• Divided in to two halves by a longitudinal cerebral fissure
      • Features of longitudinal cerebral fissure
        • cleft is complete
          • except for the central part where it is joined by corpus callosum
        • cleft is occupied by
          • falx cerebri ( sickle shaped fold of duramater)
          • fold of arachnoid that follows surfaces of falx cerebri
          • piamater covering medial surface of falx cerebri
          • anterior cerebral arteries and veins
      • Each Cerebral hemisphere
        • outer zone
          • outer layer of grey matter called cerebral cortex
        • inner zone
          • inner mass of white matter
          • large masses of subcortical grey matter
          • POLES OR ENDS
            • anterior end of the hemisphere
              • frontal pole
            • posterior end of hemisphere
              • occipital pole
            • below and in front
              • temporal pole
          • SURFACES
            • Superolateral surface
            • Medial surface
              • flat and vertical
              • presents a thick c shaped cut surface of corpus callosum
            • Inferior surface
              • irregular to adopt the floor of cranium
                • divided in to two parts by
                  • a deep horizontal groove or sulcus , the stem of lateral sulcus
                    • Orbital surface
                    • Tentorial Surface
          • BORDERS
            • Superomedial border
            • superciliary border
            • Inferolateral border
            • Medial orbital border
            • Inferomedial or hippocampal border
            • Medial occipital border
          • SULCI AND GYRI
            • Superolateral surface gyri and sulci
              • frontal lobe
                • precentral sulcus
                • prefrontal sulcus
                • superior and inferior frontal sulcus
                • anterior and ascending rami of lateral sulcus
                  • divides the inferior frontal gyrus in to 3 parts
                    • part below anterior ramus is called pars orbitalis
                    • part between anterior and ascending rami is called pars triangularis
                    • part posterior to ascending ramus is called pars opercularis
              • parietal lobe
                • postcentral sulcus
                • intraparietal sulcus
              • temporal lobe
                • superior , middle and inferior temporal gyrus
                • superior and inferior temporal sulci
              • Occipital lobe
                • Lateral occipital sulcus
                • lunate sulcus
                • Transverse occipital sulcus
            • Medial surface
              • cingulate sulcus
              • callosal sulcus
            • Inferior surface
              • Orbital part of inferior surface
                • olfactory sulcus
                • orbital sulcus
              • Tentorial part of inferior surface
                • Collateral sulcus
                • Occipito-temporal sulcus
          • LOBES
            • Imaginary lines
              • first imaginary line
              • second imaginary line
            • Frontal lobe
              • anterior to central sulcus
            • Parietal lobe
              • behind central sulcus , in front of first imaginary line and above second imaginary line
            • Temporal lobe
              • below the posterior ramus of lateral sulcus and second imaginary line
            • Occipital lobe
              • parietooccipital sulcus and lower part of first imaginary line
            • Insula / Island of reil ( Central Lobe )
              • submerged or hidden portion of cerebral cortex in floor of lateral sulcus
              • triangular in shape
              • surrounded on all sides by a sulcus
                • circular sulcus
                  • except anteroinferiorly at its apex
                    • limen insulae
                      • continuous with anterior perforate substance
              • divided in to two regions by a central sulcus
                • anterior region presents
                  • 3 or 4 gyri brevia
                • posterior region presents
                  • 1 or 2 long gyri called gyri longa
              • insula is hidden from surface view
                • areas are called as opercula
                  • frontal , frontoparietal , temporal opercula
          • CORTEX
            • Types
              • Allocortex
                • archicortex
                • paleocortex
              • Neocortex
                • 90% of the total area of cerebral cortex
                  • consists of 6 layers
            • Variations in cortical structure
              • Homotypical cortex
              • Heterotypical cortex
                • granular cortex
                  • granular layers are well developed
                  • pyramidal layers are poorly developed
                  • characteristic feature of sensory areas
                    • primary sensory , primary acoustic and visual areas
                • Agranular cortex
                  • granular layers are poorly developed
                  • pyramidal layers are well developed
                  • characteristic feature of motor areas
                    • primary motor and other areas of frontal lobe
            • histological layers of cerebral cortex
              • molecular or plexiform layer
              • external granular layer
              • external pyramidal layer
              • internal granular layer
              • internal pyramidal ( ganglionic ) layer
              • multiform layer ( layer of polymorphic cells )
            • histologically types of neurons
              • pyramidal cells
              • stellate or granule cells
              • fusiform cells
              • horizontal cells of cajal
              • cells of martinotti
            • connecting neurons are by three ways
              • projection neurons
              • association neurons
              • commissural neurons
          • Functional areas of cerebral cortex

