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Admiration प्रशंसा तारीफ from prefix ad- (“to, towards”) + mīrō (“I look at”) + -ātiō.
Affection स्नेह प्यार Equivalent to ad- +‎ faciō (“do, make”)
aggressive आक्रामक जरहना from ad (“to”) + gradi (“to walk, go”), from gradus (“step”)
Agitation घबराहट तहरीक From agō (“do, act, make”) +‎ -itō (frequentative suffix).
Agony पीड़ा अजियत from Ancient Greek ἀγωνία (agōnía, “emulation, competition, struggle”)
Alarm Doublet of Lärm.
alertness मुस्तैदी from erta (“lookout, tower”).
Alienation अलगाव की भावना अजनबीयत From aliēnus (“foreign, alien”)
Amaze अमेज हेरतजदा from ā- (perfective prefix) + *masian (“to confound”)
amusement मनोरंजन तफरी Middle French amuser (“to amuse, divert, babble”),
anger क्रोध गुस्सा Sanskrit अंहु (aṃhu, “anxiety, distress”).
Annoyance चिढ़ झनझलाहट From in- +‎ odiō (“hate”), a verb based on odium (“hatred, loathing”)
anticipate पूर्वानुमान करना मुतावक्का from ante (“before”), + capere (“take”)
anxiety चिंता बेचैनी from angō (“to distress, trouble”)
apprehension आशंका khadsha From ad- (“to, towards, at”) +‎ equivalent to pre- (“fore-, pre-”) +‎ *hendō (“to take, seize”)
Astonish चकित astun (“to astonish, confound, stun”),
Attraction आकर्षण कशिश attrahō (= ad + trahō),
aversion घृणा नफरत From ab- +‎ vertō
awe भय खौफ
Baffle बाफ़ल चकरा जाना Perhaps related to French bafouer (“to scorn”)
Bewilder भुलाना हैरानकिन From be- (prefix used as an intensifier) +‎ wilder (“to lead astray; to go astray, wander”)
Bliss परमानंद नेमतोन
boredom उदासी बुरीयत Cognate with Latin forō (“to bore, to pierce”)
Calm शांत पुरसुकून may derive from Late Latin cauma (“heat of the midday sun”),
Carefree लापरवाह ला परवाह
Caring देखभाल करने वाला Latin garriō,
Charity दान पुण्य sadqa From cārus (“dear, expensive”) +‎ -tās.
comfort आराम आराम from Latin con- (“together”) + fortis (“strong”).
Compassion दया हमदर्दी from Latin passio (“suffering”),
concern चिंता तशवीश combined form of con- + cernō (“distinguish”).
confident विश्वास है पर एतमाद from con- (“with”) + fīdō (“trust”).
confusion उलझन From con- (“with, together”) +‎ fundō (“pour”).
contempt निंदा तौहीन from com- + temnō (“I despise”)
Contentment संतोष कनात From con- (“with, together”) +‎ tendō (“stretch, extend; contend”)
Courage साहस हिम्मत from Latin cor (“heart”)
Cruelty क्रूरता ज़ुल्म crūdēlis (“cruel, hard-hearted”) (crudus)
curiosity जिज्ञासा तजस्सुस From cūra (“care, concern, worry”) +‎ -osus (“suffix forming adjectives from nouns”).
cynicism कुटिलता घटियापन From κῠ́ων (kúōn, “dog”) +‎ -ῐκός (-ikós)
dejection उदासी मायूसी From dē- (“from, down from, away from”) +‎ iaciō (“throw, hurl”).
Delight आनंद खुशी from de- (“away”) + laciō (“I lure, I deceive”),
Desire इच्छा ख्वाइश from de- + sidus (in the phrase de sidere, from the stars)
Despair निराशा मायूसी from des- (“dis-”) + esperer (“hope”).
Disappointment निराशा मायूसी from des - (dis-) + Latin ad + punctum (“a point”).
disaprroval अस्वीकृति ना मंजूर from ad + probō (“to esteem as good, approve, prove”)
discomfort असहजता बे आरामी from Latin con- (“together”) + fortis (“strong”).
disdain तिरस्कार हिकारत from dignus (“worthy”)
disgust घृणा नफरत from des- (“dis-”) + gouster, goster (“to taste”),
Dismay बेचैनी मायूसी from ex- + *magare (“to enable, empower”)
dispirited मायूस मायूसी from Latin spīrō (“I breathe, blow, respire”)
dissatisfied असंतुष्ट ग़ैर from satis (“enough, sufficient”) + faciō (“I make, I do”)
Distress संकट तकलीफ from dis- (“apart”) + stringere (“to draw tight, strain”).
dominance प्रभाव ग़लबा
Doubt शक *dwóh₁ (“two”)) + habeō (“to have, hold”)
dread भय खौफ from and- +‎ rǣdan (whence read);
Eagerness उत्सुकता बेताबी from Latin acer (“sharp, keen”);
Ecstasy परमानंद from ἐκ (ek, “out”) and ἵστημι (hístēmi, “I stand”)
Elation उत्साह खुशी short form of ex, + ferō (“carry, bear”).
