

  • cephalic or pharyngeal part of foregut
    • funnel shaped expansion compressed dorsoventrally
      • dorsal wall or roof
        • notochord
        • hindbrain
        • pair of dorsal aorta
      • ventral wall or floor
        • ectodermal stomodaeum
        • forward bulging of pericardial sac
        • developing heart
        • septum transversum
      • two lateral walls
        • separated from overlying surface ectoderm by
          • splanchnic mesoderm
            • undergoes segmentation
              • mesodermal bars / branchial or visceral arches
      • Each arch contains
        • surface ectoderm
        • core of mesoderm
        • inner lining of pharyngeal endoderm
        • extends ventrally and medially
          • along floor or ventral wall of pharynx
            • meets the corresponding arch of opposite side
      • Between each arch
        • closely approximated membranes
          • in fishes they rupture
        • in terrestrial
          • series of ectodermal grooves called branchial or visceral cleft / ectodermal cleft
          • same on inner side endodermal pouches / pharyngeal pouches are formed
            • FIRST POUCH
              • dorsal part extends in to mesenchyme outwards
                • medial part of this recess persists as auditory tube
                • lateral part forms primitive tympanic cavity
                  • mucous lining of tympanic cavity
                  • mastoid antrum , mastoid air cells
                  • mucous layer of tympanic membrane
              • the thin layer of mesoderm between First pouch and first cleft
                • this region forms tympanic membrane ( tridermal in nature )
            • SECOND POUCH
            • THIRD POUCH
            • FOURTH POUCH
              • Floor of primitive pharynx
                • developing tongue
                • thyroid diverticulum
                • laryngo-tracheal groove
            • FIFTH POUCH
      • FIRST ARCH ( श - स - ष ) ectoderm - mesoderm - endoderm
        • श -
          • forms skin over the
            • upper jaw , lower jaw and tragus of auricle
        • स -
          • Artery - first aortic arch which disappears
          • Nerve -
            • pre trematic accompanies caudal border or preceeding arch
            • post trematic follows cephalic border of succeeding arch
            • Tensor tympani , tensor veli palatini
            • Muscles of Mastication , Mylohyoid
            • Anterior belly of digastric
          • Skeletal -
            • central axis of mesodermal core is chondrified
              • cartilaginous bar is enveloped by perichondrium
                • dorsal maxillary process
                • Ventral Mandibular process ( called as meckel's cartilage )
                  • dorsal part ossified to form
                    • malleus and incus
                  • ascending part regresses
                    • fibrous part persists as
                      • anterior ligament of malleus
                      • sphenomandibular ligament
                  • fibrous part is ossified to form
                    • body of mandible
                      • from mandibular foramen to mental foramen
        • S -
          • Muscle -
            • Stapedius , stylohyoid ,
            • Platysma , posterior belly of digastric
            • Auricular , epicranius
          • Skeletal -
            • Cartilaginous bar is called as reichert's cartilage
              • dorsal part of cartilage ossified to form
                • stapes
              • succeeding part forms
                • styloid process of temporal bone , stylohyoid ligament
              • Ventral part is converted
                • lesser cornu
                • upper part of body of hyoid bone
      • THIRD ARCH
        • S
            • stylopharyngeus
          • skeletal -
            • cartilaginous bar
              • dorsal part dissapears
              • ventral part is ossified
                • greater cornu of hyoid bone and lower part of hyoid bone
        • S
            • cricothyroid
          • Skeletal
            • cartilaginous bar
              • dorsal part dissapears
              • Ventral part forms lamina of thyroid cartilage
      • FIFTH ARCH
        • DISSAPEARS
      • SIXTH ARCH
      • S
          • all intrinsic muscles except cricothyroid
        • Skeletal
          • Cartilaginous bar
            • Dorsal part dissappears
            • Ventral part forms cricoid and arytenoid cartilage


  • Oesophageal segment
    • extending from laryngeal diverticulum to fusiform dilation stomach
    • buds
  • Gastric segment
    • dorsal border grows more rapidly than ventral border
      • greater curvature and lesser curvature
      • ventral border
        • suspended from anterior body wall by
          • ventral mesogastrium
            • by hepatic bud gets divided to form
            • lesser omentum
            • falciform and coronary ligaments of liver
      • dorsal border
        • attached to posterior body wall
          • dorsal mesogastrium
    • it undergoes rotation vertical axis - 90 degrees
      • left surface —> ventral
        • left vagus supplies anterosuperior surface
      • right surface —> dorsal
        • right vagus supplies postero inferior
  • Duodenal Segment
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  • en/foregut.txt
  • 2023/06/08 12:06
  • brahmantra