The vertebrate cerebrum (brain) is formed by two cerebral hemispheres that are separated by a groove, the longitudinal fissure. The brain can thus be described as being divided into left and right cerebral hemispheres. Each of these hemispheres has an outer layer of grey matter, the cerebral cortex, that is supported by an inner layer of white matter. In eutherian (placental) mammals, the hemispheres are linked by the corpus callosum, a very large bundle of nerve fibers. Smaller commissures, including the anterior commissure, the posterior commissure and the fornix, also join the hemispheres and these are also present in other vertebrates. These commissures transfer information between the two hemispheres to coordinate localized functions.

There are three known poles of the cerebral hemispheres: the occipital pole, the frontal pole, and the temporal pole.

cerebrum Brainwall
frontal lobe Frontbrainwall
parietal lobe BrainRoof
temporal lobe Brainsidewall
occipital lobe Backbrainwall
limbic lobe Brainmedialwalls

The central sulcus is a prominent fissure which separates the parietal lobe from the frontal lobe and the primary motor cortex from the primary somatosensory cortex.




  1. The central sulcus is a sulcus, or groove, in the cerebral cortex in the brains of vertebrates. Also called the central fissure, or the fissure of Rolando or the Rolandic fissure, after Luigi Rolando. It is sometimes confused with the longitudinal fissure.The central sulcus is a prominent landmark of the brain, separating the parietal lobe from the frontal lobe and the primary motor cortex from the primary somatosensory cortex.
  2. The lateral sulcus (also called Sylvian fissure or lateral fissure) is one of the most prominent features of the human brain. The lateral sulcus is a deep fissure in each hemisphere that separates the frontal and parietal lobes from the temporal lobe. The insular cortex lies deep within the lateral sulcus.The lateral sulcus has a number of side branches. Two of the most prominent and most regularly found are the ascending (also called vertical) ramus and the horizontal ramus of the lateral fissure, which subdivide the inferior frontal gyrus. The lateral sulcus also contains the transverse temporal gyri, which are part of the primary and below the surface auditory cortex.
  3. The precentral sulcus is a part of the human brain that lies parallel to, and in front of, the central sulcus. (A sulcus is one of the prominent grooves on the surface of the human brain.The precentral sulcus divides the inferior, middle and superior frontal gyri from the precentral gyrus. In most brains, the precentral sulcus is divided into two parts: the inferior precentral sulcus and the superior precentral sulcus. However, the precentral sulcus may sometimes be divided into three parts or form one continuous sulcus.
  4. The postcentral sulcus of the parietal lobe lies parallel to, and behind, the central sulcus in the human brain. (A sulcus is one of the prominent grooves on the surface of the brain.The postcentral sulcus divides the postcentral gyrus from the remainder of the parietal lobe.
  5. The inferior surface of the temporal lobe is concave, and is continuous posteriorly with the tentorial surface of the occipital lobe. It is traversed by the inferior temporal sulcus, which extends from near the occipital pole behind, to within a short distance of the temporal pole in front, but is frequently subdivided by bridging gyri.
  6. The superior temporal sulcus (STS) is the sulcus separating the superior temporal gyrus from the middle temporal gyrus in the temporal lobe of the brain. A sulcus (plural sulci) is a deep groove that curves into the largest part of the brain, the cerebrum, and a gyrus (plural gyri) is the a ridge that curves outward of the cerebrum.
  7. In brain anatomy, the lunate sulcus or simian sulcus also known as the sulcus lunatus is a fissure in the occipital lobe variably found in humans and more often larger when present in apes and monkeys.The lunate sulcus marks the transition between V1 and V2.


