phonotactics, polyphonic, polyphony, stereophonic, symphonic, symphony, telephonic, telephony
phōtós phos-, phot- light φῶς, φωτός (phōtós) aphotic, biophoton, cataphote, diphoton, euphotic, microphotograph, phosphor, phosphorus, photic, photo, photobiology, photocatalysis, photochromism, photoelectric, photogenic, photogram, photograph, photography, photolysis, photometer, photometric, photometry, photon, photoperiod, photophobia, photophone, photophore, photopic, photoptarmosis, photosynthesis, phototaxis, phototherapy, phototroph, telephoto
phrássein phrag-[42] (ΦΡΑΓ) fence φράσσειν (phrássein), φράξις (phráxis), φράγμα (phrágma) diaphragm
phrenós phren-, phron-[43] mind φρήν, φρενός (phrḗn, phrenós) euneirophrenia, euphrasy, Euphrosyne, frantic, frenetic, frenzy, oneirophrenia, phrenetic, -phrenia, phrenic, phrenitis, phrenology, phronema, phronesis, phronetic, schizophrenia, sophrosyne
phrúnē phryn-[44] toad, toad-like φρύνη (phrúnē) Phrynobatrachus
phthéngesthai phtheg-[45] utter φθέγγεσθαι (phthéngesthai), φθεγκτός, φθεγκτικός, φθέγξις, φθέγμα, φθέγματος (phthégma, phthégmatos), φθεγματικός, φθόγγος (phthóngos), φθογγή apophthegm, apophthegmatic, diphthong, diphthongize, monophthong, monophthongize
phúkeos phyc-[46] seaweed φῦκος, φύκεος (phûkos, phúkeos) phycology, Phycomyces, schizophyceous
phúlon phyl- tribe φύλον (phúlon) phylogenetics, phylum
phúllon phyll-[47] leaf φύλλον (phúllon) chlorophyll, phyllotaxis
phûsa phys-[48] bladder φῦσα (phûsa) physogastric, physostomous, Triplophysa
phúsis physi- nature φύσις (phúsis) physics, physician
λ physalid- bladder φυσαλ(λ)ίς (phusal(l)is) physalis
phúein phyt- plant φύειν (phúein), φυτόν (phutón) archaeophyte, autophyte, bryophyte, dermatophyte, neophyte, phytonym, phytoplankton
piézein piez-[49] squeeze πιέζειν (piézein), πιεστός (piestós), πίεσις, πίεσμα, πίεσματος, πιεστήρ isopiestic, piezochromism, piezoelectric, piezometer
pínein pin-[50] (ΠΟ) drink πίνειν (pínein), πῶμα pinocytosis
peíras pir-[51] try πεῖρα, πείρας (peîra, peíras), πειρᾶν (peirân), πειρατής (peiratḗs), πειρατικός (peiratikós), (peirāteía), πειράζω, πείρασις, πειρασμός antipiracy, apeirogon, apeirohedron, piracy, pirate, piratic
písos pis-[52] pea πίσος (písos) pisoid, pisolite
píthēkos pithec-[53] ape, monkey πίθηκος (píthēkos) australopithecine, Australopithecus, caenopithecine
plakós plac-[54] plain, plate, tablet πλάξ, πλακός (pláx, plakós) Aplacophora, placenta, placode
plágos plag-[55] oblique πλάγος (plágos), πλάγιος (plágios), πλαγιότης plage, plagiocephaly, plagioclase, plagiotropic, playa
planâsthai plan-[56] wander πλάνος, πλανάομαι, πλανᾶσθαι (planâsthai), (planáein), πλανητός (planētós), πλανήτης (planḗtēs) aplanetic, aplanogamete, aplanospore, exoplanet, planet, planetoid, planetonym, planoblast, planogamete, planospore, protoplanet
plássein plas-[57] mould πλάσσειν (plássein), πλαστός (plastós), πλαστικός (plastikós), πλάσις (plásis), πλάσμα, πλάσματος (plásma, plásmatos), πλάθω (pláthō) plasma, plastic, plastique, plastochron, plastromancy, plastron, prosoplasia, protoplasm, pseudoplastic, symplast
platús plat-[58] flat, broad πλατύς (platús), πλατεῖα (plateîa) piazza, place, plaice, plateau, platitude, platyhelminth, platypus, Platyrrhini, platysma, Platyzoa, plaza
pimplánai ple-[59] (ΠΛΕ) fill, full πιμπλάναι (pimplánai), πλέως/πλέος, πλειότερος, πλειότης, πλήρης (plḗrēs), πληρόω, πλήρωσις (plḗrōsis), πλήρωμα (plḗrōma), πλήθειν (plḗthein), πλῆθος (plêthos), πληθύς, πληθύω, πληθύνω (plēthúnō), πληθυντικός, πληθώρα/πληθώρη (plēthṓra), πληθωρικός (plēthōrikós), πληθυσμός (plēthusmós) pleroma, plethodontid, plethora, plethoric, plethysm, plethysmograph, plethysmometry
pleîn ple-[60] sail, swim πλεῖν (pleîn), πλεῦσις (pleûsis), πλόος pleon, pleopod, pleuston
plékein plec-, ploc-[61] plait, interweave πλέκειν (plékein), πλεκτός (plektós), πλεκτικός (plektikós), πλέξις (pléxis), πλέγμα (plégma), πλοκή (plokḗ), πλόκος plectics, plexogenic, ploce, symplectic, symplectomorphism, symploce
plḗssein pleg-[62] (ΠΛΗΓ) strike πλήσσειν (plḗssein), πληκτός (plēktós), πλήκτης, πληγή (plēgḗ), πλῆξις (plêxis), πλῆγμα, πλήκτης, πλῆκτρον apoplectic, apoplexy, cataplectic, cataplexy, hemiplegia, monoplegia, paraplegia, plectrum, pleximeter, tetraplegia
plēsíos plesi- near πλησίος (plēsíos), πλησιότης (plēsiótēs) plesiosaur
pleurá pleur-[63] rib, side πλευρά (pleurá), πλευρόν (pleurón) metapleural, pleura, pleurisy, pleuritis, pleurodynia, pleuron
plínthos plinth-[64] brick πλίνθος (plínthos) plinth, Plinthograptis
ploûtos plut-[65] wealth πλοῦτος (ploûtos) ploutonion, plutarchy, plutocracy, plutocrat, plutolatry, plutomania, plutonomics, Plutus
pneîn pne-[66] blow, breathe, lung πνεῖν (pneîn), πνεῦμα (pneûma), πνεύμων (pneúmōn) anapnograph, anapnoic, apnea, apnoea, dyspnoea, pleuropneumonia, pneumatic, pneumatology, pneumonia, pneumonic, pneumotaxic
pnígein pnig-, pnict-[67] choke πνίγειν (pnígein), πνῖγος, πνῖγμα, πνιγμός, πνικτός, πνικτικός pnictide, pnictogen
pínein po-, pin-[68] (ΠΟ) drink πίνειν (pínein), πόσις, πῶμα pinocytosis, pinosome, symposium
