
No:1135 - nadir the lowest point; point of greatest adversity or despair.
No:1136 - narcotic (Gr. narkotikos benumbing, deadening) 1. pertaining to or producing narcosis. 2. an agent that produces insensibility or stupor, applied especially to the opioids, i.e. to any natural or synthetic drug that has morphine-like actions.
No:1137 - nasal (L. nasalis) pertaining to the nose.
No:1138 - nasolacrimal pertaining to the nose and lacrimal apparatus.
No:1139 - natriuresis (L. natrium sodium + Gr. oursis a making water) the excretion of abnormal amounts of sodium in the urine.
No:1140 - nausea (L.; Gr. nausia seasickness) an unpleasant sensation, vaguely referred to the epigastrium and abdomen, and often culminating in vomiting.
No:1141 - necrolysis (necro- + Gr. lysis dissolution) separation or exfoliation of tissue due to necrosis.
No:1142 - necrosis (Gr. nekrosis deadness) the sum of the morphological changes indicative of cell death and caused by the progressive degradative action of enzymes; it may affect groups of cells or part of a structure or an organ.
No:1143 - negative not affirming the presence of the organism or condition in question <a negative diagnosis>
No:1144 - neonatal (neo- + L. natus born) pertaining to the first four weeks after birth.
No:1145 - neoplastic pertaining to or like a neoplasm (= any new and abnormal growth); pertaining to neoplasia (= the formation of a neoplasm).
No:1146 - nephritis (Gr. nephros kidney + -itis) inflammation of the kidney; a focal or diffuse proliferative or destructive process which may involve the glomerulus, tubule, or interstitial renal tissue.
No:1147 - nephrolith (nephro- + Gr. lithos stone) a renal calculus; gravel in a kidney.
No:1148 - nephropathy (nephro- + Gr. pathos disease) disease of the kidneys.
No:1149 - nephrotic pertaining to, resembling, or caused by nephrosis.
No:1150 - nephrotoxic toxic or destructive to kidney cells.
No:1151 - nervousness excessive excitability and irritability, with mental and physical unrest.
No:1152 - neural (L. neuralis; Gr. neuron nerve) 1. pertaining to a nerve or to the nerves. 2. situated in the region of the spinal axis, as the neutral arch.
No:1153 - neuralgia (neur- + -algia) paroxysmal pain which extends along the course of one or more nerves. Many varieties of neuralgia are distinguished according to the part affected or to the cause, as brachial, facial, occipital, supraorbital, etc., or anaemic, diabetic, gouty, malarial, syphilitic, etc.
No:1154 - neuritis (neur- + -itis) inflammation of a nerve, a condition attended by pain and tenderness over the nerves, anaesthesia and paraesthesias, paralysis, wasting, and disappearance of the reflexes. In practice, the term is also used to denote noninflammatory lesions of the peripheral nervous system; see neuropathy.
No:1155 - neurodermatitis (neuro- + dermatitis) an extremely variable eczematous dermatosis presumed to be a cutaneous response to prolonged vigorous scratching, rubbing, or pinching to relieve intense pruritus, having the potential to produce polymorphic lesions at the same or different times, and varying in severity, course, and morphologic expression in different individuals. It is believed by some authorities to be a psychogenic disorder. The term is also used to refer to lichen simplex chronicus (circumscribed n.) and sometimes to atopic dermatitis (disseminated n.).
No:1156 - neuroleptanalgesia (neuro- + Gr. lpsis a taking hold + analgesia) a state of quiescence, altered awareness, and analgesia produced by the administration of a combination of a narcotic analgesic and a neuroleptic agent.
No:1157 - neuroleptic (neuro- + Gr. lpsis a taking hold, a seizure) a term coined to refer to the effects on cognition and behaviour of antipsychotic drugs, which produce a state of apathy, lack of initiative, and limited range of emotion and in psychotic patients cause a reduction in confusion and agitation and normalization of psychomotor activity.
No:1158 - neurologic pertaining to neurology or to the nervous system.
No:1159 - neuromuscular pertaining to muscles and nerves.
No:1160 - neuronal pertaining to a neuron or neurons (= conducting cells of the nervous system).
No:1161 - neuropathy a general term denoting functional disturbances and/or pathological changes in the peripheral nervous system. The etiology may be known e.g. arsenical n., diabetic n., ischemic n., traumatic n.) or unknown. Encephalopathy and myelopathy are corresponding terms relating to involvement of the brain and spinal cord, respectively. The term is also used to designate noninflammatory lesions in the peripheral nervous system, in contrast to inflammatory lesions (neuritis).
No:1162 - neurotic 1. pertaining to or characterized by neurosis. 2. a person affected with a neurosis.
No:1163 - neurotoxic poisonous or destructive to nerve tissue.
No:1164 - neurotransmitter any of a group of substances that are released on excitation from the axon terminal of a presynaptic neuron of the central or peripheral nervous system and travel across the synaptic cleft to either excite or inhibit the target cell. Among the many substances that have the properties of a neurotransmitter are acetylcholine, norepinephrine, epinephrine, dopamine, glycine, y-aminobutyrate, glutamic acid, substance P, enkephalins, endorphins, and serotonin.
No:1165 - neurovegetative pertaining to the vegetative (autonomic) nervous system.
No:1166 - neutralization an act or process of neutralizing.
No:1167 - neutropenia leukopenia in which the decrease in white blood cells is chiefly in neutrophils.
No:1168 - neutrophil (of a cell or cell part) having an affinity for neutral dyes.
No:1169 - nidation (L. nidus nest) implantation of the conceptus in the endometrium.
No:1170 - nil nothing, zero.
No:1171 - nocturia (L. nox night + Gr. ouron urine + -ia) excessive urination at night.
No:1172 - nocturnal (L. nocturnus) pertaining to, occurring at, or active at night.
No:1173 - nodose (L. nodosus) having nodes or projections.
No:1174 - nonspecific 1. not due to any single known cause, as to a particular pathogen. 2. not directed against a particular agent, but rather having a general effect, as nonspecific therapy.
No:1175 - normalization the process of bringing or restoring to the normal standard.
No:1176 - normotensive 1. characterized by normal tone, tension, or pressure, as by normal blood pressure. 2. a person with normal blood pressure.
No:1177 - nosocomial (nosa- + Gr. komeion to take care of) pertaining to or originating in the hospital, said of an infection not present or incubating prior to admittance to the hospital, but generally occurring 72 hours after admittance; the term is usually used to refer to patient disease, but hospital personnel may also acquire nosocomial infection. Cf. iatrogenic.
No:1178 - nulliparous having never given birth to a viable infant.
No:1179 - nummular (L. nummularis) coin-sized and coin-shaped.
No:1180 - nutrient (L. nutriens) 1. nourishing, affording nutriment. 2. a nutritious substance; food, or a component of food.
No:1181 - nystagmus (Gr. nystagmos drowsiness, from nystazein to nod) an involuntary, rapid, rhythmic movement of the eyeball, which may be horizontal, vertical, rotatory, or mixed, i.e., of two varieties.
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