

LIFTING, heave, hoise, advance, elevate, exalt, Lever, Crow, Crane.
DEPRESSING, strein, stress, weigh down.
LIBRATING, balancing.
BIASSING, preponderate.
CLEAVING, rive, slit, sp•it, Cle•t, Chink, Chap, Crevise.
COMPRESSING, crib, gripe, pinching, press, squeezing, straining, wring, nip, twing throng, crowd, crush, Constipation, bulge.
PULLING, pluck, tow, tug, lugg, twing, twitch, draw, drag, Draught, hale, Revulsion, vellication, distract.
THRVSTING, push, shove, drive, rush, justle, repell, extrude, intrude, press, throng, crowd, cramm. farce, wedge in, vennue, run at, foin at.
VERTIGINATING, turning round, Revolution, wheeling, Rotation, twirl, whirl, spinn, role round.
VOLUTATION, tumbling, rolling, wallow, welter, rock, trundle, waddle.
SYRINGING, squirting, spirt, spouting.
SPRINGING, elastical, fillip.
BENDING, bow, warp, crooke.
BINDING, gird, Band, Bond, Bundle, Packet, Fardle, sheafe, faggot, tack, lace, swaddle, swa•hing, trussing, girt, surcingle.
LOOSENING, unbind, undoe, solve, lax, slack▪ relaxation.
TYING, Knot, Node, bracing, buckling, coupling fastning, knit, furling.
TANGLING, entangle, hamper, ravel, perplex, snarled, felter, in∣tricate, involved, Intrigues, extricate, complicate, insnare, Laby∣rinth.
COVERING, heal, Veil, shroud, hide, whelm, stop, Canopy, Hood, Lid, palliate, cloake, overlay, overrun, overshadow.
VNCOVERING, open, expose, discover, shew, reveal, naked, unmask, unveil.
SHUTTING, stop, close, inclosing, immure, exclude, seclude, recluse, obstruct, Wink, fold up, pinn vp, sowe up, seal up, corke up, lute uplock up, put to the door.
OPENING, breaking up, disclose, display, Expansion, gap, Slade, Aper∣ture, unstop, expose, lay or set open.
GATHERING, Collect-ion, assemble, convene, compile, levy, raise men or money, Receiver, rake or scrape together, rally, glean, pick up.
SCATTERING, discuss, disperse, dissipate, sprinkle, strew, inspersion.
HEAPING, accumulate, amass, lay up, stow, pile, Stack, Mow, Cock, Rick, Shock, Drift, Dunghill, mixen.
SPREADING, diffuse, Expansion, display, Suffusion, strew, run, plash, lay cloth.
FILLING, replenish, Repletion, full, plenary, sated, stow, cram, stuff, farse, recruit.
EMPTYING, evacuate, vacant, Vacuity, rid, void, exhaust, Chasm, clear, lanke, lave, draw dry.
POURING, Effusion, Infusion, gush, guggling, yewer, Tunnel.
SPILLING, shedding, run out, s•eth over.
DIGGING, delve, break up, spit, spade.
PLOWING, tilling, breaking up, coulter, share.
MANURING, cultivate, dunging, marling, soiling, Tilth, culture.
SOWING, seminate.
REAPING, mowing, Crop, Harvest, Sithe, Sickle, stubble, swarth.
WINNOWING, Fan, Ventilation.
PLANTING, implant.
GRAFTING, ingraft, Imp.
PRUNING, dressing, cutting, coping.
FELLING, grubb, wood-fall.
SHAVING, scraping, raze, razour.
CONTUSION, bruising, pounding, stamping, braying, morter, pestle,
GRINDING, attrition, Grist, Querne, Mill.
FILING, Raspe.
BORING, perforate, foraminate, pierce, Bodkin, Dril, Awle, Gimlet, Wimble, Trepann, Awgre.
SAWING, Saw, whipsaw, &c.
SODERING, Cement, luting.
GLUING, cementing, glutinous, conglutinate
CASTING, melt, founding, fusile, molde.
CARVING, Sculpture.
GRAVING, ingrave, etching.
KNEADING, moulding, plastic.
PAINTING, limn, draw, enamel, fucus, pensil.
TWISTING, tortion, wreath, writhing, twine, winding.
SPINNING, Spinster, Rock, Distaff.
WEAVING, Texture, Contexture, Loom, Web, braid, woven, Hur∣dle, Shuttle, Wicker, Matt.
FULLING, milling, Fuller.
DYING, stain, Tincture, tinge, in grain.
SOWING, Stitch, Seam-ster, Suture, Welt, Needle, dearn, quilt, draw cloth, rip.
CLIPPING, Scissors, shear, shorn, cut.
FOLDING, wrap, lap, pleit, clinching, clutching, doubling, invelop.
CURLING, crisping, frizling, furling.
WASHING, scouring, Lotion, rince, Laver, Laundress, gargling.
SMEARING, daubing, anoint, ointment, Vnction, greaze, chrism; and many with [be] as bespaul, spit, spue, sprinkle.
SOAKING, steeping, embrewing, macerating, watering Land, &c. bathing, imbibe, sinke, sop, brewis, embrew.
INFUSION, watering Fish, &c. macerate, Decoction, impregnate.
RUBBING, scrape, Friction, Frication, scrub, chafe, Attrition, fret, gall, scowr, taw, grate.
WIPING, stroke, terse, handkerchief, towel, napkin.
BRUSHING, sweeping, Beesom, Whisk, Brush, Broom, Maukin.
COMBING, carding, currying.
SIFTING, bolting, Sieve, siercing, ranging.
DISSOLUTION, melt, liquefie dissolve, thaw, fusil, flux, run about.
COAGVLATION, congealing, Clod, Curd, Gelly, Clot-tered, Gore, Concretion, grumous.
CORROSION, eating, fretting, gnawing, caustic.
STRAINING, Percolation, squeeze, Colender.
FERMENTATION, work, fret, Leven, Yeast, Barm, Rennet.
DISTILLATION, Still, Limbeck, cohobation.
CHARRING, chark, Tinder.
SUBLIMING, Sublimation.
LIXIVIATION, deliquiate, Lye, Buck.
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  • en/operatact_list.txt
  • 2024/01/30 15:22
  • brahmantra