podós pod-[69] foot πούς, ποδός (podós), ποδικός (podikós), ποδία (podía), πόδιον (pódion), πέδον (pédon), πεδίον, πέζα amphipod, antipode, decapod, podiatry, podium, podomancy, podomere, podopaediatric, polyp, polyposis, sympodium, tetrapod, tripod
pṓgōnos pogon-[70] beard πώγων, πώγωνος (pṓgōn, pṓgōnos), πωγωνίας (pōgōnías) pogonia, pogoniasis, pogonology, pogonophobia, pogonotrophy, Triplopogon
poieîn poie-, poe-[71] make ποιϝέω, ποιεῖν (poieîn), ποιητός (poiētós) made, ποιητικός (poiētikós), ποίησις (poíēsis), ποίημα (poíēma), ποιητής (poiētḗs) maker allopoiesis, autopoiesis, onomatopoeia, piyyut, poem, poesy, poet, poetaster, poetic, poiesis
pólos pol-[72] pole πόλος (pólos) dipole, polar
pōleîn pole-[73] sell πωλεῖν (pōleîn), πώλησις, πώλης seller duopoly, monopolist, monopolize, monopoly, oligopolist, oligopoly
polemeîn polem-[74] war πολεμεῖν (polemeîn), πόλεμος (pólemos), πολεμικός (polemikós) polemarch, polemic, polemology
pólios poli-[75] city πόλις, πόλιος (pólis, pólios), πολίτης (polítēs), πολιτικός (politikós) acropolis, biopolitics, cosmopolis, cosmopolitan, Decapolis, ecumenopolis, eperopolis, geopolitics, heptapolis, hexapolis, isopolity, megalopolis, megapolis, metropolis, pentapolis, police, policy, polis, politeia, politic, politicize, politics, politologist, politology, politonym, polity, propolis, tetrapolis, Tripoli
poliós poli-[76] gray, grey πολιός (poliós), πολιότης poliomyelitis, poliosis
pollós poll-[77] many πολλός (pollós)
polús poly-[78] many πολύς (polús), πολλός (pollós), πολλότης (pollótēs), πολλάκις (pollákis) many times, πολλαπλάσιος/πολυπλάσιος, πλείων (pleíōn) more, πλεῖστος (pleîstos) most, πολλοστός (pollostós) hoi polloi, pollakanth, polyadic, polyandry, polygamy, polygon, polyphase, polysaccharide, polytheistic
pomphós pomph-[79] blister πομφός (pomphós), πομφόλυξ podopompholyx, pompholyx
póros por-[80] passage πόρος (póros), πορεύω, πορίζειν (porízein), πόρισμα (pórisma) aporetic, aporia, emporium, gonopore, ozopore, polypore, pore, porism, porismatic
pórnē porn-[81] prostitute πόρνη (pórnē) pornographic, pornography
porphúra porphyr-[82] purple πορφύρα (porphúra) porphyrin, porphyritic, porphyrophobia, porphyry
potamós potam-[83] river ποταμός (potamós) autopotamic, hippopotamus, Mesopotamia, potamic, potamodromous, potamology, potamonym, potamophobia, potamoplankton
prássein prag-[84] do πράσσειν (prássein), πράττειν (práttein), πρασσόμενον, πρακτός (praktós), πρακτικός (praktikós), (prāktikḗ), πρᾶξις (prâxis), πρᾶγμα (prâgma) apraxia, dyspraxia, parapraxis, practic, practice, pragma, pragmatic, pragmatism, pragmatist, praxis
práson pras-[85] leek πράσον (práson), πράσινος (prásinos) leek-green, πρασιά chrysoprase, prasinous, prasinophobia
présbus presby-[86] old πρέσβυς (présbus), πρεσβύτερος (presbúteros), (presbutérion) archpresbyter, presbyter, Presbyterianism, presbyterium, presbytery, priest, protopresbyter
príein pri-[87] saw πρίειν (príein), πρῖσις (prîsis), πρίων, πρίονος (príōn, príonos) prion
priap-[88] πριάπος priapism, Priapus
prísmatos prism-[89] to saw, something sawed πρίσμα, πρίσματος (prísma, prísmatos), πρισμάτιον (prismátion) antiprism, prism, prismatic, prismatoid
pró pro-[90] before, in front of πρό (pró), πρότερος (próteros) former, πρῶτος (prôtos) prologue, prostate, prow
prōktós proct-[91] anus πρωκτός (prōktós) Ectoprocta, Entoprocta, epiproct, hypoproct, paraproct, periproct, proctalgia, proctology
prós pros-[92] forth, forward πρός (prós), πρόσθεν (prósthen), πρόσθιος (prósthios) prosenchyma, prosophobia, prosthesis, prosthion
prósōpon prosop-[93] face πρόσωπον (prósōpon) aprosopia, diprosopus, prosopography, prosoponym, prosopopoeia, prosopospasm
prôtos prot-[94] first πρῶτος (prôtos) [note 1] amphiprotic, antiproton, protagonist, protanomaly, protanopia, protein, protist, protocol, proton, protoplasm, prototype, Protozoa
pró proter-[95] former πρό (pró), πρότερος (próteros), προτερέω Proterozoic
psân psa-[96] rub ψᾶν (psân), ψαφαρός, ψήχειν, (psēstós) palimpsest
psállein psall-[97] pluck ψάλλειν (psállein), ψαλμός (psalmós) psalm, psalmodicon, psalmody, psalter, psaltery, psaltikon
psamath- sand
psámmos psamm- sand ψάμμος (psámmos), ψάμαθος (psámathos) psammite, psammitic, psammoma, psammophile, Psammophis, psammophyte, psammosere, psammous
psêphos pseph- pebble ψάω, ψῆφος (psêphos), ψηφίζειν (psēphízein) isopsephy, psephite, psephitic, psephocracy, psephology
pseûdos pseud-[98] FALSE ψεύδω, ψεῦδος (pseûdos) pseudonym
pseudḗs pseud- FALSE ψεύδομαι, ψευδής (pseudḗs) pseudonym
psiloûn psil-[99] bare ψιλοῦν (psiloûn), ψιλός (psilós), ψιλότης, ψίλωσις (psílōsis) epsilon, psilanthropism, psilanthropy, psilocybin, psilosis, psilotic, upsilon
psithyr-[100] whisper ψίθυρος, ψιθυρίζω, ψιθυρισμός Psithyrisma
psittakós psittac-[101] parrot ψιττακός, ψιττακοῦ (psittakós, psittakoû) psittacine, psittacism, psittacosis
psóphos psoph-[102] noise ψόφος (psóphos), ψοφεῖν, ψοφητικός, ψόφησις, ψόφημα, ψοφοειδής Psophiidae, Psophocichla, psophometer, psophometric
psōrós psor-[103] itch ψωρός (psōrós), ψώρα (psṓra), ψωριᾶν (psōriân), (psōríāsis) psora, psoriasis, psoric, psorosis
