

VI. Those more general respects and habitudes which several things or notions have to one another, are stiled by the name of MODE,*man∣ner, way, sort, fashion, guise, wise, garb, course, form-ality, kind.

These may be distinguished into such as are

  • In which another thing exists, or the thing so existing in another
    • SUBJECT, liable, obnoxious, exposed, matter, Text, Theme, under∣goe, capable.
    • ADIVNCT, Epithete, inherent.
  • About which a thing is imployed.
    • OBJECT, mark, scope, butt, treat, handle, meddle with, have to do with.

With which things are accompanied or done; according to the

  • Kinds of them, either in General, or specially of such things, as are remarkable for Extraordinariness and Greatness.
    • CIRCUMSTANCE, Rite, Ceremony.
    • SOLEMNITY, Grandeur, state, Pomp, Port, celebrate, solemnize, Rite.
  • Consequence of them; or that habitude resulting to any thing from the consideration of all its circumstances together.
    • STATE, Estate, Condition, Case, Iuncture, Liking, manner, pass, pickle, plight, point, in good repair.

By which any thing is known.

  • SIGN, Badge, Token, Mark, Note, Symptome, Symbol, Index, Indica∣tion, Cue, Print, Scarr, Track, Signature, signifie, Beacon, becken, Boad, foretoken, presage, Prodigie, portentous, ominous, auspicious.

According to which any thing is, or is done; relating either to the

  • Order observed in the being or doing of things; whether by
    • One person or thing after another who hath left his place, or for ano∣ther who is onely absent from his place.
      • ROOM, as Successor, Caliph, supply, place.
      • STEAD, as substitute, subdititious, serve for, succedaneous, De∣puty, Surrogate, Vicar, Delegate, Vice-gerent, Attourney, Broaker, Factor, in lieu, Lievtenant, Proctor, Proxy.
    • Two persons or things either one after another, or one with another.
      • TURN, Course, alternate, second, bout.
      • RECIPROCATION, mutual, interchangeable, intercourse, correspond.
  • Measures of Being; whether the more General name for such mea∣sures, differenced according to more and less, or that special kind which denotes the sodain and short Being or Doing of any thing according to a greater measure.
    • DEGREE, gradual▪ a spice, a strein, gradation, leasurely, by little and little.
    • IMPETUS, Fit, Paroxysm, brunt, crash, effort, pang.
  • Affections of Being; with reference either to some common agree∣ment and mutual dependance, or to some inconsistency betwixt them.
    • COGNATION, Affinity, Nearness.
    • OPPOSITION, Disagreableness, contrary, counter, repugnant, with∣stand, against, cross, thwart, other side, adverse, Antagonist, An∣tithesis, confront, impugn, oppugn.
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  • en/modes.txt
  • 2024/02/22 12:38
  • brahmantra