medical management antonym
- Reconstruction x breaking or destroy
- Conception x contraception
- Natural x artificial
- Endotracheal tube x trachea
- Nasogastric tube x oesophagus
- Aspiration x administration or injection
- artificial Transplantation x natural transplantation
- Separation of blood components x mixing of blood components
- Low blood volume(disturbance) x correct
- Crushing x dilatation
- Seeing inside x seeing from outside
- Seeing inside (ENDOSCOPY) X Seeing from out(x ray..mri..ct scan)
- Incorrect x correct
- Incorrect = low or high
- Correction = decreasing to normal or increasing to normal
- Going towards normal x going away from normal
- Natural ventilation x artificial ventilation
- Positive pressure ventilation x negative pressure ventilation
- Continuous positive pressure x continuous negative pressure
- Natural pace maker x artificial pacemaker
- Natural organ x artificial organ
- Natural environment x artificial environment
- Bone marrow aspiration x bone marrow transplantation
- Natural lens x contact artificial lens
- Natural cornea x artificial cornea
- Natural bone x artificial bone