psúkhein psych-[104] mind ψύχειν (psúkhein), ψυχή (psukhḗ), ψυχικός (psukhikós) hylopsychism, panpsychism, psyche, psychedelia, psychedelic, psychiatry, psychic, psychoanalysis, psychologist, psychology, psychopathic, psychopathy, psychopomp, psychosis, psychotherapy, psychotic, psychoticism
psukhrós psychr-[105] cold ψύχω, ψυχρός (psukhrós), ψυχρότης psychroalgia, psychrometer, psychrophile, psychrophilic, psychrophily
pterón pter-[106] wing πτερόν, πτεροῦ (pterón, pteroû), πτέρυξ, πτέρυγος (ptérux, ptérugos), (pterugōtós), πτερίσκος apterous, apterygote, archaeopteryx, brachypterous, brachyptery, Chiroptera, chiropterologist, Endopterygota, exopterygote, helicopter, hemipterous, heteropterous, homopterous, Neoptera, peripteros, pterodactyl, pteron, pteropod, pterosaur, pterostigma, pterygote, tetrapterous
pterídos pterid-[107] fern πτερίς, πτερίδος (pterís, pterídos) pteridology, pteridophyte, pteridosperm
píptein pto-[108] fall πίπτειν (píptein), πτωτός (ptōtós), πτωτικός (ptōtikós), πτῶσις (ptôsis), πτῶμα, πτῶματος (ptôma, ptômatos) anaptotic, asymptomatic, apoptosis, peripeteia, peripety, polyptoton, proptosis, proptotic, ptomaine, ptosis, ptotic, symptom, symptomatic, symptosis
ptōkhós ptoch-[109] poor πτωχός (ptōkhós), πτωχότης ptochocracy, ptochology
ptúon pty-[110] spit πτύειν, πτύον (ptúon), πτύσις (ptúsis), πτύαλον hemoptysis, ptyalin, pyoptysis
ptússein ptych-[111] fold, layer πτύσσειν (ptússein), πτύγμα (ptúgma), πτύξ (ptúx), πτυχός (ptukhós), πτυχή (ptukhḗ) anaptyctic, anaptyxis, diptych, heptaptych, hexaptych, octaptych, pentaptych, polyptych, tetraptych, triptych
púon py-[112] pus πύον (púon), (pyeîn) empyema, pyemia, pyemesis, pyesis, pyocyst, pyogenesis, pyorrhea, pyorrhoea, pyosis, pyoureter
púelos pyel-[113] trough πύελος (púelos), πυελίς pyelectasis, pyelitis, pyelogram, pyelography, pyelonephritis, pyeloscopy
pugḗ pyg-[114] rump πυγή (pugḗ) callipygian, pygopagus, pygostyle, steatopygia
púlē pyl-[115] gate πύλη (púlē), πυλών, πυλῶνος (pulṓn, pulōnos) apopyle, micropyle, propylaea, prosopyle, pylon, pyloric, pylorus, tetrapylon, Thermopylae
púr pyr-[116] fire πύρ, πυρός (púr, purós), πυρά (purá), πυρότης, πυρετός, πυρέττειν antipyretic, Empyreuma, pyre, pyrite, pyroclastic, pyrolysis, pyromancy, pyromania, pyromaniac, pyrometric, pyrophobia, pyrophoric, pyrosis, pyrosome, pyrotechnic
pyramid-[117] πυραμίς, πυραμίδος dipyramid, pyramid, pyramidion
pyrrh-[118] flame-colored πῦρ, πυρρός, πυρρότης, πυρράζω pyrrhic


rháptein raph-[119] sew, seam ῥάπτειν (rháptein), ῤαφή (raphḗ) raphae, raphe
rhábdos rhabd-[120] rod ῥάβδος (rhábdos) Rhabdodon, rhabdoid, rhabdom, rhabdomancy, rhabdomyolysis, rhabdomyosarcoma
rhákheōs rhach-, rach- [121] spine ῥάχις, ῥάχεως (rhákhis, rhákheōs) rachipagus, rachis, rachischisis, rhachiodont, rhachis
rhēgnúnai rhag-, rheg-[122] rend, tear ῥηγνύναι (rhēgnúnai), ῥαγίζω, ῥῆξις (rhêxis), ῥῆγμα (rhêgma) bronchorrhagia, hemorrhage, menorrhagia, regma, rhagades, rhegma, rhegmatogenous, rhexis
rheîn rhe-[123] flow ῥεῖν (rheîn), ῥυτός (rhutós), ῥύσις (rhúsis), ῥεῦμα (rheûma), ῥοία (rhoía), ῥυθμός (rhuthmós) antiarrhythmic, arrhythmia, arrhythmic, diarrhoea, dysrhythmia, endorheic, eurhythmia, eurhythmic, eurhythmy, gonorrhoea, hemorrhea, logorrhea, polyrhythm, rheology, rheometer, rheostat, rheum, rheumatic, rheumatism, rheumatoid, rheumatology, rhythm, rhythmic, rhyton
rhētínē rhetin-[124] resin ῥητίνη (rhētínē), ῥητινώδης, ῥητινόω retinite
rhîgos rhig-[125] chill ῥῖγος (rhîgos) rhigosaurus
rhinós rhin-[126] nose, snout ῥίς, ῥινός (rhís, rhinós) catarrhine, haplorhine, platyrrhine, rhinoceros, rhinophyma, rhinoplasty, strepsirrhine
rhíza rhiz-[127] root ῥίζα (rhíza), ῥιζοῦν (rhizoûn), ῥίζωμα (rhízōma) ectomycorrhiza, rhizoid, rhizomatous, rhizome, rhizomorph, rhizomorphous, rhizophagous, rhizophagy, Rhizopogon, Rhizopus, rhizosphere
rhô rho-[128] R, r Ρ, ρ, ῥῶ (rhô) rho, rhotacism, rhotacize, rhotic
rhódon rhod-[129] rose ῥόδον (rhódon) rhododendron, rhodophyte, rhodopsin, rhodophobia
rhómbos rhomb- spinning top ῥόμβος (rhómbos) orthorhombic, rhomb, rhombic, rhomboid, rhombus, rhumb
rhúnkhos rhynch-[130] snout ῥύγχος (rhúnkhos) Oncorhynchus, Rhynchobatus, rhynchophore


sákkos sacc-[131] bag σάκκος (sákkos) sack
sákkharon sacchar-[132] sugar σάκχαρ, σάκχαρον (sákkharon) disaccharide, heteropolysaccharide, homopolysaccharide, lipooligosaccharide, lipopolysaccharide, monosaccharide, oligosaccharide, pentasaccharide, polysaccharide, saccharin, trisaccharide
sálpinx salping-[133] trumpet σάλπιγξ, σάλπιγγος (sálpinx, sálpingos) endosalpingiosis, hysterosalpingography, salpiglossis, salpinx
saprós sapr-[135] rotten σήπειν, σαπρός (saprós), σαπρότης sapraemia, saprogenic, saprophagous, saprophyte, saprotrophic
sarkós sarc-[136] flesh σάρξ, σαρκός (sárx, sarkós) perisarc, sarcasm, sarcastic, sarcocele, sarcoid, sarcoidosis, sarcoma, sarcophagus, Sarcopterygii, sarcosine, sarcosinemia, sarcosome
saúra saur-[137] lizard, reptile σαύρα (saúra), σαῦρος (saûros) dinosaur, Saurischia, sauropod
skalēnós scalen-[138] uneven σκαληνός (skalēnós) scalene, scalene muscles, scalene triangle, scalenohedron
skándalon scandal- snare σκάνδαλον (skándalon), σκανδαλίζω (skandalízō) scandal, scandalize
