

CREATION, Making, Creator, Creature,
ANNIHILATION, Annul, disannul, abolish, extinguish, bring to nought, call-in, cancel, put out.
PROVIDENCE, Fore-sight, Fore-cast.
FATE, Destiny
FORTVNE, Chance, Accident, Venture, Adventure, casual, •ap, Luck, Hazard, fortuitous, a Hit, peradventure, perhaps.
BLESSING, Beatitude, Benediction
CVRSING, accurse, ban; Malediction, Execration.
PRESERVATION, Conservation, Protection, Keeping, main∣tain, save, Saviour, shelter, guard, keep, cherish.
DESTRVCTION, Perdition, Confusion, Bane, Devastation, Loss, pernicious, subvert, undoe, ruine, confound, extirpate, abolish, bring to naught, stroy, destroy, cast away, perish, cut off, wast, con∣sume, dissolve, exterminate, extinguish, fall, gone.
DELIVERANCE, Rescue, Save-iour, Salvation, free, quit, rid, clear, exempt.
DERELICTION, destitute, forlorn, deserting, give vp, relinquish, cast off, deliver up, forsake, leave, forgo.
REVELATION, open, disclose, discover, Vision, Enthusiasm, Fa∣natic, Oracle.
REDEMPTION, deliver, save, ransom, rescue.
DELIBERATING, ponder, weigh, forecast.
OBSERVING, advert, animadvert, give ear, attend to, heed, regard, give ones mind to, look to, mark, note, mind, pry, peep, watch, take no∣tice, notable, remarkable, oversee, overlook.
CONSIDERATION, revolve, scan, advise, forecast, recognize, premedi∣tate ponder, peruse, study, recount, reflect, review, revise, weigh, bethink, consult, cast in ones mind, retrospection, ruminate.
INVENTION, devising, excogitate, find out, make, Author.
APPROVING, liking, allowing, think good, take well, fancy him, find a Bill, currant.
DISAPPROVING, disliking, disallowing, disavow, mislike, condemn, explode, reprobate.
TRUST, Confidence, betrust, entrust, rely, repose, enfeoff, recom∣mend, credit, charge, rest upon.
DISTRVST, Mistrust, Diffidence, Suspicion, Surmize, Iealousie, Vmbrage, call in question, misgive.
SATISFACTION, Content, acquiesce, resolve.
SCRVPLE, Doubt, dissatisfie.
ASSURANCE, Confidence, sure, certain, resolved, secure, confirm.
PERSWASION, think, believe.
CONTRIVING, projecting frame, machinate, plot, forecast, cast about, or in ones mind, find a way, devise, Conveyance.
EXPECTING, look for, wait, gaping after, mind gives me, make account, stay for, watch for.
THINKING, Cogitation, bethink, deem, imagin, esteem, Conceit, Notion, Thought-ful, pensive, mind it, suggest, put in ones head,
MEDITATING, Study, considering, cast about in ones mind, muse, con∣template, Elucubration, think, fore think, premeditate, ponder, extempore.
INQUISITION, Examination, Search, Scrutiny▪ exploration, investigate, Disquisition, seek, discuss, hunt, canvase, cast water, Quest, Inquest.
DISCOVERY, detect, find, perceive, lift out▪ pick out, Invention, excogi∣tate, Author, Inventor, tell, inkling, 'tis out.
ASSENT, Consent, accord, agree, concurr, allow, acknowledge, yield, suf∣frage, Voice, Vote, of the same mind, think good.
DISSENT, differ, disagree, of another mind, Discord.
BELIEVING, Credit, credible, Faith, Trust.
DISBELIEVING, Discredit, incredible, Distrust.
KNOWING, Cognition, conscious, wist, witting, aware, privy, Intel∣ligence, learn, inform, acquaint, cognizance, notice, inkling pre∣science, omniscient.
DOVBTING, misdoubt, mistrust, distrust, suspence, hanging stagger∣ing, hesitate, pendulous, dubious, ambiguous, at a stand, stick at, Quandary, Scruple, Sceptic, uncertain, Apocryphal, 'tis a question.
