Corporeal ACTIONS belonging to SENSITIVE Bodies

More principal and natural; denoting the kinds of natural Appetite, toge∣ther with such Actions as tend to the satisfying of them; relating to the

Preservation of the Individuum

Preservation of the Individuum, as to the desire of

  • Nourishment, for the supply of Decays; and that either by
    • Food: or Meat.
      • HUNGER, Appetite, Stomach, eager, greedy, ravenous, Famine, sharp-set.
      • EATING, devour, gorging, fall to, Meal, Repast, Refection, Food, Meat, Aliment, edible, Viands, Victuals, fall to ones Meat.
    • Liquor.
      • THIRST, dry.
      • DRINKING, Potion, potulent, potable, quaff, soop, soaking, lap, swill, carouse, sip, tipple, bibble, guzzle, Draught, Drench, Water, Butler, Buttery, Cellar.
  • Rest and refreshment after labour and weariness; comprehending the
    • Appetite or inclination after this: or the Satisfaction of such Appetite, consisting in a cessation from all Actions of the outward Senses, by a relaxation of the Nerves.
      • DROWSINESS, Heaviness.
      • SLEEPING, asleep, dormant, a Nap, lull, Slumber, narcotic, roost.
    • State supposed, belonging to this Appetite, or the Satisfaction of it, de∣noting the general Action of the Senses: or the working of the Fancy in sleep.
      • WAKING, awake, watch, Reveiles, raise from sleep.
      • DREAMING.

Preservation of the Individuum

  • Propagation of the Species.
    • LUST, Salacity, Lechery, Venery, Concupiscence, libidinous, carnal, fleshly, blissom, clicket, proud.
    • COITION, coupling, gendring, lie with, know carnally, Copulation, rutting, tread, venery

Less principal and preternatural; referring to several affections of the Touch, and different kinds of Pain; being either

Proper to the Skin and outward parts; caused by an agitation of some thin Vapours stopped in their expiration, which is remedied by such a kind of affriction with an edge as doth open the Pores, that the Vapors may transpire.

  • SCRATCHING, Scraping, clawing, Scalping-iron.

Common to other parts

Common to other parts; and caused by

  • Distention or compression of the parts: or sharpness of humours.
    • AKING, Ach.
    • PRICKING, Crick, pungent, sharp, Stitch.
  • Diss•pation of the Spirits in the softer parts by a light touch: or corro∣sion of the membranous parts.
    • TICKLING, Titillation.
    • SMARTING, piercing.
  • Obstruction either in the Nerves or Muscles; causing ‖ some vellications in the Nerves: or a hot pungent pain in the Muscles.
    • TWITCHING, Vellication, Pinching.
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  • en/sensory_reactions.txt
  • 2024/07/31 15:32
  • brahmantra