bacteria cell wall bacteria_bullet_proof_vest.jpg
bacteria bacteria_criminal.jpg
bacterial toxin bacterial_toxin.jpg
  • foreign bacteria , bacterial invaders , harmful bacteria , external bacteria , external microorganism

bacteria and cell interaction story or story of war between two cells (two persons analogy) bacteria is a unicellular organism hence it can be compared to a cell i.e., cell to person analogy bacteria is a bad person and human cells are good persons.there is a war between bacteria and human body immune cells. bacteria as compared to bad persons.as bad persons maintain bad gangs like gangsters. they also maintain groups and form colonies. as persons need nutrients and oxygen to survive bacteria also need oxygen to survive but there are some bacteria which does not need oxygen to survive and they are called anoerobic bacteria, persons or bacteria which live/work in the gastrointestinal tract or food passages(food industry) are called enterobacteria. As bad persons carry bombs and guns in their pockets,in a similar way they carry toxins and secrete inside the body which cause disease.the toxins are of two types exotoxin(exo(outside)+toxin) and endotoxin(endo(inside)+toxin).the toxins are named on the basis of their chemical nature or which part of the body they and on which type of cell they act. like leucocidal toxin – (leuco-leucocytes + cidal-killing) toxin, enterotoxin– entero(git) + toxin, cyto(cell) + toxin — cytotoxin, hemo(blood)+lysin(lysis-break) — hemolysin, epidermolytic toxin – epidermo(epidermis-skin) + lytic(break) toxin. their groups are in the form of chains,form of circle,irregular etc..as cells are named on the basis of their shapes and location.bacteria are also named on the basis of their shapes and the location where they cause disease or the disease caused by them. like vibrio cholerae-cause cholera,hemophilus influenzae-influenza or on basis of shapes streptococcus–cocci - round shape,bacillus-rod shape. now let us talk about our enemy strategy and our defensive system.

our defence strategy system has three lines of defence 1. natural skin barrier,mucous lining,tears and gastric acid second line of defence is phagocytosis,complement,interferon,inflammation and fever.in this defence there is no stoppage but killing and removing the enemy by defenzive strategy third line of defence is lymphocytes and antibodies third line of defence comprises of police and soilders who are protecting our human body. they have specific badges called markers also called immune cell markers.

bad persons always carry guns and bombs with them these are equivalent to the toxins released by the bacteria.

A medieval castle would be a good analogy of the innate immune system. The high castle walls and the moat around the castle are designed to keep almost everything out. They act like the body's skin, mucous, and stomach acid. In the moat, we have alligators, which like the macrophages in the body, will basically eat anything. In our castle analogy, the adaptive immune system would include archers, spear-throwers, cannoneers, and swordsmen. They each use different tools and defend against those invaders for which they are best designed. They remember previous battles and can improve the speed and efficiency in which they defend the castle. Working together: The innate system is the first line of defense. If the invader is stopped by the innate system, no disease will occur. If, however, the invader cannot be stopped by the innate system, the adaptive system is activated. If the adaptive system is successful, the body will recover. The adaptive system will also retain memory of the invader. So, if a second exposure to the invader occurs, the adaptive system will mount a greater and faster response, usually preventing disease. If neither the innate or adaptive systems are effective, death can occur.

  • clostridium – (kloster=spindle)
  • bacillus– (rod shaped=bacilli)
  • hemophilus influenzae – (hemo(blood)+philus(loving))
  • diplo(pair)+ cocci(round) – diplococcus
  • vibrio – curved rods(vibrio-vibrate)
  • strepto(twisted or coiled) + coccus(round)–streptococcus molli(soft)+cutis(skin)= mollicutes
  • staphylococcus - staphy(bunch of grapes) + coccus(round)
  • corynebacterium diptheria – coryne(club) + diphteria(leather)

Toxins are classified as exotoxins or endotoxins as the (WEAPONS OF THE CRIMINALS) –

  • alpha,beta,gamma,delta and epsilon toxin
  • botulinum toxin

if our anatomyland cells are naked or nude they look like a dry covering

TOXINS Toxins are classified as exotoxins or endotoxins as the (WEAPONS OF THE CRIMINALS) –

shiga like toxin or verocytotoxin (VT OR SLT) Verocytotoxin is a Shiga-like toxin produced by the E. coli strain O157, and Shigella type 1.