skâpos scap-[139] shaft σκᾶπος (skâpos) scape, scapus
scaph- anything hollow, bowl, ship σκάφη, σκάφος Scaphirhynchus, scaphoid bone, scaphopod
skatós scat-[140] dung σκῶρ, σκατός (skôr, skatós) scatemia, scatology, scatoma, scatomancy, scatophagy, scatoscopy
skedannúnai sced-[141] scatter σκεδαννύναι (skedannúnai), σκέδασις (skédasis), (skedastós), (skedastikós) heteroscedastic, homoscedastic
skéleos scel-[142] leg, thigh σκέλος, σκέλεος (skéleos) isosceles, triskele, triskelion
skēnḗ scen-[143] booth, tent σκηνή (skēnḗ) parascenium, proscenium, scene, scenic, scenography
sképtesthai scept-, scop- look at, examine, view, observe σκέπτεσθαι (sképtesthai), σκέψις (sképsis), σκέμμα, σκεπτικός (skeptikós), σκοπεῖν (skopeîn), σκοπός, σκοποῦ (skopós) Abroscopus, diascopic, diascopy, endoscope, endoscopic, endoscopy, epidiascope, episcope, episcopic, gastroscopy, kaleidoscope, macroscopic, microscope, microscopic, panendoscopy, periscope, periscopic, scope, scopophobia, skeptic, stereoscopic, stereoscopy, stethoscope, telescope, telescopic, Telescopium
skhêma schem- plan σχῆμα (skhêma) schema, schematic, schematism, schematize, scheme
skhízein schid-[144] (ΣΧΙΔ)[145] split σχίζειν (skhízein), σχιστός (skhistós), σχίσις (skhísis), σχίσμα (skhísma), σχίζα diaschisis, diaschisma, schisis, schism, schisma, schismatic, schizocarp, schizogamy, schizogony, schizoid, schizophrenia, schizotrichia
skiá sci-[146] shade, shadow σκιά (skiá), σκιάς sciamachy, sciaphobia
skéllein scler-[147] hard σκέλλειν (skéllein), σκληρός (sklērós), σκληρότης (sklērótēs) sclera, sclerectomy, scleredema, sclereid, sclerema, sclerenchyma, sclerite, scleritis, scleroderma, sclerophyll, sclerophyllous, sclerosis, sclerotic, sclerotium, sclerotize
skṓlēkos scolec-[148] worm σκώληξ, σκώληκος (skṓlēx, skṓlēkos) scolex
skoliós scoli-[149] crooked σκολιός (skoliós), σκολιότης scoliokyphosis, scoliosis
skómbros scombr-[150] mackerel σκόμβρος (skómbros) scombrid, scombroid
scot-[151] darkness σκότος, σκότου, σκοταῖος scotobiology, scotochromogen, scotogenic, scotograph, scotoma, scotoperiod, scotophase, scotophilia, scotophilic, scotophobe, scotophobia, scotophobic, scotophobotaxis, scotopic, scotoscope, scotosis, scototactic, scototaxis, scototherapy
skúphos scyph-[152] cup σκύφος (skúphos) scyphoid, Scyphozoa, scyphus
seíein sei-[153] shake σείειν (seíein), aseismic, microseism, microseismic, paleoseismology, seism, seismic, seismogram, seismograph, seismology, seismometer, seismonasty, sistrum, teleseism, teleseismic
selḗnē selen- moon σελήνη (selḗnē) paraselene, selaphobia, Selene, selenium, selenocentric, selenography, selenology
sêma sema- sign σῆμα (sêma) aposematic, asemasia, asemia, asemic, pentaseme, polyseme, polysemic, polysemous, polysemy, semantics, semaphore, semasiology, sematic, seme, sememe, semiotic, tetraseme, triseme
sḗps sep- [154] rot σήψ (sḗps), antisepsis, antiseptic, asepsis, aseptic, sepia, sepsis, septic
sḗr ser-[155] silk σήρ (sḗr), σηρικός sericin, serigraph
síkuos sicy- cucumber σίκυος (síkuos) Sicyos
sídēros sider- iron σίδηρος (sídēros), σιδήρεος siderodromophobia, siderophile
sîgma sigm-[156] S, s σίγμα, σῖγμα (sîgma) sigma, sigmatism, sigmatropic, sigmoid, sigmoidoscopy
sínapi sinap-[157] mustard σίναπι (sínapi), (sināpízein), (sināpismós) sinapine, sinapism
siōpḗ siop-[158] silence σιωπή (siōpḗ), σιωπᾶν (siōpân), σιωπητέος (siōpētéos), σιώπησις (siṓpēsis) aposiopesis, aposiopetic
síphōn siph-[159] tube σίφων (síphōn) siphon, siphonoglyph
sîtos sit-[160] food, grain, wheat σῖτος, σίτου (sîtos, sítou) ectoparasite, endoparasite, endoparasitoid, epiparasite, hyperparasitism, kleptoparasitism, mesoparasite, parasite, parasitic, parasitism, parasitoid, sitology, syssitia
síxis siz-[161] hiss σίζω, σίξις (síxis)
smáragdos smaragd-[162] emerald σμάραγδος (smáragdos), σμαράγδινος (smarágdinos) smaragdine
smílē smil-[163] carving knife σμίλη (smílē), σμιλεύω, σμιλευτός, σμίλευμα smilodon
sōlḗn solen-[164] channel, pipe σωλήν (sōlḗn) solenocyte, solenodon, solenogaster, solenoid, Solenopsis
sṓmatos soma-[165] body σῶμα, σώματος (sôma, sṓmatos) allosome, asomatous, autosome, centrosome, chromosome, decasomy, disomic, disomy, episome, gonosome, heptasomy, heterochromosome, heterodisomic, heterodisomy, hexasomy, isodisomic, isodisomy, macrosomia, metasomatic, metasomatism, microsome, microsomia, monosome, monosomic, monosomy, pentasomic, pentasomy, plasmosome, polysomic, polysomy, pyrosome, somatic, somatomancy, somatoparaphrenia, somatopleure, somatotype, somite, tetrasomic, tetrasomy, trisomic, trisomy
sophós soph-[166] wise σοφός (sophós), σοφία (sophía), σόφισμα (sóphisma), σοφισμός (sophismós) antisophism, pansophism, pansophist, pansophy, philosophize, philosophy, sophism, sophist, sophistry, sophisticate, Sophocles, sophomania, sophomaniac, sophomore, sophomoric
spân spa-[167] draw, pull σπᾶν (spân), σπάσις (spásis), σπασμός (spasmós), σπάσμα (spásma), σπαστικός (spastikós), σπώμενον (spṓmenon), σπάδιξ (spádix), σπαδίζω antispasmodic, palinspastic, perispomenon, properispomenon, spadix, spasm, spasmatic, spasmodic, spasmogenic, spasmolytic, spastic, spasticity
