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Containing Heterogeneous Internal parts, called INWARDS, En∣trals, Bowels, Foy, Pluck, Purtenance, Vmbels, Hastlet, Garbage, Giblets, reckoning from the uppermost, may be distinguished by their Order, Shape and Uses, into

  • Organs considered to be
    • hollow from inside having an empty lumen for containing
      • hollow
        • chambers
          • for collecting urine
            • urinary bladder , BLADDER, Vesicle.
          • Hollow; ‖ wide, but not long, for containing▪ and digesting of Food: long, but not wide, for conveying of the Food and Excrement.
            • STOMACH, Maw, Paunch, Ventricle, Craw, Crop, Gorge, Pouch, Gizzard, Tripe.
            • GUT, Entrails, Bowels, Garbage, Chitterling, Colon.
            • Rectum , anus
        • Conception in Females, namely, the part containing the Faetus.
          • WOMB, Mother, Matrix, hysterical, uterine.
          • Vagina
        • tubes , oblong and narrow
          • Hollow; for conveyance of the Bloud ‖ to the Heart: or from the Heart.
            • VEIN, Venal.
              • Big , medium and small
            • ARTERY-all.
              • Big , medium and small
        • Hollow and oblong; for the conveyance of the ‖ Nourishment: or of the Breath.
          • GULLET, oesophagus , esophagus, pharynx
          • WIND-PIPE, Rough Artery, Weasand , trachea , bronchi, bronchioles
        • larynx
          • PRIVITIES, Genitals, Pizzle, Yard, Fore-skin, Prepuce, Urethra
    • Massie and more semi-solid with pockets or chambers
      • LUNGS, Lights.
      • HEART, Cordial, Core, Pericardium.
      • for urine formation
        • KIDNEY, Reins.
      • Generation; denoting ‖ the parts for Generation: or the Glandules for preparing the Sperm.
        • TESTICLE, Stone, geld, spay, Eunuch, scrotum .
      • Exocrine glands
        • Massie and solid; for separating of ‖ Choler: or of Melancholy.
          • LIVER, Hepatic.
            • lobules
        • salivary glands
      • endocrine glands
        • follicles
        • zones
  • containing cells arranged in a compact way considered as
    • compact or solid organ
      • SPLEEN, Milt.
      • lymph node
  • Thin and broad; by which the Guts are ‖ connected: or covered.
  • Thin and broad; for partition ‖ transverse, betwixt the upper and low∣er Belly: or direct, betwixt the Lobes of the Lungs.
    • DIA•HRAGM, Midriff.

Homogenous parts arranged in layers to form a central or peripheral organ and its system being either a viscera , tube or heart

  • Viscera or tube containing it's layers from in to out
    • mucosa
      • Mucous epithelium
      • lamina propria
      • muscularis mucosa
    • submucosa
    • muscularis externa
    • serosa or adventitia
  • parts being divided further
    • zones
    • lobes
      • lobules
    • follicles
    • acini
    • chambers
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  • en/organ.1709997838.txt.gz
  • 2024/03/09 15:23
  • brahmantra