| GOING, gressive, a Step, Pace, Gate. | |
| HALTING, Cripple, lame, limp, hobble, foundred. | |
| FLYING, fluttering, soar, volatile, toure. | |
| FLOTING. | |
| DIVING, duck, plunge | |
| SWIMMING, launch. | |
| SINKING. | |
| LEAPING, skipping, jump, frisk, spring, caper, curvet, bound. | |
| HOPPING. | |
| CREEPING, crawl, sprawl, reptile. | |
| WRIGLING, insinuate, scrue or wind himself in. | |
| WALKING, Ambulation, Procession, Perambulation, go, wade, Ford, waddle, Lacquey, Path, foot it, trip along. | |
| RUNNING, galloping, Career, Course, Race, start, Goal, outstrip, Foot∣man. | |
| AMBLING, pacing, thorough-paced. | |
| TROTTING, prancing. | |
| STALKING, jetting▪ strutt, portly going. | |
| STRADLING, stride, a-stride, div•ricate. | |
| STEDDY. | |
| STAGGERING, reeling, Vacillation, Tottering. | |
| SLIDING, glide, slipping. | |
| STUMBLING, Titubation, blunder, falter, lapse, slip, trip. | |
| CLIMBING, clambering, foaling. | |
| RIDING, being horsed or mounted, taking horse, Post-ilion. | |
| SAILING, Navigation, Voiage, launch, take water or ship, embark, wast | |
| PULSE, throb, beat. | |
| RESPIRATION, breathing, fetch wind, draw breath, take breath. | |
| SNORTING, snoring. | |
| BLOWING, puffing, blast. | |
| SVCTION, supping▪ sip, soop, drawing, emulgent, snuff up. | |
| SOBBING. | |
| HICCOUGH, Yex. | |
| MASTICATION, chewing, champ, gnawing, browzing, mumble. | |
| RUMINATION, chewing the cud. | |
| YAWNING, gape, Oscitation, gasp. | |
| PANDICULATION, retching, stretching. | |
| LICKING, lap, slap. | |
| SWALLOWING, gulp, ingurgitate, devour, pouch, gobble. | |
| | |
| SNEEZING, neeze, Sternutation. | |
| BELCHING, parbreak, breaking wind upwards. | |
| FARTING, breaking wind downwards, Scape. | |
| SWEATING, Exudation, diaphoretic, sudorific, all in a water. | |
| TRANSPIRATION, breathing, Evaporation, Effluvium, Perspiration. | |
| SPITTING, Salivate•ion, Spittle, bespit, spawl, bespawl, slaver, drivel, Flux. | |
| BLOWING THE NOSE, mucous, Snivel, Snot. | |
| EXCREATION, haking, hemming. | |
| BLEEDING, opening a Vein, Phlebotomy, let bloud, draw blood, Lancet. | |
| SCARIFYING, lance. | |
| BLISTERING, Vesication, caustic. | |
| CUPPING. | |
| URINING, piss, make water, hold ones water, stale, diuretic, Diabetes, Dysury. | |
| VOMITING, spewing, casting, disgorging, puke, regurgitate, retching. | |
| DUNGING, purging by siege, going to stool, scour, Draught, Lask, laxative, Loosness, muting, soluble, solutive, Muck, Ordure, Siege, Stool, Sir-reverence, excrement, easment, ease the belly, Iakes, Privy, House of office.. | |
| | |
| LOT, Sortition, Cuts, Ballot, cast or draw Lots. | |
| DICE, a Dy, cock-all, rifle. | |
| CHARTS. | |
| TABLES. | |
| CHESS. | |
| BOWLING. | |
| BALLING, Tennis, Foot ball, Stool-ball, Sto-Ball. Pel-mel. | |
| DANCING, Masking, Revels, a Ball, Morice, Mumming. | |
| WRESTLING, grapling, strugling, striving, handy gripes, strike up ones heels. | |
| FENCING, Gladiator, Tilting, Tournament, justling, play at weapon or foils. | |
| SIGHTS, Shews, Theatre, Amphitheatre, Pageants, Spectacle. | |
| MUSIC, Serenade, strein, aer, tune, prelude, Waits, Crowd, Fiddle-er, Minstrel, play on an Instrument. | |
| | |
| CARRYING, bring, convey, bear, serve, import, waft, weare about one, portable, portage, porter, baggage, vehicle, fare, beer, packhorse. | |
| BEARING, supporting, sustain, hold up, prop, shore up, stay up, up∣hold, carry, stand under, shoulder up, bolster up. | |
| CASTING, throwing, fling, hurl, project, inject, eject, ding, pelt, toss, coit, sling. | |
| CATCHING, apprehend, lay hold, snatch, lay hands on, grapple, graspe, scamble. | |
| SWINGING, Vibration, waving, brandish, agitate, exagitate, to and fro, flourish, rock, sway, dangling, pendulous, wield. | |
| SHAKING, Quassation, Concussion, jogging, agitate, dandle, wag, swag, sway, jolt, totter, flutter, shatter, waving. | |
| STRIKING, Percussion, smite, bang, beat, bast, buffet, cuff, dash, hit, swinge, thump, thwack, Blow, Stripe, slap, flap, rap, tap, kick, wince, spurn, bob, box, fillip, whirret, yerke, pummel, punch, rebuff, repercus∣sion, collision, gnash, skittish, interfere, let fly at, | |
| KNOCKING, beating, Blow, butt, Mallet, battering, jobbing, Ramm. | |
| POUNDING, braying, Contusion, stamp. | |
| PECKING, Mattock, Pick-ax. | |
| BREAKING, Fracture, Rupture, burst, Crack, Crash, Squash, Dash, Flaw, Shatter, shiver, crumble. | |
| TEARING▪ torn, dilacerate, rend, rent, ragged, tattered, flittered, jagged, pull in pieces. | |
| CUTTING, Incision gash, slash, hack, hew, chop, rip, chip, snip, slice, section, segment, carve, dissect, whittle, barb, pare, top, lop, curtail, dock, sharpe, keen, Hatchet, Pole-ax. | |
| PRICKING, stabbing, Goad, pungent, runn in thrust in, goar. | |