  1. Anterior paraolfactory
  2. posterior paraolfactory
  3. cingulate
  4. callosal
  5. suprasplenial or subparietal
  6. parieto-occipital
  7. calcarine
  • GYRI
  1. paraolfactory
  2. Paraterminal
  3. medial frontal
  4. paracentral lobule
  5. cingulate
  6. cuneus
  7. precuneus


  1. superomedial border
  2. inferolateral border
  3. medial orbital border
  4. medial occipital border


  1. frontal pole
  2. occipital pole
  3. temporal pole






974 Hemispherium cerebri Cerebral hemisphere
975 Pallium Cerebral cortex
976 Gyri cerebri Cerebral gyri
977 Lobi cerebri Cerebral lobes
978 Sulci cerebri Cerebral sulci
979 Fissura longitudinalis cerebri Longitudinal cerebral fissure
980 Fissura transversa cerebri Transverse cerebral fissure
981 Fossa lateralis cerebri Lateral cerebral fossa
982 Margo superior Superior margin
983 Margo inferomedialis Inferomedial margin
984 Margo inferolateralis Inferolateral margin
985 Facies superolateralis hemispherii cerebri Superolateral face of cerebral hemisphere
986 Sulci interlobares Interlobar sulci
987 Sulcus centralis Central sulcus
988 Sulcus lateralis Sylvii Lateral sulcus Sylvii
989 Ramus posterior Posterior ramus
990 Ramus ascendens Ascending ramus
991 Ramus anterior Anterior ramus
992 Sulcus parietooccipitalis Parieto-occipital sulcus
993 Incisura preoccipitalis Preoccipital notch
994 Lobus frontalis Frontal lobe
995 Polus frontalis Frontal pole
996 Operculum frontale Frontal operculum
997 Gyrus frontalis inferior Inferior frontal gyrus
998 Pars orbitalis Orbital part
999 Pars triangularis Triangular part
1000 Pars opercularis Opercular part
1001 Sulcus frontalis inferior Inferior frontal sulcus
1002 Gyrus frontalis medius Middle frontal gyrus
1003 Gyrus precentralis Precentral gyrus
1004 Sulcus precentralis Precentral sulcus
1005 Gyrus frontalis superior Superior frontal gyrus
1006 Sulcus frontalis superior Superior frontal sulcus
1007 Lobus parietalis Parietal lobe
1008 Gyrus angularis Angular gyrus
1009 Lobulus parietalis inferior Inferior parietal lobule
1010 Operculum parietale Parietal operculum
1011 Sulcus intraparietalis Intraperietal sulcus
1012 Gyrus postcentralis Postcentral gyrus
1013 Sulcus postcentralis Postcentral sulcus
1014 Lobulus parietalis superior Superior parietal lobule
1015 Gyrus supramarginalis Supramarginal gyrus
1016 Lobus occipitalis Occipital lobe
1017 Polus occipitalis Occipital pole
1018 Sulcus lunatus Lunate sulcus
1019 Incisura preoccipitalis Preoccipital notch
1020 Sulcus occipitalis transversus Transverse occipital sulcus
1021 Lobus temporalis Temporal lobe
1022 Polus temporalis Temporal pole
1023 Gyrus temporalis superior Superior temporal gyrus
1024 Operculum temporale Temporal operculum
1025 Gyri temporales transversi Heschl Transverse temporal gyri Heschl's gyri
1026 Gyrus temporalis transversus anterior Anterior transverse temporal gyrus
1027 Gyrus temporalis transversus posterior Posterior transverse temporal gyrus
1028 Planum temporale Temporal plane
1029 Sulcus temporalis transversus Transverse temporal sulcus
1030 Sulcus temporalis superior Superior temporal sulcus
1031 Gyrus temporalis medius Middle temporal gyrus
1032 Sulcus temporalis inferior Inferior temporal sulcus
1033 Gyrus temporalis inferior Inferior temporal gyrus
1034 Insula; lobus insularis Insula; insular lobe
1035 Gyri insulae Insular gyri
1036 Gyrus longus insulae Long gyrus of insula
1037 Gyri breves insulae Short gyri of insula
1038 Sulcus centralis insulae Central sulcus of insula
1039 Sulcus circularis insulae Circular sulcus of insula
1040 Limen insulae Limen insulae; insular threshold
1041 Facies inferomedialis hemispherii cerebri Medial and inferior surfaces of cerebral hemisphere
1042 Sulci interlobares Interlobar sulci
1043 Sulcus corporis callosi Sulcus of corpus callosum
1044 Sulcus cinguli Cingulate sulcus
