
INDIFFERENCE, Pretty big, passable, reasonable, so so.
GREATNESS, Magnitude, ample, large, vast, huge, immense, grand, monstrous, pro∣digious, sound, swinging, whisker, main, much, magnifie, aggravate, exaggerate, a filthy deal, a foul deal, Gyant.
LITTLENESS, Smalness, Petty, Minute, Modicum, Scautling, diminutive, less, least, poor, abate, allay, extenuate, Elf, Dwarf, Shrimp, Tit, Dandiprat, Pigmy.
MEDIOCRITY, a pretty deal, an indifferent quantity, mean, reasonable.
ABOVNDANCE, a great deal, much, a world, affluence, plenty, store, copious, flush, satiate, flow, fluent, luxuriant, enough and to spare.
SCARCITY, Little, want, dearth, pinching, scant, bare, jejune, lack.
SUFFICIENCY, enough, big or much enough, competency, moderate, satisfie, serve, well, full.
EXCESS, Redundance, superfluity, needless, exuberance, too much, overmuch, over∣charge, cloy, glutt, surfet, satiety, extreme, immoderate, luxuriant, rank, out of reason, wast, fly out, lash out.
DEFECT, Not enough, lack, need, penury, indigent, necessitous, destitute, want, fail, fall short of, slender, jejune, incompetent, insufficient.
INDIFFERENCY, Pretty well, tolerable, not amiss.
EXCELLENCY, extraordinary good, eminence, preheminence, egregious, eximious, incom∣parable, superlative, soveraign, transcendent, singular, heroic, high, noble, gallant, choice, passing, rare, remarkable, notable, Paragon, Mirrour.
SORRINESS, mean, poor, vile, trivial, contemptible, despicable, frippery, Trash, Trum∣pery, Raff, Scum, Drugg, silly, slight, paultry, scurvy, poor, course, flat, pedling, cheap, worthless, Fellow, Sirrah, Companion, Rascal, Varlet, Wretch, Scoundril, Skip-jack, Scrub, Vrchin, Flirt, Gill, Iade.
EQUALITY, Evenness, parity, peer, match, fellow, adaequate, aequipollent, adjust, halves with, as many, all one.
INEQVALITY, unequal, odds.
SVPERIORITY, above, upper, advantage, odds, preheminence, surmount, overpass, surpass, exceed, go beyond, out-go, get the start, top, excell, prevail, predominant.
INFERIORITY, under -ling, disadvantage, allay, come short of, low.
EQUIVALENCE, countervail.
INCREASE, Augmentation, progress, increment, enlarge, magnifie, amplifie, aggravate, im∣prove, rise, grow, gain, come forward, crescent.
DIMINVTION, Abate, Bate, swage, asswage, decrease, extenuate, mince, mitigate, allay, retrench, rebate, shrink.
INTENTION, heighten, strein, raise, aggravate, exaggerate, exasperate, enhaunce, acute, cutting, keen, sore, piercing, vehement, urgent, eager, earnest, deep sleep, amain, greatly, much.
REMISSION, Abate, allay, slake, slacken, swage, asswage, diminish, mitigate, slight, cold, slender, weak, dead, dilute, dull, faint, gentle, light.
MENDING, emendation, bettering, Reparation, Reformation, Restauration, correct, redress, Improve, Edifie, botch, cobble, clout, patch, Progress, advance.
MARRING, Spoiling, Deprave, Impair, spill, taint, alloy, wear, corrupt, vitiate, wast.
LENGTH, -en, Longitude, prolong, protract, eeke out, extend, te∣dious, prolixness.
SHORTNESS, Brevity, Conciseness, abbreviate, curtal, abridge, restrain, compendious, succinct.
BREDTH, Wideness, Latitude, Largeness, Ampleness, spacious, di∣late, enlarge, extend.
NARROWNESS, Streightness, Scantness, close, compressed, pink-eyed, restrain.
DEEPNESS, profound, Abyss, farr into, high.
SHALLOWNESS, Ford, Scoure, Depression, low, flat.
HIGHNESS, Altitude, exalt, elevate, Soar, sublime, tall, lofty, proper, towring, advance, raise, aloft.
LOWNESS, abase, bring down, depress, demiss, nether
THICKNESS, Crassitude, gross, deep, incrassate, roun∣cival.
THINNESS, slender, fine, slim, lank, slank, slight, tenuity, gaunt, rare, subtle, attenuate
SINGULARITY, Individual, numerical, single.
PARTICULARITY, special, peculiar.
VNIVERSALITY, Generality, Catholick, Oecumenical, utmost.
SPECIALNESS, peculiar, particular.
ODNESS, Imparity, uneven.
SEGREGATENESS, sever, set apart or aside, Analysis, Ana∣tomy, piece-meal, by retail, dispence, distribute, one by one, Parcels, by pole.
AGGREGATENESS, Train, Troop, Company, Party, Scull, Swarm, Team, Flock, Heard, Pack, Covy, Sheaf, Bale, Bundle, Fardle, Bunch, Cluster, Gross, by the great.