spádos spad-[168] eunuch σπάδος (spádos), σπάδων (spádōn), σπαδοειδής epispadias, hypospadias
spáthē spath- blade σπάθη (spáthē) spade, spatha, spathe, spay
speírō speir-, spor-[169] sow σπείρω (speírō), σπαρτός, σπορά, σποράς, σποράδος (sporás, sporádos), σποραδικός (sporadikós), σπόρος (spóros) aplanospore, archesporium, carpospore, chlamydospore, diaspora, diaspore, endospore, esparto, eusporangium, exospore, heterosporous, heterospory, homosporous, isosporous, leptosporangium, megasporangium, megaspore, microsporangium, microspore, mitospore, sporadic, sporangiospore, sporangium, spore, sporocarp, sporophyte, teliospore, tetraspore, tetrasporophytic, zygospore
spéos spele- cavern σπέος (spéos), σπήλαιον (spḗlaion) speleogen, speleogenesis, speleology, Speleomantes, speleomorphology, speleoseismite, speleothem, speleotherapy
spêlynx spelyng-[170] cave σπῆλυγξ, (spêlynx, spēlyng-) spelunk
spéndein spend-, spond-[171] σπένδειν (spéndein), σπονδή, σπονδάς (spondḗ, spondás), σπονδεῖος, σπονδικός spondaic, Sponde, spondee
spérmatos sperm-[172] seed σπέρμα, σπέρματος (spérma, spérmatos) angiosperm, endosperm, gymnosperm, perisperm, sperm, spermatid, spermatocyte, spermatogenesis, spermatogonium, spermatozoon, stenospermocarpy
sphállein sphal-[173] (ΣΦΑΛ[174]) cause to fall σφάλλειν (sphállein), σφαλερός (sphalerós), σφαλλόμενον sphalerite, sphaleron
sphēnós sphen-[175] wedge σφήν, σφηνός (sphḗn, sphēnós) sphenic, Sphenodon, sphenoid
sphaîra spher-[176] ball σφαῖρα (sphaîra) aspheric, hemisphere, hypersphere, mesosphere, pseudosphere, sphere, spherics, spheroid, spherometer, spherulite, stratosphere, trimetasphere
sphíngein sphing-, sphinct- strangle σφίγγειν (sphíngein), Σφίγξ sphings, σφιγκτήρ sphincter
sphóndulos sphondyl- vertebra σφόνδυλος, σφονδύλου (sphóndulos, sphondúlou) spondylitis, spondylolisthesis, spondylolysis, spondylosis, Temnospondyli
sphragís sphrag- seal σφραγίς (sphragís), (sphragistikós), σφραγίζω sphragistic
sphúzein sphyg- pulse σφύζειν (sphúzein), σφυγμός (sphugmós), (sphugmikós), (sphúxis) asphyxia, sphygmic, sphygmochronograph, sphygmograph, sphygmomanometer, sphygmus
splḗn splen- spleen σπλήν (splḗn), splēnikós asplenia, hypersplenism, hyposplenia, polysplenia, splenectomy, splenic, splenitis, splenoid, splenomegaly
spóndulos spondyl- vertebra σπόνδυλος (spóndulos) platyspondyly, spondylid, spondylolisthesis, spondylolysis, spondylopyosis, spondyloschisis, spondylosis, spondylosyndesis, Spondylus
st- (ΣΤΑ) cause to stand ἵστημι histēmi, histánai, στατικός, στάσις, στατήρ, στήλη acrostatic, actinostele, anastasis, antistatic, apostasy, apostate, astasia, astasis, astatic, astatine, catastasis, chronostasis, diastase, diastasis, diastatic, diasystem, ecstasy, ecstatic, epistasis, episteme, epistemic, epistemology, eustasis, eustatic, eustele, haplostele, homeostasis, homeostatic, hydrostatic, hypostasis, hypostasize, hypostatic, hypostatize, mesostatic, metastasis, metastasize, metastatic, metasystem, orthostates, orthostatic, protostele, stasimon, stasis, stater, static, statoblast, statocyst, statolith, stela, stele, systasis, system, systematic, systematize, systematology, systemic, teleutostatic
stalaktós stala- dripping, trickling σταλακτός (stalaktós) and σταλαγμός (stalagmós), both from σταλάζειν (stalázein) to drip stalactite, stalagmite
staphulḗ staphyl-[177] bunch of grapes σταφυλή (staphulḗ) staphyledema, staphylion, staphylococcus, staphyloderma, staphyloplasty
stéatos steat-[178] fat, tallow στέαρ, στέατος (stéar, stéatos) stearic acid, steatolysis, steatolytic, steatosis
stégē steg-[179] cover στέγειν, στέγη (stégē), στεγανός (steganós) steganography, steganopod, Stegosaurus
stéllō stell-, stol-[180] send στέλλω (stéllō), στάλσις (stálsis), στολή (stolḗ) apostle, centrostaltic, diastole, epistle, epistolic, epistolize, epistolography, eusystole, hypodiastole, peristalsis, peristaltic, peristole, stole, systaltic, systole
stenaí sten- stand στεναί (stenaí) apostasy, apostate
stenós sten-[181] narrow στενός (stenós) stenography, stenosis
stereós stere-[182] solid στερεός (stereós) allosteric, stereochemistry, stereochromy, stereographic, stereography, stereoisomer, stereometry, stereophonic, stereopsis, stereoscope, stereoscopy, stereotaxis, stereotomy, stereotype, stereotypic, steric
stérnon stern-[183] breastbone στέρνον (stérnon) metasternum, prosternum, sternum
stêthos steth-[184] chest στῆθος (stêthos) stethoscope
sthénos sthen-[185] strength σθένος (sthénos) asthenia, asthenosphere, callisthenics, hyposthenia, sthène, sthenia
steíkhein stich-[186] line, row στείχειν (steíkhein), στίχος (stíkhos) acrostic, cadastre, distich, distichous, haplostichous, hemistich, heptastich, monostich, monostichous, orthostichy, pentastich, polystichia, polystichous, stich, stichic, stichomancy, stichometry, stichomythia, telestich
stíkhē stich-[187] tunic στίχη (stíkhē), στιχάριον (stikhárion) sticharion
stízein stig-[188] mark, puncture στίζειν (stízein), στίξις (stíxis), στίγμα, στίγματος (stígma, stígmatos) anastigmat, anastigmatic, astigmatic, astigmatism, stigma, stigmata, stigmatic
