

    • he came before me
    • he came after me
    • he was here before me
    • he was there before me
    • he will come after me
    • he will come before me
    • the person standing next to me is the future me ( future travel )
    • the place where I am standing is in past but I am from present
  • The present noun indicating at some point it changed or remained same.
    • I am , being , I am anupam ( the real identity )
    • I was , I have been -
    • I became
    • I will become
  • PRESENT PERSON , A living being was born , it came in to this world in which it will continuously change according to its nature
    • this process can be either good or bad
      • Healthy
      • Sickness or disease finally leading to death
  • Creator is the mother , carrier of present energy , present inside past womb
    • gives birth to present person that is fetus
      • undergoes many challenges and faces obstacles to move continuously in to future step by step
        • Healthy
        • Sick
  • I is the only thing in this world that will never remain constant except for god , as we believe it.
  • I am time , it indicates that god is time or the so called time itself.
  • I am death , it indicates that god is death or the so called death itself. But if I become death , how can I become life that is because life and death cannot co-exist.


It is long said that man brings nothing in to this world and takes nothing from the world while going to this grave. So this is in fact true

  • My Death
  • My Time
  • If you imagine that I am God , then u will be left with nothing except I. but if u imagine MY god it indicates that u possess a person named God either in you or anywhere else.
  • According to Hindu mythology there is a consciousness which is above our own which is called as Brahman.

We as persons we need to communicate with each other so we need pronouns , and to distinguish an object from other object we need nouns , to distinguish one person from another person we need names.

singular dual plural
colour black person , white person two white persons White people / race
Eyes Irish person , Chinese Two irish , chinese Chinese people , irish people
  • People are usually classified based on color white , black , blue , yellow ,red , brown , orange.
  • People can also be classified on the basis of their face shape and its similarities to animals
  • People can also be classified on the basis of their eye shape and color
  • People can also be classified on the basis of muscle and weight , strong , weak , fat , thin , average
  • People can also be classified based on height , tall , short .
  • People can also be classified based on hairs , blonde , brunette , red head , black ,
  • People can also be classified based on sex male , female , intersex
  • Historical kings can be classified based on their characteristics of crown

Because animals cannot communicate with each other and they communicate only with sounds they do not need pronouns. But animals have groups and they have specific names for their kids and families.

Citizenship is given based on birth and time a person has been on that place.

first person singular dual plural
I am / we are / being citizen dual citizen people
Second person singular dual plural
You are citizen dual citizens people
Third Person Singular Dual Plural
They are Citizens Dual People
My / belong private public
first person
CASE 1 demi-God/I We both / Two demi-gods we are demi-gods
CASE 2 My gods / supreme lord both Our gods Our gods
Second person
your your god gods
third person
Her god
  • Unaware to Aware
  • Stranger to Friend
  • Strange object to a known Object
  • Unknown to Known
  • Dream to Reality
  • Magic to history ( magical world to historical world )
  • Future to Technology
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  • en/time_pronouns.txt
  • 2024/04/04 08:32
  • brahmantra