SERIES, Rank, Row, Class, successive, Chain, Course, Race, col∣lateral, Concatenation, Alphabet.
CATALOGVE, Index, Table, List, Role, Bill, Scrole, Terrier, a particular, Cargo, Inventory, Muster, impannel, Genealogy, Pe∣digree, Vocabulary, Dictionary, Lexicon, Nomenclator, Alma∣nack, Calendar.
SUIT, Pack, Set, Mess, a Ring.
PRIMITIVENESS, Root, original, simple, underived.
DERIVATIVENESS, conjugate, Notation, Etymology, transmission.
ABSOLUTENESS, Independent, Freehold.
PRINCIPALNESS, Chief, Special, Ring-leader, soveraign, supreme, paramount, first, main, arch, prime, primary, capital, cardinal fundamental, Top, Head, Master.
ACCESSORINESS, Abet, adherent, second, Companion, Party, Copart∣ner, Complice, Appendage, Label, Appurtenance, adventitious, col∣lateral, conscious, privy, side with, back, partake, participate, by the way, by the by.
PERTINENCY, belong, appertain, apposite, to the purpose, touching, concern, material, relate to, serve for, incumbent on.
IMPERTINENCY, not to the purpose, extravagant, sleeveless, wide from the matter, wild, idle, improper.
PROPERNESS, incommunicable, owner, peculiar, concern.
COMMONNESS, usual, vulgar, currant, general, prostitute.
ORDER, Regular, Method, array, imbattle, marshal, rally, in frame, dispose, digest, range.
CONFVSION, Disorder, Rhapsody, Chaos, Gallimaufry, tumult, rout, coyl, disheveled, disranked, out of frame or order, promiscuous, Preposterous, Ruffle, Shuffle, scamble, clutter, blunder, jumble, hurry, hurly burly, pell mell.
ORDINARINESS, common, usual, trivial, currant.
EXTRAORDINARINESS, strange, uncouth, unusual, unwonted, of note, notable, notorious, Odness, Paradox.
REGULARNESS, right, rectifie, rule.
EXORBITANCY, Irregularness, Enormity, Disorder, extravagant, li∣centious, wild, faulty, wrong, loose, immoderate, unruly, unbridled, out of square, lash out, Heteroclyte, Anomalous.
PUBLICKNESS, Notorious, famous, common, extant, open, being out, or abroad, Declaration, Manifesto, Remonstrance, Edition, Promul∣gation, set forth or out, shew, spread, blazon, publish, proclaim, di∣vulge, denounce, produ•e, post up, come to light, high way.
PRIVATENESS, underhand, clancular, clandestine, retire, between themselves.
ORNATENESS, adorn, set out, Deck, beautifie, embellish, trimm, trick, tire, garnish, flourish, dress, prank, Ornament, Grace, flo∣rid, neat, smug, spruce, elegant, quaint, fine, polite, gay, gaudy, gor∣geous, flaring, garish, flaunting, Gallant, Spark, Bracelet, Plume, Garland, Ouch, &c.
HOMELINESS, simple, rough, rude, untrimmed, plain, bald.
PURITY, Cleanness, undefiled, defecate, fine, refine, try, furbush, scoure▪ purge, purifie, clarifie, depuration, neat, abstersive.
DEFILEMENT, Filthiness, Impurity, unclean, fowl, squalid, bedawb, besmear, bewray, contaminate, slabber, slubber, smear, soil, sully, pollute, daggle, slurry, smutch, smutt, stain, alloy, em∣base, dash.
BEST PART, Quintessence, Cream, Flower, the heart, Top.
WORST PART, Refuse, Scumm, Dreggs, Raff, draft, dross, rubbish, tare, bran, chaff, recrement, trash, garbage, offal.
SAY, taste, touch, scantling.
VANTAGE, surplus, overplus, to boot, over and above, over-weight, corollary, supplement, vails.
SCUM, Sandever, Mother.
SEDIMENT, setling, caput mort, grounds, lees, dregs, feculent, rack, defecate.
LUMP, Bole, Morsel, Bit, Cantle, Luncheon, Gobbet, Mammock, Stub, stump, grumous, clotted, clod, turfe, sod.
POWDER, Mote, Dust, Corn, Grain, Crum, Grate, moulder
CHIP, Lamin, Scale, Flake, Flaw, Flitter, shive, shiver, splinter.
FRAGMENT, Piece, Scrap, Sheard, tatter, Flitter, rag, shread, snip, slive, slice, collop, cut.
ADDITUM, item, put to, insert, eke out.
SVMM, lay or couch together, cast up, count, draw to a head, come to, amount, result, total, in the whole
ABLATUM, abate, defalk, retrench, deduct, subduct, substract, take away.
RESIDVE, overplus, surplussage, arrear, remainer, remnant, left be∣hind, the other, the rest, relicks, orts, scraps, reversions, gleaning, offal, odd-ends, stubs, stumps, stubble.
PRODVCT, rectangle.
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