

  • Neck
    • swallowing
      • soft palate
        • tenses or stiffens
          • tensor veli palatini
          • levator veli palatini
        • changes shape of uvula
          • palatine uvula
      • floor of oral cavity
        • elevation of hyoid
          • stylohyoid , mylohyoid , geniohyoid
        • depresses hyoid
          • sternohyoid , sternothyroid , thyrohyoid
    • pharynx and larynx
        • stylopharyngeus
      • elevation of nasopharynx
        • salpingopharyngeus
      • pushing food
        • constrictors
          • superior , inferior and middle
    • Voice production or larynx
      • vocal folds
        • tenses and elongates
          • cricothyroid
        • closes rima glottidis / approximates arytenoid cartilage
          • transverse and oblique arytenoid muscles
        • thickens and decrease length
          • thyroarytenoid
            • adducts during speech
      • rima glottidis
        • opening
          • posterior cricoarytenoid muscle
        • closing
          • lateral cricoarytenoid muscle
    • breathing
      • raises back of tongue
        • palatoglossus
      • pulls pharynx and larynx
        • palatopharyngeus
    • skin
      • front skin
        • tenses
          • platysma
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  • en/neck_muscles.txt
  • 2023/06/02 12:42
  • brahmantra