

mind + ( any / not ) Vnderstanding; congruity, or incongruity FALSHOOD, false-ifie, Error, erroneous, untrue. TRUTH, true, Verity, verifie, very, Right, Sooth, irrefragably, likely, probable.
heart + ( any / not ) The Will; agreement, or disagreement EVILNESS, ill, bad, naught, wrong, amiss, shrewd, scurvy, lewd, horrid, horrible, corrupt, Pravity, deprave, Sin, Fault, Trespass, Transgress-ion, Peccadillo, worse. GOODNESS, Weal, Welfare, right, regular, well, rectifie, better, best.
muscle Fitness HVRTFVLNESS, Harm, Prejudice, Disadvantage, Dammage, Disprofit, Nusance, Mischief. discommodious, nocent. shrewd turn, pernitious, noxious, noisom, damnifie, endammage, impair, an∣noy, displeasure, naught for, vermin, weed. PROFITABLENESS, Advantage, Benefit, Emolument, Interest, Concern, Boot, Fruit, Vtility, Commodious, Edifie, stand insted, good for. avail.
gut Sutableness or unsutableness to our appetites. VNPLEASANTNESS, Regret, displeasing, offensive, trouble, grievous, uneasie▪ painful. PLEASANTN•SS, Delight, Complacence, injoyment, satisfaction, sweet, taking, delicious, Paradise.
Degrees of goodness; VANITY, Trifle, trivial, frivolous, Foppery, Gewgaw, Knack, Toy, sleeveless, slight, light, fruitless, fidling, void, Trumpery, Bauble, Quillet, Quirk, Gambol, to no boot, to no purpose, IMPORTANCE, of Moment, Consequence, Strength, Force, Weight, material, considerable, pithy, pregnant, essential, it mattereth.
balance ( legal) any or not Law INDIFFERENCE, adiaphorous. LAWFULNESS, legitimate, right, legal, canonical, orderly.
clothes Custom or opinion; INDECENCY, Indecorum, unmeet, unfit, unseemly, unhandsome, uncomely, misbeseeming, ugly. DECENCY, Decorum, meet, fit, seemly, handsome, becoming, comely, goodly.
shield or bell Hurt; DANGER, Hazard, Peril, Ieopardy, unsafe, risk, venture, ad∣venture, endanger, expose, incur. SAFETY, Security, sure, tutelary, innoxious, save, protect, in∣sure, indemnifie, warrant, Sanctuary, Shelter, Refuge.
pain + by agent Labor and Pain; in the agent DIFFICVLTY, Hard, uneasie, crabbed, intricate, laborious, streight, Perplexity, rub, knot, graveling, hard put to it. EASINESS, Facil-ity-itate, clear, gentle, light,
pain + on agent Labor and Pain; in the patient VIOLENCE, boisterous, rough, harsh, blustering, impetuous, force, ravish. GENTLENESS, Easiness, softness, still, tenderly, gingerly.
Nature of the means to one another; CONTRARIETY, Repugnance, withstand, against, unsutable, Anti∣peristasis, counter, cross, incongruous, inconsistent, incompatible, interfere. CONGRUITY, Sutableness, Agreableness, Sympathy, consonant, compatible, right, apposite, fit, meet, apt, adapt, consistent, accord, conform, accommodate, comply.
Vsefulness or Vnusefulness of means to an end INCONVENIENCE, Inexpedience, unmeet, unfit, incommodious. EXPEDIENCE, Convenience, behoovful, meet, fit, perquisite, requisite.
altogether uncertain and doubtful. CONTINGENCE, Venture, adventure, may, Accident, peradventure, adventitious, fortuitous, incident, happen, perhaps NECESSITY, needful, requisite, essential, should, must, streight, exigent, force, perquisite, pressing.
