

  • I. Those Faculties whereby we are inabled to apprehend and compare the general natures of things as to Truth and Falshood, Good and Evil,*and to demean our selves accordingly towards them, are styled
    • RATIONAL, Reasonable, Ratiocination.
      • Apprehensive; whereby we are rendred able or unable to
        • Know and apprehend knowable things, Generals as well as Particu∣lars, respecting in them Truth and Falshood.
          • UNDERSTANDING , Intellect, Mind, mental, apprehend, compre∣hend, perceive, conceive, reach, resent, Sentiment.
        • Compound and compare Notions together, so as to make a right esti∣mate of things and consequences.
        • Apply general Principles to particular cases, being a kind of practical Judgment or Memory relating to matters of Duty.
          • CONSCIENCE.
      • Motive; whereby we do rationally follow any thing as good, or fly it as evil: or being without any such motion.
        • WILL, Desire, List, Option, Vote, Wish, Mind, Pleasure, covet, volun∣tary.
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  • en/rational_start.txt
  • 2024/07/26 09:52
  • brahmantra