• Indefinite relations
    • Internal relations
      • Resemblance ( monadic property)
      • Difference
    • External relations
      • causal relations
        • static
        • dynamic
    • Logic relations
      • mental equilibrium
      • Mental motions or mental processes
    • Concrete relations
      • Static posture
      • Moving posture
    • binary relations
  • energy equilibrium , balance of energy , mental equilibrium , resting state , positional oneness , at same place
  • formal equality , similar form , similar structure , common structure , comparative oneness , Oneness in form , Sharing common qualities , common copy , common form , common structure , comparative Concept formation , comparative Generalization , comparative Abstraction , comparative Universal concepts
  • equal mass
  • equal fields ( same level )
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  • en/comparitive_relations_theory.txt
  • 2024/07/28 06:40
  • brahmantra