stókhos stoch-[189] aim στόχος (stókhos), στοχαστικός (stokhastikós), στόχασμα stochastic
stómatos stom- mouth στόμα, στόματος (stóma, stómatos) anastomosis, anastomotic, deuterostome, monostomous, ozostomia, pentastomid, protostome, stoma, stomach, stomatalgia, stomatic, stomatoplasty, -stome
storénnumi stor-[190] (ΣΤΟΡ)[191] spread, strew στορέννυμι (storénnumi), στόρνυμι, στρῶμα (strôma) biostrome, stroma
stratós strat- army στρατός (stratós), στρατηγία (stratēgía) stratagem, strategic, strategist, strategus, strategy, stratocracy, stratography, stratonic
stréphein streph-, stroph-, strob-, stromb-[192] turn στρέφειν (stréphein), στρεπτός (streptós), στροφή (strophḗ) anastrophe, antistrophe, apostrophe, boustrophedon, catastrophe, catastrophic, catastrophism, epistrophe, monostrophe, monostrophic, strophe, strophic
streptós strept- twisted στρέφειν, στρεπτός (streptós), στρεψίς (strepsís) Strepsiptera, strepsirrhine, streptococcus
stroph- turn
Stugós styg-[193] Styx Στύξ, Στυγός (Stúx, Stugós), Στύγιος Stygian, stygiophobia
stûlos styl-[194] column, pillar στῦλος (stûlos), στυλόω (stulóō) amphiprostyle, amphistyly, anastylosis, araeostyle, araeosystyle, blastostyle, diastyle, epistyle, eustyle, hexastyle, hyostyly, hypostyle, monostylous, octastyle, orthostyle, peristyle, prostyle, pycnostyle, stylite, Stylites, stylobate, styloid, stylus, systyle
sybar-[195] Sybaris Σύβαρις, συβάρεως, Συβαρίτης Sybarī́tēs, Συβαριτικός Sybarite, sybaritic, sybaritism
sûkon syc- fig συκῆ, σῦκον (sûkon) sycomancy, sycophant
sún syn-, sy-, syg-, syl-, sym-, sys-[196] with σύν (sún) syllogism, symbol, symmetry, sympathy, synonym, synchronous, system
súringos syring- pipe σύριγξ, σύριγγος (súrinx, súringos) syringe, Syringodea, Syringoderma, Syringogaster, syringoma, syringomyelia, syrinx


takhús tach- swift ταχύς (takhús), τάχος (tákhos) tachometer, tachycardia, tachyrhythmia, tachytelic
teínein taeni- ribbon τείνειν (teínein), ταινία (tainía), ταινίδιον (tainídion) diplotene, leptotene, pachytene, taenia, taenidia, taenidium, taeniodont, Taeniolabis, zygotene
tássein tag- (ΤΑΓ)[197] arrange, order τάσσειν (tássein), τακτός (taktós), τακτικός (taktikós), τάξις (táxis), τάγμα (tágma) ataxia, chemotaxis, epitaxis, eutaxy, hypotaxis, magnetotaxis, metasyntactic, parataxis, phonotactic, phonotactics, phototaxis, rheotaxis, syntactic, syntagma, syntagmatic, syntax, tactic, tagma, taxis, taxonomy, thermotaxis
tarássein tarac- (ΤΑΡΑΧ)[198] stir ταράσσειν (tarássein), ταρακτός, ταρακτικός, τάραγμα, θράσσω ataractic, ataraxia
tarsós tars- ankle ταρσός (tarsós, a flat basket) metatarsus, tarsal, tarsoclasis, tarsometatarsus, tarsus
taûros taur- bull ταῦρος (taûros) Minotaur, taurobolium, taurocholic, tauromachy
tec- (ΤΑΚ)[199] melt τήκειν eutectic, eutectoid
tókos tec-, toc- (ΤΕΚ)[200] childbirth τίκτειν, τόκος (tókos) ditokous, dystocia, embiotocid, monotocous, teknonymous, teknonymy, tokophobia
tíktein techn- (ΤΕΚ)[201] art, skill τίκτειν (tíktein), τέχνη (tékhnē), τέκτων, τέκτονος (téktōn, téktonos), τεκτονικός (tektonikós) architect, polytechnic, techne, technique, technocracy, technocrat, technogaianism, technology, technophilia, technophobia, tectonic
téknon tecn- (ΤΕΚ)[202] child τίκτω, τέκνον, τέκνου (téknon, téknou) teknonymous, teknonymy
têle tele- far, end τῆλε (têle) telegram, telegraph, telemetry, telepathy, telephone, telescope, television
télos tele- complete τέλος, τέλεος (télos, téleos), τέλεσις (télesis) atelectasis, ateleiosis, atelophobia, teleology, telesis, toll
témnein tem-, tom- [203] cut τέμνειν (témnein), τομός (tomós), τόμος (tómos), τομή (tomḗ), τμῆσις (tmêsis) acrotomophilia, anatomy, apotemnophilia, atom, atomic, autotomy, diatom, dichotomous, dichotomy, ectomy, entomology, entomomancy, entomophagous, entomophilous, epitome, monatomic, pentatomic, polyatomic, polytomy, Temnospondyli, tmesis, tome, tomogram, tomography, trichotomous, trichotomy
teínein ten-, ton- [205] stretch τείνειν (teínein), τεινόμενον, τανύειν (tanúein), τετανός (tetanós), τόνος (tónos), τονικός (tonikós), τονή (tonḗ), τάσις (tásis), ταινία anhemitonic, atelectasis, atonic, atritonic, barytone, catatonia, catatoniac, catatonic, decatonic, diatonic, ditone, dodecatonic, dystonia, ectasia, enneatonic, entasia, entasis, epitasis, hemitonia, hemitonic, heptatonic, hexatonic, hyperisotonic, hypertonia, hypertonic, hypotenuse, hypotonia, hypotonic, isotonic, microtone, monotone, monotonic, monotonous, monotony, neoteny, octatonic, oxytone, paroxytone, pentatonic, peritoneum, polytonic, proparoxytone, protasis, pyelectasis, syntonic, tetanolysin, tetanospasmin, tetanus, tetany, tetratonic, tone, tonic, tonoplast, tritonic, tune
tēreîn tere- guard τηρεῖν (tēreîn), τήρησις (tḗrēsis) synteresis
tétartos tetart-[207] fourth τέταρτος (tétartos) tetartanopsia, tetartohedric
téssares tetr- four τέτϝαρες, τέσσαρες, τεσσάρων (téssares, tessárōn) diatessaron, tetragon, tetrahedron, tetralogy, tetrameter, tetraphobia, tetrapod, tetrode
teúkhein teuch- make τεύχειν (teúkhein), τυγχάνω, τευκτός, τευκτικός, τεῦξις (teûxis), τεῦγμα (teûgma), τεῦχος, τεύχεος (teûkhos, teúkheos), τύχη (túkhē), τυκτός (tuktós) Heptateuch, octateuch, Pentateuch
