III. ACTIONS of the UNDERSTANDING and Judgment PRACTI∣CAL,* do concern the enquiry after and taking notice of the Nature of things, with reference to their Goodness or Fitness to any purpose. They are distinguish∣able, as the former, by their respect to the
Vnderstanding; being either
- Preparative, in the first Objectization of a business: or the reflexive Thought about it, together with what else one knows of that kind.
- DELIBERATING, ponder, weigh, forecast.
- Operative, in ‖ the comparing of means to find which is expedient: or the Thought resulting from such comparison.
- CONSIDERATION, revolve, scan, advise, forecast, recognize, premedi∣tate ponder, peruse, study, recount, reflect, review, revise, weigh, bethink, consult, cast in ones mind, retrospection, ruminate.
- INVENTION, devising, excogitate, find out, make, Author.
Primary; in judging the thing found to be ‖ agreeable to its end: or disagree∣able.
More general.
- APPROVING, liking, allowing, think good, take well, fancy him, find a Bill, currant.
- DISAPPROVING, disliking, disallowing, disavow, mislike, condemn, explode, reprobate.
More special; according to its motives; as
- Proceeding from Causes
- Extrinsecal; Warranty sufficient: or insufficient.
- TRUST, Confidence, betrust, entrust, rely, repose, enfeoff, recom∣mend, credit, charge, rest upon.
- DISTRVST, Mistrust, Diffidence, Suspicion, Surmize, Iealousie, Vmbrage, call in question, misgive.
- Intrinsecal in the means it self; conclusive that it is so: or not so con∣clusive but that it may be otherwise.
- SATISFACTION, Content, acquiesce, resolve.
- SCRVPLE, Doubt, dissatisfie.
- Productive of these Effects; in higher: or lower degrees.
- ASSURANCE, Confidence, sure, certain, resolved, secure, confirm.
- PERSWASION, think, believe.