

Caput pancreatis Head of pancreas
Processus uncinatus Uncinate process
Incisura pancreatis Pancreatic notch
Collum pancreatis Neck of pancreas
Corpus pancreatis Body of pancreas
Facies anterosuperior Anterosuperior surface
Facies posterior Posterior surface
Facies anteroinferior Antero-inferior surface
Margo superior Superior border
Margo anterior Anterior border
Margo inferior Inferior border
Tuber omentale Omental eminence
Cauda pancreatis Tail of pancreas
Ductus pancreaticus Pancreatic duct
M. sphincter ductus pancreatici Sphincter of pancreatic duct
Ductus pancreaticus accessorius Accessory pancreatic duct
(Pancreas accessorium) (Accessory pancreas)
Insulae pancreaticae Langerhansi Pancreatic islets Langerhansi
    • Head of pancreas
      • Uncinate process
      • Pancreatic notch
    • Neck of pancreas
      • Anterosuperior surface
      • Posterior surface
      • Antero-inferior surface
      • Superior border
      • Anterior border
      • Inferior border
      • Omental eminence
    • Pancreatic duct
      • Sphincter of pancreatic duct
    • Accessory pancreatic duct
    • (Accessory pancreas)
    • Pancreatic islets Langerhansi
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  • en/pancreas.txt
  • 2023/06/01 12:14
  • brahmantra