thálamos thalam- chamber, bed θάλαμος (thálamos) epithalamion, hypothalamus, prothalamion, thalamotomy, thalamus
thálassa thalass- sea θάλασσα (thálassa) Panthalassa, thalassemia, thalassic, thalassophobia
thánatos than- (ΘΑΝ)[208][209] death θνήσκειν, θάνατος (thánatos) euthanasia, thanatocoenosis, thanatoid, thanatology, thanatophobia, thanatophoric, thanatopsis
thaumat thaumat- miracle θαυματ (thaumat) thaumatology, thaumaturge, thaumaturgy
theós the-, thus- god θεός (theós) atheism, atheistic, ditheism, enthusiasm, monotheism, Pantheon, polytheism, Thea, theobromine, theocracy, theodicy, Theodore, theogony, theology, theophobia, Timothy, tritheism
tithénai the- (ΘΕ)[210] put τιθέναι (tithénai), θετός (thetós), θετικός (thetikós), θέσις (thésis), θέμα (théma), θήκη (thḗkē) anathema, anathematic, antithesis, antithetic, apothecium, athematic, Bibliotheca, bodega, boutique, deem, doom, enthesis, enthetic, epenthesis, epenthetic, epitheca, epithet, hypothec, hypothesis, monothematic, nomothetic, oligosynthetic, parenthesis, parenthetic, polysynthetic, prosthesis, prosthetic, prothesis, prothetic, pseudothecium, synthesis, synthetic, theca, thecium, thematic, theme, Themis, thesaurus, thesis, treasure
theâsthai thea- view θεᾶσθαι (theâsthai), θέατρον (théatron) amphitheatre, metatheatre, theatre, theatric
thēlḗ thel- nipple θηλή (thēlḗ) athelia, endothelium, epithelium, mesothelioma, mesothelium, thelium, thelial
theōrētikós theori- speculation θεωρητικός (theōrētikós), θεώρημα (theṓrēma), θεωρία (theōría) theorem, theoretic, theorist, theorize, theory
thērós ther- beast, animal θήρ, θηρός (thḗr, thērós) therianthropy, theroid, theropod, theropsid
therápōn therap- serve θεράπων (therápōn), θεραπεύειν (therapeúein), θεραπευτός, θεραπευτικός (therapeutikós), θεραπεία (therapeía) therapeutic, therapist, therapy
théresthai therm- heat, warm θέρεσθαι (théresthai), θέρμη (thérmē), θερμός (thermós) thermal, athermancy, diathermancy, ectotherm, endotherm, endothermic, exothermic, geothermic, homeothermy, hyperthermia, hypothermia, isotherm, poikilotherm, thermobaric, thermochromism, thermodynamic, thermolysis, thermometer, thermophilic, thermophobia, thermoplastic, thermoplegia, thermos, thermosphere, thermostat, thermostatic
thingánein thig- (ΘΙΓ)[211] touch θιγγάνειν (thingánein), θίξις (thíxis), θίγημα (thígēma) antithixotropic, thigmonasty, thigmotaxis, thixotropic, thixotropy
thṓrax thorac- chest θώραξ, θώρακος (thṓrax, thṓrakos) hemothorax, pneumothorax, thoracic, thorax
thumós thym- mood θυμός (thumós) dysthymia
thúra thyr- door θύρα (thúra) thyratron
thureós thyre- large shield θυρεός (thureós) Thyreophora, thyroid, thyrotropin, thyroxine
tomḗ tom- cut τομή (tomḗ), τόμος (tómos) anatomy, appendectomy, atom, dichotomy, ectomy, embolectomy, tome, tonsillectomy, vasectomy
teínein ton- (ΤΑΝ)[213] stretch τείνειν (teínein), τόνος (tónos), τονικός (tonikós) isotonic, monotone, tone
tópos top- [214] place, location τόπος (tópos) atopic, atopy, dystopia, ectopia, ectopic, entopic, epitope, eutopia, isotope, nomotopic, polytope, topiary, topic, topography, topology, toponomastics, toponym, toponymy, topos, utopia, zonotope
tóxon tox-[216] arrow, bow, poison τόξον (tóxon) anatoxin, antitoxin, autotoxin, exotoxin, intoxicate, neurotoxin, psychotoxic, toxic, toxin, toxoid, toxology, toxoplasmosis
trakhús trach-[217] rough τραχύς (trakhús) trachea, tracheids, tracheitis, tracheophyte, tracheostomy, tracheotomy, trachoma
trágos trag-[218] he-goat τράγος (trágos) tragedy, tragic, tragus
trápeza trapez-[219] four-legged, table τράπεζα (trápeza), τραπέζιον, (trapézion) trapeze, trapezium, trapezius, trapezohedron, trapezoid
traûma traum-[220] wound τραῦμα, τραῦματος (traûma, traûmatos) trauma, traumatic, traumatize, traumatophobia
trékhein trech-, troch-[221] run, wheel τρέχειν (trékhein), τρεχόμενον, τρόχος (tróchos), τροχός, τροχοῦ (trochós), τρόχωσις, τροχαῖος (trochaîos), τροχαϊκός (trochaïkós), τροχοειδής ditrochee, epitrochoid, hypotrochoid, trochaic, trochanter, trochee, trochelminth, trochlea, trochophore, trochoid
treiskaídeka treiskaidek- thirteen τρεισκαίδεκα (treiskaídeka) triskaidekaphobia, triskaidecagon
trêma trema- hole τετραίνω, τρῆμα (trêma) monotrematous, monotreme, trema, tréma, trematode
trépein trep-, trop-[222] turn τρέπειν (trépein), τρέψις (trépsis), τρόπος, τρόπου (trópos), τροπή, τροπῆς (tropḗ), τροπικός (tropikós) allotrope, anisotropy, Atropos, ectropion, entropic, entropion, entropy, heliotropism, isentropic, isotrope, isotropic, isotropy, pleiotropic, pleiotropy, polytrope, protrepsis, protreptic, psychotropic, treponeme, treponematosis, treponemiasis, trope, tropic, tropism, tropopause, troposphere, trove
tréphein treph-, troph-[223] feed, grow τρέφειν (tréphein), τροφός (trophós), τροφή (trophḗ), θρέμμα amyotrophic, atrophy, autotroph, auxotrophy, chemolithoautotroph, dystrophy, hemidystrophy, heterotroph, hypertrophy, lithoautotroph, lithotroph, mixotroph, organotroph, phagotrophy, photoheterotroph, phototroph, phototrophic, phototrophy, pogonotrophy, poliodystrophy, prototrophy, trophectoderm, trophic, trophobiosis, trophobiotic, trophoblast, trophoblastic, trophozoite
