

Ones right in a thing APPROPRIATING, own, set apart, engross, monopolize. ALIENATING, transferr, estrange, pass away ones right.
Declaring it to be CLAIMING, Owning, Challenging, Demand, arrogate, assume, profess, attribute ascribe, take upon him, declare for ABDICATING, disclaim, disown, renounce, relinquish, refuse, reject, repudiate, desert, forsake, disavow, disherit, execrate, forswear, de∣stitute, cast off, lay aside, put away.
Ones Possession; Causing of a thing to TAKING, Seising, Apprehending, resume, surprize, assume, intercept. LEAVING, Relinquish, Residue, forsake, spare.
Ones Possession; Being of a thing HAVING, in hand, hold, possess. WANTING, indigent, lack, miss, necessity, need, penury.
Ones Possession; Continuing a thing HOLDING, Detain, Retain, Keep. LETTING GO, Dismiss surrender, give up, Shed, Cast, mew, resign.
The Knowledge of things ; Endeavour of knowing SEEKING, search, feel for, grope, ransack, rummage, Quest. FINDING, retrive, sift out, smell out, Foundling
The Knowledge of things ; Causing a thing SHEWING, disclose, detect, betray, reveal, discover, declare, de∣monstrate, remonstrate, render. CONCEALING, Hide, Shelter, Suppress, Sculk, lurk, Secret, Private, Latent, occult, underhand, close, clancular, clandestine in a corner, in hugger mugger, recess, retire, slink, mich, sneak, slip, or steal away, cloke, veil, hoodwink, mask, muffle.
The Knowledge of things ; Endeavour of knowing MANIFESTING, Apparent, Evident, plain, flat, open, conspicuous, perspicuous, obvious, certain, clear, palpable, shew, declare, certifie set forth, come to light SEEMING, Semblance, Shew, Pretence, Pretext, Vmbrage, Colour, a shew, a blind, Formal, Appear, palliate, fain, bear in hand, make •s if, make shew of, specious, disguise, Ey-service.
Causing of things to be together or asunder. JOINING, annex, Connexion, couple, link, copulation, concatenation, conjun∣ction, Coalition, coherent, copulative, conglutinate, combine, compact, set or put together. SEPARATING, Segregate, sunder, sever, dissever, divide, disjoin, disunite, dis∣sect, dissolve, part, take in pieces, disjunctive.
Continuing them together or asunder. ADHEARING, Cleave, stick to, cling to, hang together, coherent, inseparable. ABANDONING, Forsake, Desert, Relinquish, Leave, Forgo, Flinch, Quit, Dereli∣ction, forlorn, destitute, shake or cast off, start back, give over.
Mental; Putting of things together or asunder APPLYING, lay or put to. ABSTRACTING.
Both Corporeal and Mental; taking in or leaving some COMPREHENDING, Contain, Comprize, Imply, Involve, Inclose, Include, inclusive, hold, Complication. EXEMPTING, Except, restrain, seclude, exclude, save, salvo, set aside.
Putting of things together, COMPARING, Conferr, Collation, resemble. TRY, Prove, Search, Temptation, Experiment, test, touch, examin, gage poise, pose, probe.
The same things at divers times; Substance REPEATING, Iterate, reiterate, recite, render, rehearse, redouble, reduplicate, inculcate, ingeminate, recapitulate, renew, afresh, again, Tautology, the burden. CHANGING, Mutation, Vary, Alter, Shift.
The same things at divers times; Quantity; RESTORING, Give back, Restitution, refund, return, Restauration. COMPENSATING, Recompense, award, make amends, remunerate, quit, re∣quite, retaliate, retribute, reparation, paying, fit, being even with, meet with, make good, cry quittance, like for like, one for another.
The same things at divers times; Quality; REPRESENTING, declare, shew, exhibit, present. IMITATING, Mimick, personate, take forth, follow.
The same things at divers times; as means to an end REPAIRING, Mending, Bettering, Improving, correct, rectifie, renew, reedifie, Emendation, Instauration, Redress, set to right, make good, make up, patch up, piece up SPOILING, Marring, corrupting, deprave, impaire, raze, scrape or cross out, sleight works.
DESIGNING, allot, appoint, plot, preordein, project. UNDERTAKING, enterprize, take in hand set upon, task.
PREPARING, Parade, previous, ready, make way, fitting, Tuning, Harbinger. FURNISHING, Aequipage, fitting, ready.
BEGIINNING, Inchoate, initiate, commence, Inceptor, Spring, Rise, Origi∣nal, first, set about, set forth, set a foot, go in hand with, enter upon. OFFERING, Propose profer, tender, bid, propound, overture
ENDEAVOURING, Devoir, bestir, adoo, coyl, stickle, strein, strive, struggle, effort, make a stir, do ones best, reach after, lay out for. ESSAYING, Trying, say, attempt, prove, tempt-ation, Test, Experience, enter∣prize, venture, sound, tast, touch, run the risk or adventure.
DISPATCHING, Hasten, quick, high, forward, hurry, precipitate, speed, C•le∣rity, Expedition, sodain, apace, out of handcut short. PROTRACTING, Delay, desert, retard, slacken, respite, tarry, foreslow, linger, prolong, lengthen, prorogue, procrastinate, dally, lagg, stand about, whiling about▪ shift off, put off▪ post off, spin out time.
PERFORMING, Accomplishing, Atchieve, fu•fil, verifie, discharge, execute, keep, observe, exploit, make good bring to pass. VIOLATING, infringe, break, trespass, transgress.
