Antecedently; denoting such forms of speech as imply
Antecedently; denoting such forms of speech as imply
Doubting, or a desire of being informed by others, to which may be op∣posed the general name for those returns which others make to such forms of speech.
- QUESTION, Ask, Interrogate, demand, examin, expostulate, Inquisition.
- ANSWER, Responsal, Reply, Rejoinder, Return.
Knowing or acknowledging, whether
Positive; saying a thing to be so, or not to be so.
- AFFIRMATION, Assert, averr, avouch, prof•ss, Asseveration, Position.
- NEGATION, Deny, renounce, refuse, Recusant, disavow, gainsay, repulse, say nay.
Conditional; allowing a thing to be so for the prese•t, that we may thereby the better judge of the consequences from it, or owning the truth asserted by another.
- SUPPOSITION, Admit, premise, presuppose, Condition, Proviso, Hypothesis, put case.
- CONCESSION, Grant, yield, allow, acknowledge, admit, agree.
Concomitantly; as the Acts or parts of it.
More general
Saying something against what another affirms, or saying what is most contrary to it.
- OPPOSITION, Gainsay, thwart.
Arguing against another, to which is opposed, The shewing an insuffi∣ciency in such arguments.
- OBJECTION, Impugn, Cavil.
- SOLVTION, Solve, Answer, Resolve, Subterfuge, Evasion, Casuist.
More special; relating to
Our own arguments or opinions, by shewing the truth of them, or se∣conding such proof, by further evidence.
- PROBATION, Prove, demonstrate, evince, Evidence, verifie, Reason, Presumption.
- CONFIRMATION, Stablish, establish, ratifie.
Our adversaries arguments, by shewing the weakness of them, or turn∣ing the force of them against himself.
- CONFUTATION, Refell, refute, disprove, reason against.
- RETORTION, Invert, recriminate.
Subsequently,; whether
Reall; by rendring an adversary unable to defend his own opinion, or making him to submit to ours.
- POSING, Puzzle, nonplus, baffle, confound, gravel, run down.
- CONVICTION, Satisfie, evince.
Verbal; acknowledging the truth of our opinion, or renouncing the error of his own.
- CONFESSION, Acknowledge, own, yield, grant, profess, cry mercy.
- RECANTATION, Renounce, retract, recal, revoke, unsay, bite in.