


III. Amongst External containing Heterogeneous parts, that which is the chief, being the Seat and Residence of the Soul, is the HEAD:* To which may be opposed the other part styled BODY, Carcass.

The parts of the Head are either


More general; ‖ either the fore-part less hairy: or the hinder-part more hairy.

  • FACE, Visage, Aspect, Countenance, Favour, Look, Minc, Physi∣ognomy, Feature, Vizzard, Mask, frontal
  • PATE, Scalp, Noddle, Sconce, Scull, Brain-pan, Head roof , parietal , skull cap , cranial cap
  • Side head , temporal
  • Back head , occipital
  • Head Base , cranial fossa , cranial cup


More properly Organical; for
  • Sense; whether such parts as are
    • External; used for
      • Seeing, or Hearing.
        • EYE , EY, Ocular, optic, see, view, look, kenn, behold, gaze, pore.
        • EAR, EAR, Lug, hear, hearken, •uricular.
      • Tasting, or Smelling: ‖ either that Scissure of the Face through which we breath and receive our nourishment: or that hol∣low prominence, through which we breath and smell.
        • MOUTH MOUTH▪ Chaps, muzzle, oral, devour.
        • NOSE NOSE, Snowt, Nostril, smell.
    • Internal; used for
      • Tasting, Speaking, or Eating;
        • Convex; ‖ either that of a soft Fleshy substance, whereof there is but one: or that of a most hard and dry consistence, whereof there are many.
          • Tongue , TONGUE, lick.
          • TEETH , TOOTH, Fang, Tusk, bite, gnaw, nibble, Holders, Grinders.
        • Concave; either the upper inward part of the Mouth: or the open passage through the Neck into the middle region of the Body.
less properly organical

Less properly Organical; but contributing to the making up the Fabric of the Face; distinguishable by their various Positions into

  • Vpper and fore-right; ‖ Extremity of the Face: or Protuberance over the Eye.
  • Lateral; ‖ towards the middle: or towards the upper parts.
  • Lower;
    • Fore-right; ‖ either the upper and lower Extremity of that Scis∣sure which makes the Mouth: or the Extremity of the Face.
      • LIP.
      • CHIN.
    • Lateral;
      • JAW JAW, Chap, Mandible, Iole.
Caput Borrowed from Latin caput (“the head”). Head
sinciput sēmi- (“half”) +‎ caput (“head”) , hemikephalon Forehead
Occiput From ob- (“at, before, over”) +‎ caput (“the head”). Occiput
Tempora From tempus (“time; the temples of the head”) +‎ -ālis (“-al”, adjectival suffix) Temple
Facies From faciēs (“form, configuration, figure; face, visage, countenance”) Face
Bucca From Latin bucca (“the cheek”) Cheek
Oculus Eye
Os Mouth
Rima oris Oral fissure; oral opening
Labia oris Libs
Labium superius Upper lip
Philtrum Philtrum
Tuberculum Tubercle
Labium inferius Lower lip
Frenulum labii superioris Frenulum of upper lip
Frenulum labii inferioris Frenulum of lower lip
Commissura labiorum Labial commissure
Angulus oris Angle of mouth
Nasus Nose
Radix nasi Root of nose
Dorsum nasi Dorsum of nose
Apex nasi Apex of nose; tip of nose
Ala nasi Ala of nose
Naris Naris, Nostril
Mentum Chin
Collum; cervix Neck
  • Compartmental head front
  • Compartmental head side
    • compartments of nose
    • compartments of ear
    • compartments of eye
    • 3 compartments of pharynx
      • Nasopharynx
      • oropharynx
      • laryngopharynx
  • Head bending / flexion
  • Head elevation / extension
  • Head turning away
  • Facing head towards each other
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  • en/head.txt
  • 2024/08/31 13:48
  • brahmantra