1045 Ramus marginalis; sulcus marginalis Marginal branch; marginal sulcus
1046 Sulcus subparietalis Subparietal sulcus
1047 Sulcus parietooccipitalis Parieto-occipital sulcus
1048 Sulcus collateralis Collateral sulcus
1049 Sulcus centralis Central sulcus
1050 Lobus frontalis Frontal lobe
1051 Gyrus frontalis medialis Medial frontal gyrus
1052 Sulcus paracentralis Paracentral sulcus
1053 Lobulus paracentralis Paracentral lobule
1054 Gyrus paracentralis anterior Anterior paracentral gyrus
1055 Sulcus centralis Central sulcus
1056 Area subcallosa Subcallosal area; subcallosal gyrus
1057 Gyrus paraterminalis Paraterminal gyrus
1058 Area paraolfactoria Paraolfactory area
1059 Gyri paraolfactorii Paraolfactory gyri
1060 Sulci paraolfactorii Paraolfactory sulci
1061 Gyri orbitales Orbital gyri
1062 Sulci orbitales Orbital sulci
1063 Gyrus rectus Straight gyrus
1064 Sulcus olfactorius Olfactory sulcus
1065 Gyrus olfactorius lateralis Lateral olfactory gyrus
1066 Gyrus olfactorius medialis Medial olfactory gyrus
1067 Lobus parietalis Parietal lobe
1068 Lobulus paracentralis Paracentral lobule
1069 Gyrus paracentralis posterior Posterior paracentral gyrus
1070 Precuneus Precuneus
1071 Sulcus subparietalis Subparietal sulcus
1072 Sulcus parietooccipitalis Parieto-occipital sulcus
1073 Ramus marginalis; sulcus marginalis Marginal branch; marginal sulcus
1074 Lobus occipitalis Occipital lobe
1075 Cuneus Cuneus
1076 Sulcus calcarinus Calcarine sulcus
1077 Gyrus lingualis Lingual gyrus
1078 Gyrus occipitotemporalis lateralis Lateral occipitotemporal gyrus
1079 Gyrus occipitotemporalis medialis Medial occipitotemporal gyrus
1080 Sulcus occipitotemporalis Occipitotemporal sulcus
1081 Sulcus parietooccipitalis Parieto-occipital sulcus
1082 Lobus temporalis Temporal lobe
1083 Sulcus collateralis Collateral sulcus
1084 Gyrus occipitotemporalis medialis Medial occipitotemporal gyrus
1085 Sulcus occipitotemporalis Occipitotemporal sulcus
1086 Gyrus occipitotemporalis lateralis Lateral occipitotemporal gyrus
1087 Sulcus temporalis inferior Inferior temporal sulcus
1088 Gyrus temporalis inferior Inferior temporal gyrus
1089 Lobus limbicus Limbic lobe
1090 Sulcus cinguli Cingulate sulcus
1091 Gyrus cinguli Cingulate gyrus
1092 Isthmus gyri cinguli Isthmus of cingulate gyrus
1093 Gyrus fasciolaris Fasciolar gyrus
1094 Gyrus parahippocampalis Parahippocampal gyrus
1095 Uncus Uncus
1096 Sulcus hippocampalis Hippocampal sulcus
1097 Gyrus dentatus Dentate gyrus
1098 Sulcus fimbriodentatus Fimbriodentate sulcus
1099 Fimbria hippocampi Fimbria of hippocampus
1100 Sulcus collateralis Collateral sulcus
1101 Sulcus rhinalis Rhinal sulcus
1155 Cortex cerebri Cerebral cortex
1156 Archicortex Archicortex
1157 Paleocortex Paleocortex
1158 Neocortex Neocortex
1159 Allocortex Allocortex
1160 Mesocortex Mesocortex
1161 Isocortex Isocortex
1162 Strata isocorticis Layers of isocortex
1163 Lamina molecularis [lamina I] Molecular layer [layer I]
1164 Lamina granularis externa [lamina II] External granular layer [layer II]
1165 Lamina pyramidalis externa [lamina III] External pyramidal layer [layer III]
1166 Lamina granularis interna [lamina IV] Internal granular layer [layer IV]
1167 Lamina pyramidalis interna [lamina V] Internal pyramidal layer [layer V]
1168 Lamina multiformis [lamina VI] Multiform layer [layer VI]
1169 Stria laminae molecularis Stria of molecular layer
1170 Stria laminae granularis externae Stria of external granular layer
1171 Stria laminae granularis internae Stria of internal granular layer
1172 Stria occipitalis Gennari Occipital stripe; occipital line Gennari
1173 Stria laminae pyramidalis internae Stria of internal pyramidal layer
1174 Neurofibrae tangentiales Tangential fibres
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  • 2024/07/04 14:46
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