6. Our Ability to protect our selves and others from injury, which is the usu∣al result or consequent of the rest.

  • POWER-full, Potent-ate, Greatness, Interest, Strength, Might, Puis∣sance, Mastery, Prevalence, Predominance, over-sway, rule-the rost, bear a stroke.
  • IMPOTENCE, weak, inconsiderable.

General; viz. that state wherein a thing injoys as much perfection as it is capable of.

  • HAPPINESS, Felicity, Bliss, Blessedness, Beatitude, good, weal, welfare.
  • MISERY, Vnhappiness, Infelicity, Extremity, Calamity, Woe, Distress, Disaster, Affliction, Tribulation, Trouble, Plague, Iudgment, Caitiff, Wretch, poor, pitiful, deplorable.

IV. Those natural Habitudes of the Soul or Spirit which render it fit or unfit for its proper functions,* are styled by that general name of TEM∣PER -ature, -ament, Disposition, Spirit, Genius, Fancy, Humor, Vein, Qua∣lity, Condition, Constitution, Nature.

These may be distinguished into such as are more


General; chiefly of moral disposition, denoting ‖ the goodness: or badness of it.

  • INGENUITY, Good nature, Candor, candid, free, liberal, clear.
  • DISINGENVITY, Ill nature, Perverseness, thwart, cross, froward, unto∣ward, wayward, awkward, refractory, untractable, wilful, stubborn, sul∣len, dogged, sturdy, stiff, restif.

Particular ; as to

  • Action; denoting
    • Ability, or disability; aptitude, or ineptitude for it.
      • SPRIGHTLINESS, Wit, Vivacity, ingenious, brisk, lively, quick, acute, sharp, debonair, Mercurial, pregnant, presentness of mind.
      • DVLNESS, Stupidity, gross witted, hard-headed, torpid, soft, thick, heavy, dazle, dolt, Block-head, Logger-head, Dunce, Sot, indocil, dreaming.
    • Attention: or levity of mind in it.
      • SERIOUSNESS, earnest, grave, sober, staid, sad, substantial, so∣lemn.
      • WANTONNESS, lightness, aiery, playward, gamesom, dallying sportful, trifling, lascivious, giddy, petulant, skittish, toying, Ramp, Gigg, Rigg, Gambol
    • Aptitude or Ineptitude to moderate the
      • Irascible appetite.
        • GENTLENESS, Tameness, Mildness, Meekness, Lenity, break, reclaim, tame, come to hand.
        • FIERCENESS, Wildness, Haggard, Savage, barbarous, curstness, surly, eager, furious, dire, fell, grim, rough, source, keen, un∣tamed.
      • Concupiscible appetite.
        • OPPOSITE TO RAPACITY, not rapacious.
        • RAPACITY, ravenous, voracious, greedy, Harpy, devour, preying.
    • Ability or disability to attempt or resist difficulties.
      • STOUTNESS, Boldness, manful, redoubted, daring, sturdy, stre∣nuous.
      • LAZINESS, sluggish, lither, lurden, Drone, dull, soft.
  • Action and Passion, denoting an ability or disability to endure and hold out both in acting and suffering.
    • HARDINESS, Tolerance, strenuous, robust, stout, sturdy, indu∣strious, painful.
    • NICENESS, Softness, Tenderness, Delicateness, Curiosity, fine, squeamish, effeminate, finical, dainty.
  • Labor and Pain; in the
    • Agent; the Doing of things with little or much labor.
      • EASINESS, Facil-ity-itate, clear, gentle, light,
      • DIFFICVLTY, Hard, uneasie, crabbed, intricate, laborious, streight, Perplexity, rub, knot, graveling, hard put to it.
    • Patient; The suffering of things with little or no labor, or with much.
      • MIND SPONGE , GENTLENESS, Easiness, softness, still, tenderly, gingerly.
      • MIND SWORD , VIOLENCE, boisterous, rough, harsh, blustering, impetuous, force, ravish.

1. Invention; which is ‖ rightly, or •••ongly disposed by

  • SAGACITY, Perspicacity, Sha•pness, Subtilty, Dexterity Wit, clear, quick, acute, searching, piercing, docil, towardly, apt, prompt.
  • DVLNESS, Stupidity, Heaviness, gross-witted, indocil, dreaming, Dolt, Dunce, Blockhead.

2. Iudgment; which is ‖ well disposed, by such a temper of mind as doth incline a man to assent unto things upon such evidence as is in it self sufficient, or ill disposed, by such a temper as inclines a man either to assent unto things upon such evidence as is insufficient, or not to assent upon such •s is sufficient.

  • FAITH, Docility, Teachableness, Towardliness, Aptness.
    • CREDVLITY, Easiness, light or rash of belief, facil.
    • INCREDVLITY, Vnteachableness, Vntowardliness, Sceptical∣ness, Scrupulousness, Vnbelief.

Phancy; which is ‖ well, or ill disposed by

  • SOBRIETY, discreet, grave, serious, staid, steddy, settled, sage.
  • CONCEITEDNESS, Affectation, Singularity, fantastical, vagary, wild, light, aiery, giddy, freakish, whimsical, hair-brain'd, brain-sick, Humorist, Opiniaster.

App•tite; which is fitly regulated by our being concerned for any Truth according to a due measure; and not either more or less then the evidence and importance of it, doth require.

  • MODERATION, Temper, Measure, Gentle-ness, qualifie, reduce to reason.
    • SLIGHTNESS, Slackness, negligence, remissness, Neutrality, frigid, cold, indifferent, unconcerned, slatering, superficial, cur∣sory, overly, perfunctory, faint.
    • FIERCENESS, Fanaticalness, vehemence, violence, eagerness, earnest, furious, heady, immoderate, dogmatical, Opiniaster, boisterous, rough, sour, keen.
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  • en/human_spirit_qualities.txt
  • 2024/08/03 05:52
  • brahmantra