

GOING, gressive, a Step, Pace, Gate.
HALTING, Cripple, lame, limp, hobble, foundred.
FLYING, fluttering, soar, volatile, toure.
DIVING, duck, plunge
SWIMMING, launch.
LEAPING, skipping, jump, frisk, spring, caper, curvet, bound.
CREEPING, crawl, sprawl, reptile.
WRIGLING, insinuate, scrue or wind himself in.
WALKING, Ambulation, Procession, Perambulation, go, wade, Ford, waddle, Lacquey, Path, foot it, trip along.
RUNNING, galloping, Career, Course, Race, start, Goal, outstrip, Foot∣man.
AMBLING, pacing, thorough-paced.
TROTTING, prancing.
STALKING, jetting▪ strutt, portly going.
STRADLING, stride, a-stride, div•ricate.
STAGGERING, reeling, Vacillation, Tottering.
SLIDING, glide, slipping.
STUMBLING, Titubation, blunder, falter, lapse, slip, trip.
CLIMBING, clambering, foaling.
RIDING, being horsed or mounted, taking horse, Post-ilion.
SAILING, Navigation, Voiage, launch, take water or ship, embark, wast
PULSE, throb, beat.
RESPIRATION, breathing, fetch wind, draw breath, take breath.
SNORTING, snoring.
BLOWING, puffing, blast.
SVCTION, supping▪ sip, soop, drawing, emulgent, snuff up.
MASTICATION, chewing, champ, gnawing, browzing, mumble.
RUMINATION, chewing the cud.
YAWNING, gape, Oscitation, gasp.
PANDICULATION, retching, stretching.
LICKING, lap, slap.
SWALLOWING, gulp, ingurgitate, devour, pouch, gobble.
SNEEZING, neeze, Sternutation.
BELCHING, parbreak, breaking wind upwards.
FARTING, breaking wind downwards, Scape.
SWEATING, Exudation, diaphoretic, sudorific, all in a water.
TRANSPIRATION, breathing, Evaporation, Effluvium, Perspiration.
SPITTING, Salivate•ion, Spittle, bespit, spawl, bespawl, slaver, drivel, Flux.
BLOWING THE NOSE, mucous, Snivel, Snot.
EXCREATION, haking, hemming.
BLEEDING, opening a Vein, Phlebotomy, let bloud, draw blood, Lancet.
BLISTERING, Vesication, caustic.
URINING, piss, make water, hold ones water, stale, diuretic, Diabetes, Dysury.
VOMITING, spewing, casting, disgorging, puke, regurgitate, retching.
DUNGING, purging by siege, going to stool, scour, Draught, Lask, laxative, Loosness, muting, soluble, solutive, Muck, Ordure, Siege, Stool, Sir-reverence, excrement, easment, ease the belly, Iakes, Privy, House of office..
LOT, Sortition, Cuts, Ballot, cast or draw Lots.
DICE, a Dy, cock-all, rifle.
BALLING, Tennis, Foot ball, Stool-ball, Sto-Ball. Pel-mel.
DANCING, Masking, Revels, a Ball, Morice, Mumming.
WRESTLING, grapling, strugling, striving, handy gripes, strike up ones heels.
FENCING, Gladiator, Tilting, Tournament, justling, play at weapon or foils.
SIGHTS, Shews, Theatre, Amphitheatre, Pageants, Spectacle.
MUSIC, Serenade, strein, aer, tune, prelude, Waits, Crowd, Fiddle-er, Minstrel, play on an Instrument.
CARRYING, bring, convey, bear, serve, import, waft, weare about one, portable, portage, porter, baggage, vehicle, fare, beer, packhorse.
BEARING, supporting, sustain, hold up, prop, shore up, stay upup∣hold, carry, stand under, shoulder up, bolster up.
CASTING, throwing, fling, hurl, project, inject, eject, ding, pelt, toss, coit, sling.
CATCHING, apprehend, lay hold, snatch, lay hands on, grapple, graspe, scamble.
SWINGING, Vibration, waving, brandish, agitate, exagitate, to and fro, flourish, rock, sway, dangling, pendulous, wield.
SHAKING, Quassation, Concussion, jogging, agitate, dandle, wag, swag, sway, jolt, totter, flutter, shatter, waving.
STRIKING, Percussion, smite, bang, beat, bast, buffet, cuff, dash, hit, swinge, thump, thwack, Blow, Stripe, slap, flap, rap, tap, kick, wince, spurn, bob, box, fillip, whirret, yerke, pummel, punch, rebuff, repercus∣sion, collision, gnash, skittish, interfere, let fly at,
KNOCKING, beating, Blow, butt, Mallet, battering, jobbing, Ramm.
POUNDING, braying, Contusion, stamp.
PECKING, Mattock, Pick-ax.
BREAKING, Fracture, Rupture, burst, Crack, Crash, Squash, Dash, Flaw, Shatter, shiver, crumble.
TEARING▪ torn, dilacerate, rend, rent, ragged, tattered, flittered, jagged, pull in pieces.
CUTTING, Incision gash, slash, hack, hew, chop, rip, chip, snip, slice, section, segment, carve, dissect, whittle, barb, pare, top, lop, curtail, dock, sharpe, keen, Hatchet, Pole-ax.
PRICKING, stabbing, Goad, pungent, runn in thrust in, goar.
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  • en/motionact_list.txt
  • 2024/01/30 15:23
  • brahmantra