
This translation is older than the original page and might be outdated. See what has changed.
  • कक्षा धमनी axillary a.
  • अंसकूट धमनी acromial a.
  • असंकूट-उरो धमनी acromiothoracic a.
  • परिवेष्टक प्रगंडिका धमनी circumflex humeral a.
  • वक्ष-अंसकूट धमनी thoraco-acromial a.
  • वक्ष धमनी thoracic a.
  • अधः अंसफलक धमनी subscapular a.
  • Axillary artery
    • First part ( पहला भाग )
      • superior thoracic artery( अधि वक्ष धमनी )
        • passes between two pectoral muscles
    • second part (दूसरा भाग )
      • thoracoacromial(acromio-thoracic) artery ( )
        • pectoral branch
          • passes between pectoral muscles and supplies these muscles and breast
        • deltoid branch
          • runs in deltopectoral groove along with cephalic vein
        • acromial branch
          • crosses coracoid process and ends by joining anastomosis over acromion
        • clavicular branch
          • runs supero-medially deep to pectoralis major
      • lateral thoracic artery
    • Third part ( तीसरा भाग )
      • Subscapular artery ( उपस्कन्ध धमनी )
        • runs along lower border of subscapularis
          • terminates near inferior angle of scapula
        • supplies latissimus dorsi and serratus anterior
        • branch
          • circumflex scapular artery
            • passes through upper triangular intermuscular space
            • winds around lateral border of scapula between two slips of teres minor
            • gives a branch to subscapular fossa
            • another branch to infraspinous fossa
      • Anterior circumflex humeral artery
        • passes laterally infront of intertubercular sulcus of humerus
        • anastomosis with posterior circumflex humeral artery
          • arterial circle around surgical neck of humerus
      • Posterior circumflex humeral artery
        • arises at the lower border of subscapularis muscle
        • runs backwards , accompanied by axillary nerve
          • passes through quadrangular intermuscular space
        • supplies shoulder joint , deltoid
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  • hi/axillary-artery.txt
  • 2023/06/21 15:15
  • brahmantra