Temporomandibular joint

  • Type
    • Synovial
    • Condylar type
  • Articular surfaces
    • Upper articular surfaces :
      • Articular tubercle
      • Anterior part of mandibular fossa
      • Posterior non articular part formed by tympanic plate
    • Inferior articular surface is formed by head of mandible
  • Coverings
    • Covered with fibrocartilage
  • Cavity
    • Joint cavity divided by intraarticular disc
      • Upper and
      • Lower part
  • Ligaments
    • Fibrous capsule
      • Attached
      • Above to articular tubercle , circumference of mandibular fossa infront and squamotympanic fissure behind
      • Below
        • Neck of mandible
      • Capsule
        • Loose above intra articular disc and tight below it
        • Synovial membrane lines the fibrous capsule and neck of mandible
    • Lateral temporomandibular ligament
      • Reinforces and strengthens lateral part of capsular ligament
      • Fibres directed downwards and backwards
      • Attached
        • above to articular tubercle
        • Below to posterolateral aspect of neck of mandible
    • Sphenomandibular ligament
      • Accesory ligament
      • Lies in a deep plane away from fibrous capsule
      • Attached superiorly to spine of sphenoid
      • Inferiorly to lingula of mandibular foramen
      • Remnant of meckels cartilage
      • Relations.
        • Medial
          • Chorda tympani nerve
          • Wall of pharynx
        • Lateral
          • Lateral pterygoid muscle
          • Auriculotemporal nerve
          • Maxillary artery
    • Stylomandibular ligament
      • Accesory ligament of the joint
      • Thickened part of deep cervical fascia
        • Separates parotid and submandibular salivary glands
      • Attached above to lateral surface of styloid process
      • Below to angle and adjacent part of posterior border of ramus of mandible
    • oval fibrous plate
    • Upper compartment
      • Gliding
    • Lower compartment
      • Rotatory and gliding
    • Surface
      • Concavo convex superior surface
      • Concave inferior surface
    • Attachment
      • Periphery attached to fibrous capsule
  • Disc
    • Anterior extension
    • Anterior thick band
    • Intermediate zone
    • Posterior thick band
    • Bilaminar region
    • Represents degenerated primitive insertion of lateral pterygoid
  • Function
    • Prevents friction between articulating surface
    • Acts as a cushion , helps in shock absorption
    • Stabilises condyle by filling up space between articulating surface
    • Lateral
      • Skin and fascia
      • Parotid gland
      • Temporal branches of facial nerve
    • Medial
      • Tympanic plate separates the joint from internal carotid artery
      • Spine of sphenoid with upper end of sphenomandibular ligament
      • Auriculotemporal and chorda tympani nerves
      • Middle meningeal artery
    • Anterior
      • Lateral pterygoid
      • Masseteric nerve and artery
    • Posterior
      • Parotid gland separates joint from external auditory meatus
      • Superficial temporal vessels
      • Auriculotemporal nerve
    • Superior
      • Middle cranial fossa
      • Middle meningeal vessels
    • Inferior
      • Maxillary artery
      • Maxillary vein
    • depression ( open mouth )
    • Elevation ( closed mouth )
    • Protrusion ( protraction of chin )
    • Retrusion ( retraction of chin )
    • Lateral or side to side movements ( chewing or grinding )
Articular surfaces Temporal bone: Mandibular fossa and articular tubercle
Mandible: Condylar process
Main components Joint capsule
Synovial membrane Synovial membrane
Articular disc (anterior/posterior bands, intermediate zone)
Ligaments Major: Lateral temporomandibular ligament (thickened lateral portion of capsule, strengthens TMJ laterally)
Minor: Stylomandibular ligament, sphenomandibular ligament
Cavities Superior (discotemporal) cavity (translational movement)
Inferior (discomandibular) cavity (rotational movement)
Rotational movements Elevation: Temporalis, masseter and medial pterygoid muscles
Depression: Lateral pterygoid, digastric, geniohyoid and mylohyoid muscles
Translational movements Protrusion: Lateral pterygoid, medial pterygoid muscle, masseter
Retraction: Posterior fibers of temporalis, deep part of masseter
Lateral deviation (left or right): Posterior fibers of temporalis, digastric, mylohyoid and geniohyoid muscles (ipsilateral movement); lateral and medial pterygoid muscles (contralateral movement)
  • fibrous capsule
  • lateral temporomandibular ligament – articular tubercle –> neck of mandible
  • Sphenomandibular ligament - spine of sphenoid –> lingula of mandibular foramen
  • stylomandibular ligament - lateral surface of styloid process
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  • en/temporomandibular_joint.txt
  • 2023/06/17 07:17
  • brahmantra