CERTAINTY, Assurance, sure, evince, convince, demonstrate, evi∣dence, undoubted, out of doubt, without doubt, doubtless, infallible.
OPINION, Conceit, Iudgment, Sentiment, Mind, Tenet, think, suppose, surmise, ween, overween, unanimous, likely, probable, prejudice, appre∣hend, fancy, repute, deem, Verdict, Sentence, shoot ones bolt.
REASONING, Discussing, Arguing, Ratiocination, Logic.
CONJECTURING, Guessing, surmise, divine, mind gives, conceit, Pre∣sumption, probable.
ESTEEMING, accounting, prizing, valuing, rating, regard, respect, re∣pute, count of, care for, think well of, set by, stand upon, credit, prefer.
CONTEMNING, despising, slighting, undervaluing, disregarding, set at nought, scorn, disdain, abjectness, despicable, vilifie, disesteem, neglect, set light by, make nothing of, I pass not for it, Nickname, pish.
INCLINATION, Propensity, Proclivity, Proneness, Forwardness, hankering, having a mind to, Prejudice for, bent, addicted.
AVERSION, Prejudice against, unwillingness, coyness, stand off.
VELLEITY, Woulding, Wishing, Desire, List, Vote, Will, Mind, Option, rather.
NOLLEITY, Backwardness, go against, grudge, loth, Regret, Relu∣ctancy, think much, rather not, unwilling, with an ill will.
PURPOSING, Intention, Decree, destine, determine, appoint, de∣sign, resolve, ordain, mean, nonce, bent, minded, set himself, set ones mind, predestinate, preordain.
DEMURRING, hesitating, hanging, suspence, stick at, Quandary.
RESOLUTION, Fixedness, determined.
WAVERING, fluctuate, hanging, suspence, irresolute, staggering.
ELECTION, chusing, select, Choice, cull, picking, prefer, set aside, Option, Pre-election, predestinate, rather.
REIECTION, refuse, Preterition, pass by, cast off, cast aside, cast away, reprobate, repudiate, renounce, explode, out-cast:
PROSECUTING, persevere, persist, hold on.
DESISTING, giving off, leaving, cease, surcease, end, terminate, de∣termin, stay, rest, pause, forbear, withdraw, falter, supersede, break off, go out, give over, lay aside, or down.
DELECTATION, Fruition, Rejoycing, Ioy, Gladness, Delight, Com∣fort, Complacence, Pleasure, Solace, Satisfaction, Content, placid, please, affect, acceptable, delicious, sweet, welcome.
DISPLACENCE, Sorrow, Grief, Discomfort, unpleasant, irksom, grie∣vous, Offence-ive, Disgust, Dislike, Distast, stomach, unacceptable gra∣ting, malecontent.
LIBERTY, arbitrary, free, may, may chuse.
DETERMINATION TO ONE, must, cannot chuse but, limit, Ne∣cessity.
SPONTANEITY, of ones own accord, freely, willing, voluntary, with a good will, unbidden, gratis, ready.
CO ACTION, Compu•sion, Constraint, Force, enforce, Violence, unwil∣lingness, maugre, perforce, extort, wrench, wrest, in spight, will or nill, driving, pressing, bear down, over-awe.
ADMIRATION, marvel, wonder, amaze, astonish.
TAEDIVM, glut, loathing, cloy, dawl, nauseate.
FAVOUR, Benevolence, Benignity, Grace, Good will, kind propiti∣ous, ingratiate, Favorite, Dilling, Well-wisher, make much of.
MALIGNITY, Malice, Spite, Pique, Grudge, Prejudice, Despite, Discourtesie, Disfavour, sinister, virulent, malevolent, ill will, ill minded.
LOVE, Affection, inamour, dote on smitten, amiable, besotted, amorous, dear, endear, Darling, Minion, Paramour, well-belo∣ved, Likings, Fancy, Philtre.