Embarrassment शर्मिंदगी from em- (“in”) (from Latin im-) + baraço (“noose, rope”)
Empathy सहानुभूति हमदर्दी (formed from ἐν (en, “in, at”) + πάθος (páthos, “feeling”))
enlightenment प्रबोधन रोशन खयाली inlighten (“to enlighten, illuminate”)
ennui विरक्ति from Late Latin inodiō, from Latin in odiō (“hated”). Doublet of annoy.
Enthusiasm उमंग जोश from ἐν (en, “in”) + θεός (theós, “god”) + οὐσία (ousía, “essence”).
enthusiastic उत्साही पूरा जोश contracted form of ἔνθεος (éntheos, “possessed by a god”)
envy ईर्ष्या हसद from in- (“on, upon”) + videre (“to look, see”).
epiphany अहसास from ἐπί (epí, “upon”) + φαίνω (phaínō, “I shine, appear”)
Exasperation खीज गुस्सा possibly from ( ex + aspera )
Excitement उत्साह जोश from ex (“out”) + ciere (“call, summon”)
Exhilaration ज़िंदादिली जोश ओ खरोश (from Ancient Greek ἱλαρός (hilarós, “cheerful, merry”),
fear डर खौफ Latin perīculum (“danger, risk, trial”)
Ferocity क्रूरता दरिंदगी from ferox (“fierce”), from ferus (“wild, savage, fierce”)
Flumoxxed Flumoxxed
Fondness अनुराग शौक perhaps related to fonne (“idiot”).
Friendliness मित्रता दोस्ती equivalent to free +‎ -nd.
Fright भय खौफ
frustration निराशा मायूसी from fraus (“harm, injury”). , From frūstrō (“deceive, trick”) +‎ -tiō.
Fury रोष गुस्सा from Latin furia (“rage”)
Gladness हर्ष खुशी Latin glaber (“smooth; hairless; bald”)
Glee उल्लास खुशी
Gloom उदासी from Proto-Indo-European *ǵʰley- (“to gleam, shimmer, glow”)
Greed लालच Sanskrit गृद्धि (gṛddhi, “greed”),
grief शोक ग़म from Latin gravis (“heavy, grievous, sad”). Doublet of grave.
Grumpy क्रोधी बदतमीज़
Guilt अपराध जुर्म
happiness ख़ुशी खुशी an alteration of Middle English happyn, happen (“fortunate, happy”),
harass परेशान हरासन करना possibly from hither + thither (compound )
Helplessness बेबसी
hopeful आशावान उम्मीदमंद
horrify डराना खौफजादा Latin horror (“a bristling, a shaking, trembling as with cold or fear, terror”)
Hostility शत्रुता दुश्मनी Equivalent to hostis (“enemy”) +‎ -īlis.
Humility विनम्रता आजज़ी from humilis (“low, lowly, humble, earth”)
Impatience अधीरता बे सब्री present active participle of patior (“suffer, experience, wait”),
indifference उदासीनता बे हिसि From dis- (“apart”) +‎ ferō (“carry, bear”)
indignation रोष गुस्सा from in- (“not”) + dignus (“worthy, appropriate”)
Infatuation आसक्ति सहर in + From fatuus (“foolish”) (Attraction)
influence प्रभाव असर ओ रसूख from in- (“in-”) + fluō (“flow”)
insight अंतर्दृष्टि बासीरत equivalent to in- +‎ sight.
inspire प्रेरित करना हौसला अफजाई from in + spīrō (“breathe”),
Insult अपमान तौहीन करना from in- (prefix meaning ‘in, inside, within’) + saliō (“to bound, jump, leap;
interest दिलचस्प inter- +‎ sum
intrigue साज़िश From in- +‎ trīcor (“dally, trifle”).
Irritation चिढ़ present active infinitive of irrītō (“I excite”)
Isolation एकांत अलेहद्गी from isolé, placed on an island (thus away from other people)
Jealousy ईर्ष्या द्वेष हसद from Ancient Greek ζῆλος (zêlos, “zeal, jealousy”)
Joviality प्रसन्नता खुश मिजाज
joy हर्ष खुशी Latin gaudium (“joy”), from gaudēre (“to be glad, rejoice”).
Jubilation आनंदोत्सव खुशी from Latin iūbilātiō (“a shouting for joy”)
laughter हंसी
Liking पसंद from Proto-Indo-European *leyg- (“image; likeness; similarity”)
Loathing घृणा नफरत अंगेज़
Loneliness अकेलापन तन्हाई Shortened from alone. ( equivalent to al- (“all”) +‎ one.)
Love प्यार मोहब्बत Sanskrit लोभ (lobha, “desire, greed”).
melanocholy मेलानोचोली (melan-, “black, dark, murky”) + χολή (kholḗ, “bile”).
