

Crista terminalis corner edge
sulcus terminalis corner groove
right atrium right upperchamber
left atrium left upper chamber
auricle little upper chamber
superior venacava upper pipecave
inferior venacava lower pipecave
pulmonary veins lungs impurepipes
pulmonary artery lungs purepipes
aorta big artery
coronary artery heartwall artery
left coronary artery leftheartwall artery
right coronary artery rightheart wall artery
ductus arteriosus purepipe duct ( artery duct )
ligamentum arteriosum purepipe binder (artery binder )
truncus arteriosus
bicuspid valve twodoor gate
tricuspid valve threedoor gate
semilunar valves halfmoon gates
sternocostal surface chestface surface
base of heart
diaphragmatic surface chestbase surface
coronary sinus heartwall tank
supraventricular crest
papillary muscles
muscular ridges

  • Facies pulmonalis dextra - Right/ pulmonary surface
  • Margo dexter - Right border
  • Apex cordis - Apex of heart
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  • en/organs/heart.txt
  • 2024/08/10 11:18
  • brahmantra