logic universal notion NOTHING, Nought, null, none, annul, disannul, annihilate, abrogate, abolish, void, undoe, cancel, evacuate, Ciphre. BEING, Entity, Essence, Existence, subsist, am, is, extant
place sequence of being or non being STEAD, as substitute, subdititious, serve for, succedaneous, De∣puty, Surrogate, Vicar, Delegate, Vice-gerent, Attourney, Broaker, Factor, in lieu, Lievtenant, Proctor, Proxy. ROOM, as Successor, Caliph, supply, place.
mutual sequence RECIPROCATION, mutual, interchangeable, intercourse, correspond. TURN, Course, alternate, second, bout.
shield mutual affections or non affections OPPOSITION, Disagreableness, contrary, counter, repugnant, with∣stand, against, cross, thwart, other side, adverse, Antagonist, An∣tithesis, confront, impugn, oppugn. COGNATION, Affinity, Nearness.
eye Senses mistake for Beings. APPARENCE, Apparition, Phantasm, Shew, Vision, Elusion and vanish. THING, Affair, Matter, Business, Case, real-ly, indeed.
eye Similitudes of Beings; FICTION, Figment, make, feign, frame, devise, counterfet, forge, coin, mint, Fa∣ble, Apologue, Romance, Tale, Legend, Mythology, Fairy, Nymph, Centaur, Griffin, Bugbear, Goblin, Chymera, Atlantis, Vtopia. NOTION, Conception.
cup Capacity or Incapacity of existing. IMPOSSIBILITY, cannot be. POSSIBILITY, Feasible, may, can.
cup esteem VNWORTHINESS, Vile, Mean, Poor, undeserving, indign. WORTHINESS, Merit, Desert, Value, demerit, cheap, dear, price, precious, depreciate.
things to Right reason. VNDVENESS, ought not, dishonest. DUENESS, Duty, ought, should, Honest, owe, part, incumbent on.
Their naked being, or not being. PRIVATIVENESS, Privation, bereave deprive, depose, put out, or forth, take away, strip, devest, disseise, dispossess, disfurnish. POSITIVENESS, Thesis.
Their being▪ or not being what they are pretended to be. S•VRIOVSNESS, mongrel, bastard, false, illegitimate, improper, adulterine, base, misbegot, sophisticated. GENUINENESS, right, arrant, rank, very, native, legitimate, true, currant.
Their degrees of being; whether ‖ present, or future POTENTIALNESS, Reversion, may▪ can. ACTUALNESS, Existence, extant.
Their Extension; on bounds or no bounds INFINITENESS, endless, indefinite, unbounded, immense, indeterminate, unli∣mited, unmeasurable, inexhaustible. FINITENESS, definite determined, limited, bounded, Term, Confine, Stint, conclu∣ded.
Efficient; NATURALNESS, right, native, wild, carnal, praeternatural, supernatural. FACTITIOVSNESS, artificial, technical, made.
Material; MIXEDNESS, mingle, compound, blend▪ shuffle, Medly, Miscellany, promiscuous, temper, Commixtion, complex, complicate, confound, intermingle, Hodg-podge, Gallimaufry, Rhapsody, Centon, dash, brew. SIMPLICITY, mere, sheer, clear, fine, plain, right, pure, unmixed, Ingre∣dient, single, uncompounded.
Formal; IMPERFECTION, incomplete, lame. PERFECTION, absolute, intire, full, accurate, exact, exquisite, punctual, precise, complete, consummate, accomplish. strict, plenary, throughly, mature, up at the top.
any such refe∣rence. RELATION, refer, Regard, Respect, Habitude, correlative. ABSOLVTENESS, irrespective, peremptory, flat, positive.
The application or reception of agent and patient ACTION, doe, perform, commit, practise▪ proceeding, function, exercise, at∣chieve, dealing, Act, Fact, Deed, Feat, Exploit, Passage, Prank, Trick, play the Part. PASSION, abide, ail, bear, endure, suffer, undergo, sustain, feel, capable.