Modesty नम्रता शाइस्तगी
molest तंग करना छेड़ छाड़ Cognate with Ancient Greek μῶλος (môlos)
morbidness विकृति बीमारी from morbus (“sickness”), itself from the root of morī (“to die”)
Mortification वैराग्य mortification From mors (“death”) +‎ -ficō (“-fy”).
motivate उत्साह करना हौसला अफजाई motivum (“motive, moving cause”), neuter of motivus (“serving to move”).
Nostalgia उदासी पुरानी यादें Ancient Greek νόστος (nóstos, “returning home”) + ἄλγος (álgos, “pain”),
oppress अन्धेर ज़ुल्म from ob (“against”) + premere, past participle pressus (“to press”)
optimism आशावाद From Latin optimus,
outrage उल्लंघन गुस्सा from Latin rabiēs (“anger, fury”).
panic घबराहट from Ancient Greek πανικός (panikós, “pertaining to Pan; of fear: baseless”)
Passion जुनून जज्बा from Latin passio (“suffering”),
Patience धैर्य सब्र present active participle of patior (“suffer, experience, wait”),
Perversity प्रतिकूलता कजरवि per- (“thoroughly”) +‎ verto (“I turn”)
pessimist निराशावादी मायूसी पसंद from *ped- (“to walk, fall, stumble”)
Pity दया Equivalent to pius (“pious, devout”) +‎ -tās (“-ty, -dom”)
pleased प्रसन्न खुश from Latin placēre (“to please, to seem good”)
pleasure आनंद खुशी from Latin placeō (“to please, to seem good”),
Politeness शील शाइस्तगी From Latin polītus (“polished”), past participle of poliō (“I polish, smooth”)
Powerlessness शक्तिहीनता बे इख्तियारी from Vulgar Latin *potēre, from Latin possum, posse (“to be able”);
Pride गौरव फक्र derivative of Old English prūd (“proud”).
puzzlement पहेली मोआमना Possibly from pose (“to perplex, puzzle, interrogate”)
quell वश में करना रोकना Cognate with German quälen (“to torment; agonise; smite”)
rage तेज़ी गुस्सा from Vulgar Latin *rabia, from Latin rabiēs (“anger, fury”).
Regret खेद अफसोस equivalent to re- +‎ greet.
Relaxation विश्राम आराम from re- (“back”) + laxāre (“loosen”),
Relief छुटकारा From re- +‎ levō ( From levis (“light, not heavy”)
Reluctance अनिच्छा हीचकिचाहट From re- +‎ lūctor. Latin luctor (“I wrestle”)
remorse आत्मा ग्लानि पछतावा from Latin remordeō (“I torment, I vex”, literally “I bite back”), from re- +‎ mordeō (“I bite”).
Resentment नाराज़गी From re- +‎ sentir ( from Latin sentīre, present active infinitive of sentiō,
revulsion तबदीली बग़ावत re + vello (wool)
Rivalry विरोध दुश्मनी Latin rīvālis (literally “person using the same stream as another”),
sadness उदासी related to sit
Satisfaction संतुष्टि इत्मीनान satis (“enough, sufficient”) +‎ faciō (“to make, construct”)
Schadenfreude Schaden (“damage, harm, mishap”) +‎ Freude (“joy”)
Scorn घिन आना ताना देना from Proto-Indo-European *(s)ker- (“to cut”))
self conscious संकोची खुद होश
sentience चेतना जज़्बात from Latin sentiēns, present participle of sentiō (“feel, sense”)
sentiment भाव जज़्बात Equivalent to sentiō +‎ -mentum.
serenity शांति सुकून serēnus (clear )
shame शर्मिंदगी
shock झटका झटका
Sorrow गम ग़म Sanskrit सूर्क्षति (sū́rkṣati, “worry”)
Spite विरोध बावजूद from Latin dēspiciō (“to look down, despise”)
sterness कठोरता सख्ती
Stress तनाव from Latin strictus (“narrow”).
submission From sub- +‎ mittō. (send)
surprise आश्चर्य हैरत from sor- (“over”) + prendre (“to take”)
Suspense कौतुहल मशकूक sub- +‎ pendo ( I suspend, hang)
Sympathy सहानुभूति हमदर्दी sym- (“acting or considered together”) +‎ -pathy (“feeling”).
Tenderness कोमलता नर्मी from Latin tener, tenerum (“soft, delicate”).
Tension तनाव From tendō (“to stretch, stretch out, distend, extend”)
terror आतंक दहशत from terrēre (“to frighten, terrify”),
thrill रोमांच सनसनी From Old English þȳrlian (“to pierce”), derived from þȳrel (“hole”)
tremble घबराना कांपना From tremulus (“a trembling”), from tremō (“shake, tremble”).
trust विश्वास एतमाद
Vulnerability भेद्यता कमजोरी from Latin vulnerō (“I wound”).
Wanderlust सफ़र का अनुराग आवारा गर्दी From wandern (“to hike/wander”) +‎ Lust (“joy”)
wonder आश्चर्य ताज्जुब
worry चिंता फिकर / फिक्र Compare Latin urgere (“to press, push”),
Wrath क्रोध गुस्सा
Zeal उत्साह josh from Ancient Greek ζῆλος (zêlos, “zeal, jealousy”),
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