
Immediately to the Brain it self, the seat and organ of the principal Fa∣culties; either in regard of its


Substance; when it is indisposed for the

  • More principal and noble Faculties; either by ‖ some hot Vapour or Humour diffused: or from some particular Hurt or Inflammati∣on, causing a depravation of the Intellectuals, Fancy and Memo∣ry; either ‖ with a Fever, or without.
    • उन्माद, प्रलाप, उन्मत्त, छिछोरा
    • पागलपन , हटेला , सनकी , दिमाग फिर जाना , ठरकी , बावला , जलत्रास , खब्त , विकृतमानस
  • Less principal Faculties; by the
    • Superfluity of cold pituitous matter, causing ‖ excessive drowsiness: or by crass crude vapours rising from the stomach, working a kind of Suffocation in sleeping by a sense of weight upon the Breast.
      • VETERNUS, Sopor. व्रतभक्षक , निद्रा
      • EPHIALTES, Night-mare, Incubus.राक्षस , स्वप्नदोष ,बुरे सपने , पुरुष राक्षस
    • Corruption of some crass phlegmatic humor, either ‖ in the Brain, causing much drowsiness and deliration: or in the Arteries which should convey the spirits to the Brain, causing first a giddiness, and then an abolition of Sense and Motion.
      • LETHARGY. अत्यधिक नींद , सुस्ती
      • APOPLEXY. लकवा , पक्षाघात
    • Defluxion of Humours (which are sometimes salt or sharp) ei∣ther ‖ on the Lungs: or other parts of the Body, Limms, or Ioynts.
      • CATARRH, Distillation, Rheum, Defluxion. श्लेष्मा ,
      • RHEUMATISM. गठिया


Ventricles; ‖ when any hot Vapour doth agitate and disturb the motion of the spirits, so as objects seem to turn round: or when any cold phlegmatic humour doth obstruct their motion, causing a privation of Sense, with convulsive motions in several parts.

  • VERTIGO, Giddiness, Swimming in the head, Dizziness, Scotomy. अंधापन , चक्कर आना , दिमाग घूमना
  • EPILEPSY, Falling-sickness.मिर्गी


  • Obstructed; whether ‖ the greater-Nerves, and for a longer continu∣ance: or the lesser Branches, for a shorter space, whereby Sense and Motion is hindered.
    • PALSIE, paralytic , पक्षाघात , लकवा , अङ्ग् नाकाम होना ,
    • NUMNESS, Stupor, asleep. सुन्न , मूर्छा , बेहोश , सोना , निद्रा
  • Contracted more generally: or distended in some particular part.
    • CONVULSION. दौरा , मिर्गी ,
    • CRAMP, Stitch. ऐंठन , चुटकी
  • Oppressed with superfluous moisture, causing an unequal growth of the parts, specially the Head and Joints.
    • RICKETS, Rachitis.


Throat; by such an inward Swelling and Inflammation as doth hinder Swallowing and Respiration.

  • SQUINANCY, Quinsie.
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  • 2024/03/10 10:51
  • brahmantra