HATRED, Malice, Rancour, Spite, Virulence, odious, abhor, abo∣minate, detest, cannot endure, Grudge, Pique, Heart-burning, can∣kered, exulcerate.
MIRTH, Glee, Solace, Chearfulness, Sport, blithe, blissom, buxom, frolick, jolly, jocund, jovial, merry, exhilarate, glad, crank, debonair, comical, pleasant, sanguin, Iubile.
GRIEF, Sadness, Sorrow, Melancholy, Heaviness, doleful, de∣plorable, disconsolate, bitter, pensive, dejected, tragical, ruful, amort, moan, bemoan, wail, bewail, lament, Dump, cast down, vex, trouble, cut, take on, whimper, pule, woe, agony, anguish, mourn, Plaint, Cry, take heavily.
DESIRE, Affection, covet, crave, fain, long for, lust, greedy, Inclination to, hankering, wish, Concupiscence, eager, earn∣est, importunate, thirst after, have a mind to.
AVERSATION, Antipathy, Regret, Reluctancy, Distast, irksom, eschew▪ shun, avoid, abhor, loath, execrate, cannot endure, or abide,
HOPE, Trust, Recumbency, Affiance, Rely.
FEAR, Awe, Dread, Terrour, Horrour, Consternation, hide∣ous, dismal, afraid, agast, formidable, horrible, terrible, fright, fray, terrifie, scare, startle, daunt, deterr, dismay, a∣mate, appale, dare not, terrible, Bugbear, Hobgoblin.
CONFIDENCE, Affiance, Trust, build upon, rest upon, rely, repose, secure, pert, in heart, dare, presume, take to.
DIFFIDENCE, Suspicion, Iealousie, Mistrust, Distrust, out of heart, faint-hearted, cast down, heartless, misdoubt, mis∣give.
BOLDNESS, Courage, Audacity, daring, sturdy, hardy, stout, venturous, pert, malapert, embolden, presume.
DESPAIR, Despondency, forlorn, hopeless, dash, cast down, deadness of heart, heartless, past hope
ANGER, Ire, Passion-ate, Wrath, Sharpness, Rage, Out∣rage, Pett, Choler, Gall, fume, storm, fret, pelt, chafe, vex, take on, inflame, kindle, irritate, inrage, exasperate, in∣cense, provoke, move, sullen, hasty, furious, outragious, mad, look big, placable, appease, stomack, Animosity, heart-burning, irascible, rough, hot, curst, snappish, snarle, snuffle.
REVENGE, avenge, Vengeance, vindictive, wreak.
ZEAL, ardent, Devotion, earnest, fervent, hot, warm▪ intent, eager, Zel•t.
GLORYING, Triumph, Exultation, boast brag, Eravado, Rodomonta∣do, Thrasonical, crack, crow, vapor, vaunt, Ostentation swagger, vain∣glory, flourishing, take a pride.
SCORN, set light by, slight, despise, contemn.
SHAME-faced-full-less, abash, bashful, ashamed, out of countenance▪ con∣found, quash, dash, Impudence, Turpitude, put to shame.
EMULATION, vy, strive, struggle.
JEALOUSIE, Suspicion, surmize.
REMORSE, Compunction, Contrition, relent, beshrew, trouble of mind.
REPENTANCE, Penitence, rue.
INDIGNATION, Scorn, dudgeon, fume, murmure.
JOY FOR THE GOOD OF OTHERS, Gratulation, congra∣tulate, Sympathy.
ENVY, Spite-full, invidious, grudge, repine, malign.
PITTY, Compassion, commiserate, condole, relent, ruthful, tender, woful, yearn, Bowels▪ bemoan, bewail, lament, deplore, Sympathy, fellow-feeling.
EXTASIE, Transport, Amazement, Consternation, Maze, Traunce, Ru∣pture, ravish, astonish, extatical.
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  • en/spiritact_list.txt
  • 2024/01/30 15:03
  • brahmantra