liver is a wedge shaped organ has 2 lobes ( right and left ) and 5 surfaces Anterior surface , Posterior surface , Superior surface , Inferior surface , Right surface.

Stomach has 2 borders called greater curvature and lesser curvature . It is shaped like a J bag and has superior and inferior surfaces.

In classical anatomy the human stomach is divided into four sections, beginning at the cardia.[7]

  • The cardia is where the contents of the esophagus empty into the stomach.[8]
  • The fundus (from Latin 'bottom') is formed in the upper curved part.
  • The body is the main, central region of the stomach.
  • The pylorus (from Greek 'gatekeeper') is the lower section of the stomach that empties contents into the duodenum.

The human kidney is a bean-shaped structure with a convex and a concave border.[11] A recessed area on the concave border is the renal hilum, where the renal artery enters the kidney and the renal vein and ureter leave. The kidney is surrounded by tough fibrous tissue, the renal capsule, which is itself surrounded by perirenal fat, renal fascia, and pararenal fat. The anterior (front) surface of these tissues is the peritoneum, while the posterior (rear) surface is the transversalis fascia.

The superior pole of the right kidney is adjacent to the liver. For the left kidney, it is next to the spleen. Both, therefore, move down upon inhalation.

right lung ( 3 lobes ) left lung ( 2 lobes )
right atrium left atrium
right ventricle left ventricle
liver - right lobe liver - left lobe stomach spleen
right kidney left kidney
right ureter left ureter
right suprarenal gland left suprarenal gland
ascending colon descending colon
right half transverse colon left half transverse colon
right crus of diaphragm left crus of diaphragm
caecum sigmoid colon
appendix rectum

Uterus has 4 surfaces anterior or vesical surface , posterior or intestinal surface , lateral surface and medial surface, fundus.

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  • en/organ_morphology.txt
  • 2023/05/28 05:20
  • brahmantra