It causes acute renal failure in children, as a result ofHaemolytic uraemic syndrome.

The toxin has two parts. The A part damages gutepithelium through inhibiting its protein synthesis, facilitating entry to the blood stream. The 5 B parts are adapted to inserting the A part into epithelial cells.

cytolytic toxin tracheal cytotoxin - produced by bordetella pertusis

Anthrax toxin is composed of a cell-binding protein, known as protective antigen (PA), and two enzyme components, called edema factor (EF) and lethal factor (LF). These three protein components act together to impart their physiological effects. It acts as the trojan horse carrying both lethal factor and oedema factor. Diphtheria toxin is an exotoxinsecreted by Corynebacterium diphtheriae, the pathogenicbacterium that causes diphtheria. Unusually, the toxin gene is encoded by a bacteriophage (avirus that infects bacteria).[1] Thetoxin causes the disease diphtheria in humans by gaining entry into the cell cytoplasm and inhibiting protein synthesis.

  • ALL BLOOD CELLS COVERED (helps in killing police and disrupting the environment of blood)
  • coagulase - platelets
  • agglutinogens -
  • clumping factor - the fundamental unit of clotting,before conversion it is in form of fibrinogen,this factor binds to fibrinogen.
  • staphylokinase(fibrinolysin) - after the clot is formed it is mainly made of fibrin but this enzyme breaks the clots and makes this process all over again.
  • leuococidin - leucocytes - polymorphonuclear leucocytes and macrophages gets killed
  • hemolytic toxin or called hemolysin (-toxins ending with lysin) - rbc cells
  • streptolysin - Streptolysin O and streptolysin S
  • tetanolysin
  • pneumolysin
  • erythrogenic or pyrogenic extoxin
  • alpha,beta,gamma,delta and epsilon toxin -
  • GIT CELLS (helps in killing git cells)
  • enterotoxin - causes food poisoning,this is where the food trucks gets infected inside the food mill a kind of adulteration.
  • emetic toxin
  • enterotoxins (LT,VT(SLT),ST)
  • VT1 ,VT2

SKIN (helps bacteria in breaking or to breach skin border) exfoliative or epidermolytic toxin

  • NERVOUS SYSTEM (break the communication system by hacking their telephone communication wires)
  • neurotoxin
  • Tetanospasmin - produces tetanus (lock jaw)
  • botulinum toxin
  • OTHER TOXINS - protein antigens
  • A- protein - interacts with the dogs (igG type of antibodies ,it binds to fc region-constant region)
  • M - Protein
  • R - protein
  • T - Protein

carbohydrate antigens -

  • acids -
  • lipoteichoic acid
  • teichoic acid - adherence to mucosal surface (provides the ground for attaching and standing)
  • hyaluronic acid
  • hyaluronic acid capsule
  • Edema factor /factor 1
  • lethal factor /factor 3 - death causer
  • protective antigen /factor 2 -

peptidoglycan - inhibits inflammtory response (inhbits the first signs of invasion)

  • The structural recognizers or antigens (this may be harmful because it helps the bacteria to move and gives protection)
  • O - somatic antigen - (LPS)- endotoxic inhibits phagocytosis
  • K- antigen - protects from phagocytosis
  • Fimbriae - mannose resistant
  • colonizing factor antigens - found in ETEC
  • P - Fimbriae is found in uropathogenic E.Coli
  • toxic shock syndrome toxin
  • pertusis toxin
  • Pyrogenic exotoxin

weapons acting at the subcellular level

  • proteases - destroy or break proteins
  • lipases - destroy or break lipids
  • lipoproteinases - serum opacity factor - breaks both lipids and proteins
  • phospholipase (cell wall phospholipids) - break down .
  • deoxyribonuclease - Destroy or break DNA
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  • en/criminal_microbiology_analogy_theory.txt
  • 2024/07/30 12:41
  • brahmantra