tría tri-[224] three τρεῖς, τρία (tría), τριάς atritonic, triad, triadic, Triassic, tricycle, trigon, triode, tripod, trisyllabic, tritonic
tríbein trib-, tript-[225] rub τρίβειν (tríbein), τριπτός, τρῖψις diatribe, tribochromism, tribology, trypsin, tryptic
trikhós trich- hair θρίξ, τριχός (trikhós) peritrichous, trichopathophobia, Trichoptera
trítos trit- [226] third τρίτος (trítos) tritagonist, tritanomaly, tritanopia, trite, tritium
trokhós troch- wheel τροχός (trokhós) trochlea
tropos trop- turn τρόπος (tropos) contrive, heliotropism, isotrope, psychotropic, retrieve, trope, tropic, tropism, troposphere, troubadour, trove
trophós troph- feed, grow τροφή, τροφός (trophós) dystrophy, pogonotrophy, trophic
trupân tryp-[227] bore τρυπᾶν (trupân), τρύπανον (trúpanon) trepan, trypanophobia, trypanosome
túmbos tymb-[228] mound τύμβος (túmbos), τυμβεύω, τύμβευμα entomb, tomb
túmpanon tympan- drum τύμπανον (túmpanon) timbre, timpanist, tympani, tympanum
túptein typ-[229] (ΤΥΠ[230]) stamp, model τύπτειν (túptein), τύπος (túpos), τυπικός (tupikós), τύμπανον (túmpanon) allotype, archetype, ecotype, ectype, epitype, ergatotype, heterotype, heterotypic, holotype, homeotypic, homotype, homotypic, isosyntype, isotype, lectotype, logotype, monotypic, neotype, paralectotype, paratype, phenotype, prototype, schizotypic, syntype, type, typography, typology
túphein typh-[231] smoke τύφειν (túphein), τῦφος (tûphos), τυφώδης typhoid, typhous, typhus
túrannos tyrann-[232] terrible, tyrant τύραννος (túrannos) tyrannize, tyrannosaurus, tyranny, tyrant


oûlon ul-[233] gums οὖλον (oûlon) ulorrhea
oûlos ul-[234] woolly οὖλος (oûlos) Ulotrichi
ourá ur-[235] tail οὐρά, οὐρᾶς (ourá, ourâs) anthurium, Anura, brachyurous, colure, cynosure, Diplura, Protura, uroborus, urochord, uroid, uropod
oureîn ur-[236] urine οὐρεῖν (oureîn), οὖρον, οὔρου (oûron, oúrou), οὔρησις (oúrēsis), οὐρητήρ (ourētḗr), οὐρήθρα (ourḗthra) antidiuretic, cystinuria, diuresis, diuretic, dysuria, enuresis, homocystinuria, lithuresis, polyurea, polyuria, strangury, uraemia/uremia, urea, uremic, uresiesthesia, uresis, ureter, ureteroscopy, urethra, urology
ouranós uran-[237] heaven, sky οὐρανός, οὐρανοῦ (ouranós, ouranoû), οὐρανόθεν (ouranóthen) uraninite, uranium, uranography, uranology, uranometry, uranophobia, Uranus
urg- work


xanthós xanth-[238] yellow ξανθός (xanthós), ξανθότης (xanthótēs) yellowness axanthism, heteroxanthine, xanthan, xanthelasma, xanthic, xanthine, Xanthippe, xanthium, xanthochromia, xanthochromism, xanthogenic, Xanthoidea, xanthoma, xanthomatosis, xanthophobia, xanthophore, xanthophyll, xanthopsia, xanthopterin, xanthosis, xanthous
xéein xe-[239] scrape, shave ξεῖν/ξέειν (xéein), ξέσις (xésis), ξέσμα (xésma) arthroxesis
xei-, xi-[240] ks Ξ, ξ, ξεῖ/ξῖ xi
xénos xen-[241] foreign ξένϝος, ξένος (xénos), ξενικός, ξενία (xenía) axenic, Xenarthra, xenia, xenic, xenobiotic, xenoblast, xenogamy, xenograft, xenolith, xenology, xenon, xenophobia
xērós xer-[242] dry ξηρός (xērós), ξηρότης (xērótēs) elixir, xerasia, xerochilia, xeroderma, xerography, xeromorph, xerophagy, xerophile, xerophthalmia, xerophyte, xerosis
xíphos xiph-[243] sword ξίφος (xíphos) xiphisternum, xiphoid, xiphopagus, xiphophyllous
xúlon xyl-[244] wood ξύλον (xúlon) metaxylem, protoxylem, xylem, xylene, xylitol, xylocarp, Xylocarpus, xyloid, xylophagous, xylophobia, xylophone, xylostroma


zeîn ze-[245] boil ζεῖν (zeîn), ζεστός (zestós), ζέσις, ζέμα, ζέματος (zéma, zématos) eczema, eczematous
zêlos zel-[246] jealousy, zeal ζῆλος (zêlos), ζηλωτής, ζηλωτοῦ (zēlōtḗs) zeal, zealot, zealous
Zéphuros zephyr-[247] west wind Ζέφυρος (Zéphuros) zephyr
zêta zet-[248] Z, z Ζ, ζ, ζῆτα (zêta) zed, zeta
zēteîn zete-[249] seek ζητεῖν (zēteîn), ζητητός (zētētós), ζητητικός (zētētikós) zetetic
zízuphon zizyph-[250] jujube ζίζυφον (zízuphon) Ziziphus
zôion zo-[251] animal, living being ζῶ, ζῷον (zôion) anthrozoology, azoic, azotemia, cryptozoology, ectozoon, entozoon, epizoon, Eumetazoa, Mesozoic, Metazoa, protozoa, zoanthropy, zodiac, zoic, zoo, zoochore, zoogamete, zoogeography, zooid/zoöid, zoologic, zoology, zoomorphism, zoon, zoonosis, zoophagy, zoopoetics, zoospore, zootoxin, zooxanthella
zōnnúnai zon-[252] belt, girdle ζωννύναι (zōnnúnai), ζώνη (zṓnē), ζωστήρ (zōstḗr), ζῶστρον phylozone, zonal, zone, zonohedron, zonotope, zoster
zeugnúnai zyg-[253] (ΖΥΓ)[254] yoke ζευγνύναι (zeugnúnai), ζεῦγμα (zeûgma), ζυγωτός (zugōtós), ζυγός, ζυγόν (zugón) azygous, diazeugma, dizygotic, heterozygote, heterozygous, hyperzeuxis, hypozeugma, hypozeuxis, mesozeugma, monozygotic, prozeugma, synezeugmenon, zeugitae, zeugma, zygoma, zygomorphic, zygomorphism, zygomycosis, zygomycota, zygon, Zygoptera, zygote
zúmē zym-[255] ferment ζέω, ζύμη (zúmē) alloenzyme, azyme, azymite, enzyme, lysozyme, microzyme, zymase, zyme, zymogen, zymology, zymolysis, zymosis, zymotic, zymurgy
sáppheiros sapphir-[134] a precious stone σάπφειρος (sáppheiros) sapphire, sapphirine


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