• Side of Head
    • Semicircular crumpled plate with a central aperture called
    • EAR , OTO , AURIS
      • Externally visible part, EXTERNAL EAR
        • Auricle; pinna
          • lower part
            • Lobule of auricle; lobe of ear
            • soft
          • Auricular cartilage
          • Helix
            • Crus of helix
            • Spine of helix
            • Tail of helix
          • Antihelix
            • Triangular fossa
            • Crura of antihelix
          • Scapha
          • Concha of auricle
            • Cymba conchae
            • Cavity of concha
          • Antitragus
          • Tragus
          • Anterior notch
          • Intertragic incisure; intertragic notch
          • (Auricular tubercle Darwini)
          • (Apex of auricle; tip of ear)
          • Posterior auricular groove
          • (Supratragic tubercle)
          • Isthmus of cartilaginous auricle
          • Terminal notch of auricle
          • Fissura antitragohelicina
          • Groove of crus of helix
          • Fossa antihelica; antihelical fossa
          • Eminentia conchae
          • Eminentia scaphae
          • Eminentia fossae triangularis
          • Ligaments of auricle
            • Anterior ligament of auricle
            • Superior ligament of auricle
            • Posterior ligament of auricle
          • Auricular muscles
            • Helicis major
            • Helicis minor
            • Tragicus
            • Pyramidal muscle of auricle
            • Antitragicus
            • Transverse muscle of auricle
            • Oblique muscle of auricle
          • External acoustic meatus
            • Features
              • External acoustic pore; external acoustic aperture
              • Tympanic notch
              • Cartilaginous external acoustic meatus
                • Cartilage of acoustic meatus
                • Notch in cartilage of acoustic meatus
              • Tragal lamina
            • Framework
              • Bony part
                • tympanic plate of temporal bone
                  • C shaped
                  • Posterosuperior part is deficient
                • Deficient part is formed by squamous temporal bone
              • Cartilaginous Part
                • C shaped
        • Tympanic membrane
          • Pars flaccida Shrapnell's membrane
          • Pars tensa
          • Anterior malleolar fold
          • Posterior malleolar fold
          • Malleolar prominence
          • Malleolar stria
          • Umbo of tympanic membrane
          • Fibrocartilaginous ring
          • Shape
            • Oval
          • Position
            • placed obliquely at an angle of 55 degrees with floor of meatus
          • Surfaces
            • Outer surface
              • thin skin
              • concave
            • Inner surface
              • convex
                • point of maximum convexity at attachment
                  • attached to handle of malleus
                  • called as umbo
          • Margin
            • membrane is thickened at its circumference
              • fixed to tympanic sulcus of temporal bone on tympanic plate
              • superiorly it is deficient
                • attached to tympanic notch
                  • from ends of notch
                    • two bands arise
                      • anterior and posterior malleolar folds
                    • to attach lateral process of malleus
          • Parts
            • greater part of membrane is tightly stretched
              • pars tensa
            • part between two malleolar folds is loose
              • pars flaccida
                • crossed internally by chorda tympani nerve
            • membrane is held tensed by inward pull
              • tensor tympani muscle
                • inserted on upper end of handle of malleus
          • Structure
            • outer cuticular layer of skin
            • Middle fibrous layer
              • superficial radiating fibres
              • deep circular fibers
            • inner mucous layer
              • ciliated columnar epithelium
          • Blood supply
            • deep auricular branch of maxillary artery
          • Nerve supply
            • outer surface
            • inner surface
              • tympanic branch of glossopharyngeal nerve

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  • en/external-ear.txt
  • 2023/06/18 13:05
  • brahmantra