FINISHING, Concluding, ending, accomplishing, fulfil, performing, cease, give over, Period, Term, ultimate, last, consummate, determine, dispatched, done, Catastrophe, clap up, shut up, wind up, close up, draw to an issue, go through with, run his course. MISCARRYING, Failing.
ERRING, Swerve, slip, stray, astray, mistake, oversight, deviate, falter, fallible. heterodox, Fallacy, wrong, amiss, awry, being out, beside the mark. OMITTING, Pretermit, Wave, decline, default, escape, lapse, leave, miss, forbear, balk, supersede, overlook, overpass, preterition, overslip, overskip, let pass, pass by or over, lay aside, hold ones hand.
PREVENTING, Anticipate, Previous, aforehand, forestal, Foregame. REMEDYING, Redress, Shift, Aftergame, Help.
YIELDING, Suffering, permitting, give way, give place. SUBMITTING to.
OFFERING, Proffer, tender, exhibit, present, recommend, Oblation. DEMANDING, Require, Challenge.
DELIVERING, Surrender, transferr, resign. RECEIVING, Take, entertain, capable, reception, receptacle
GIVING, Bestow, confer, render, grant, contribute, endow, con∣sign, Gift, Boon, Largess, Collation, Donation, Donative, Gratis. ACCEPTING, Receiving, administer, dispense, distribute, To∣ken, Fairing, take in good part.
DISBURSING, Bestow, defray, extend, lay out, Bursar, Principal. REFUNDING, Repay, return, reimburse.
RECKONING, Compute-ation, count, account, cast account, Cal∣culate, Audit, Score, Tally. BALLANCING, Evening of Accounts, Quitting scores, Adjust.
BEING CREDITOR, Lending, Loan. BEING DEBTOR, Owing, Debt, upon score, in ones books, behind hand, Arrear.
PAYING, Defray, discharge, satisfie, reimburse, Annuity, Poun∣dage, Shot, responsible. FAILING, Break, Bankrout
ACQUITTING, Discharge, Quittance, Receipt, clear accounts. FORGIVING, Remitting, pardoning, put up,
OBTEINING, Acquire, get, procure, attain, reach, gain, compass, re∣cover, take, win, catch, come by, pick up. FRVSTRATING, Fail, disappoint miss, defeat, deceive, elude, cross, come short of, shift off, put by, of no effect, to no purpose, vain, void, nullity.
GAINING, Lucre, Advantage, Profit, Emolument, Stock, the proceed, acquire, get, win, recover, extort. LOOSING, Dammage, decrement, detriment, disadvantage, disprofit, wrack, spoil hurt, hinderance, out of ones way. SAVING, Sparing, take up. SPENDING, Lay out, bestow, expend, dispend, expence, charges, cost, sumptuary, run out.
LAYING UP, Treasuring, Preserving, Stow, Hoord, Store, Re∣pository. SQANDRING, Lavish, profuse, careless, mispend, embezel, wast, unthrifty, ill husbandry, spendthrift, flying out.
KEEPING, Preserve, retain, Custody, holding, promptuary, Cellar. LOOSING, Perdition, loss, wrack, shed, spil.
USING, Imploy, improve, exercise, occupy, manage, treat, handle, entertain, useful, serviceable, stand in good stead. ABSTEINING, Forbear, refrain, spare, withdraw, wean, hold ones hand.
INJOYING, Fruition. BEING SICK OF, Nauseate, loath, tedious, surfet, weary of.
REFRESHING, Recreate, relieve, recruit, relaxation, refection, Bait. WEARYING, Lassitude, tyring, tedious, faint, fatigue.
QUIETING, Tranquillity, rest, compose, sedate, serene, still, calm, set or be at rest. TROVBLING, Molest, disturb, annoy, disquiet, incumber, infest, in∣terrupt, pester, cumber, turbulent, stirs, coil, broil, turmoil, garboil, perturbation
COMING, Arrive, Access, Resort, repair to, frequent, recourse, concourse, confluence, return. GOING, Depart, recede, return, regress, ingress, egress, be packing, be jogging, retire, retrograde, withdraw, dislodge, avant, void, slip away, slink or sneak away, fling away, fall off, get gone, set forth, rub along.
PROCEEDING, Persist, prosecute, persevere, progress, pass, ad∣vance, hold or go on, set forward or on. TURNING, Winding, Veare, Double, tack, about, face about, wheel about.
TRAVAILING, Expedition, Voyage, Iourney, Progress, Peregrinati∣on, Itinerant, Passenger, Wayfaring, March, set out, Palmer, Pilgrim, Pass, Pasport. WANDRING, Stray, astray, range, rove, straggle, err-ant, Vagrant, Vagabond, random, ramble, rome, prole, gad, Gypsie, Rogue, Land∣loper, Labyrinth, Ambages.
SENDING, Mission, missive, Token, convey, dismiss, Remit, dispatch, Messenger, Embassador, Legat, Envoy, Lieger, Emissa∣ry, Currier, Arrant. FETCHING, Bring, reduce, forth-coming
LEADING, Guide, Conduct, bring, convey, draw, Manudu∣ction. DRIVING, Chase, drift, expel, repel, repulse, goad, beat back, Ferret out.
FOLLOWING, Ensue, come after, pursue, dogging, trace. OVERTAKING, Reach, Top, Catch, fetch up.
MEETING, Obviate, obvious, encounter, occurr, Randevouze. AVOIDING, Decline, Fly, shun, eschew, Wave, beware, escape, evade, shift off, out of the way.
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  • 2024/02/22 13:58
  • brahmantra