- Garbhadhana (conception), Pumsavana (rite celebrating the fetus), Simantonnayana (parting of pregnant woman's hair in 8th month), Jatakarman (rite celebrating the birth), Namakarana (naming the child), Annaprashana (baby's first feeding of solid food), Choulam (baby's first haircut, tonsure), and Upanayana (entry into school rite);
- the four vows associated with Vedic study;
- graduation ritual at the conclusion of school;
- marriage sva-dharma rite;
- five sacrifices to gods, ancestors, humans, spirits, and all knowledge;
- seven remembrances and donations (sacrifices) using cooked food, in the form of ancestral offerings
- seven kinds of Soma sacrifices: agnistoma, atyagnistoma, ukthya, sodasin, vajapeya, atiratra and aptoryama.