

  • It rains - वर्षति (varshati)
  • She sleeps - सा शयने निशिता (sā śayane niśitā)
  • She kicks the ball - सा गोलकम् आदाति (sā golakam ādāti)
  • She gives him a book - सा तस्य ग्रन्थम् ददाति (sā tasya grantham dadāti)
  • मैन: तस्याः अश्वे दोलारं दास्यामि। (mainaḥ tasyāḥ aśve dolāraṃ dāsyāmi)

Note: In Sanskrit, the word order is relatively free, and can vary depending on the emphasis one wants to put on certain words. In the above sentence, I is represented by the word मैन: (mainaḥ), her is represented by the word तस्याः (tasyāḥ), a dollar is represented by the word दोलारं (dolāraṃ), and on a horse is represented by the word अश्वे (aśve). The verb bet is implied by the context and not explicitly stated in the sentence.

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  • sa/grammar/valency.txt
  • 2023/02/24 06:04
  • brahmantra