
No:960 - keloid (Gr. kl tumour + eidos form) a sharply elevated, irregularly- shaped, progressively enlarging scar due to the formation of excessive amounts of collagen in the corium during connective tissue repair.
No:961 - keratitis (kerat- + -itis) inflammation of the cornea. Cf. keratoconjunctivitis.
No:962 - keratoconjunctivitis (kerato- + conjunctivitis) inflammation of the cornea and conjunctiva.
No:963 - keratolytic an agent that promotes keratolysis.
No:964 - ketoacidosis acidosis accompanied by the accumulation of ketone bodies (ketosis) in the body tissues and fluids, as in diabetic acidosis.
No:965 - kinetic (Gr. kintikos) pertaining to or producing motion.
No:966 - koilonychia (koilo- + onyx nail + -ia) dystrophy of the fingernails, sometimes associated with iron deficiency anaemia, in which they are thin and concave, with the edges raises; called also spoon nail.
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