EFFICIENT, Author, Maker, Efficacy, effectual, Energy, Virtue, Validity, Force, Vigour, Operation, Influence, frame, constitute, beget, effect, do, make, cause, work, render, create, bring to pass INSTRUMENT, Tool▪ Organ-ical, Implement
MEDIOCRITY, a pretty deal, an indifferent quantity, mean, reasonable. SCARCITY, Little, want, dearth, pinching, scant, bare, jejune, lack. ABOVNDANCE, a great deal, much, a world, affluence, plenty, store, copious, flush, satiate, flow, fluent, luxuriant, enough and to spare.
INDIFFERENCE, Pretty big, passable, reasonable, so so. LITTLENESS, Smalness, Petty, Minute, Modicum, Scautling, diminutive, less, least, poor, abate, allay, extenuate, Elf, Dwarf, Shrimp, Tit, Dandiprat, Pigmy. GREATNESS, Magnitude, ample, large, vast, huge, immense, grand, monstrous, pro∣digious, sound, swinging, whisker, main, much, magnifie, aggravate, exaggerate, a filthy deal, a foul deal, Gyant.
SUFFICIENCY, enough, big or much enough, competency, moderate, satisfie, serve, well, full. DEFECT, Not enough, lack, need, penury, indigent, necessitous, destitute, want, fail, fall short of, slender, jejune, incompetent, insufficient. EXCESS, Redundance, superfluity, needless, exuberance, too much, overmuch, over∣charge, cloy, glutt, surfet, satiety, extreme, immoderate, luxuriant, rank, out of reason, wast, fly out, lash out.
INDIFFERENCY, Pretty well, tolerable, not amiss. SORRINESS, mean, poor, vile, trivial, contemptible, despicable, frippery, Trash, Trum∣pery, Raff, Scum, Drugg, silly, slight, paultry, scurvy, poor, course, flat, pedling, cheap, worthless, Fellow, Sirrah, Companion, Rascal, Varlet, Wretch, Scoundril, Skip-jack, Scrub, Vrchin, Flirt, Gill, Iade. EXCELLENCY, extraordinary good, eminence, preheminence, egregious, eximious, incom∣parable, superlative, soveraign, transcendent, singular, heroic, high, noble, gallant, choice, passing, rare, remarkable, notable, Paragon, Mirrour.
EQUALITY, Evenness, parity, peer, match, fellow, adaequate, aequipollent, adjust, halves with, as many, all one.
INEQVALITY, unequal, odds. INFERIORITY, under -ling, disadvantage, allay, come short of, low. SVPERIORITY, above, upper, advantage, odds, preheminence, surmount, overpass, surpass, exceed, go beyond, out-go, get the start, top, excell, prevail, predominant.
AT A STAND. INCREASE, Augmentation, progress, increment, enlarge, magnifie, amplifie, aggravate, im∣prove, rise, grow, gain, come forward, crescent. DIMINVTION, Abate, Bate, swage, asswage, decrease, extenuate, mince, mitigate, allay, retrench, rebate, shrink.
JUST TEMPER. INTENTION, heighten, strein, raise, aggravate, exaggerate, exasperate, enhaunce, acute, cutting, keen, sore, piercing, vehement, urgent, eager, earnest, deep sleep, amain, greatly, much. REMISSION, Abate, allay, slake, slacken, swage, asswage, diminish, mitigate, slight, cold, slender, weak, dead, dilute, dull, faint, gentle, light.
KEEPING AT A STAY. MARRING, Spoiling, Deprave, Impair, spill, taint, alloy, wear, corrupt, vitiate, wast. MENDING, emendation, bettering, Reparation, Reformation, Restauration, correct, redress, Improve, Edifie, botch, cobble, clout, patch, Progress, advance.
Line; from END to End. SHORTNESS, Brevity, Conciseness, abbreviate, curtal, abridge, restrain, compendious, succinct. LENGTH, -en, Longitude, prolong, protract, eeke out, extend, te∣dious, prolixness.
Superficies; from side to side. NARROWNESS, Streightness, Scantness, close, compressed, pink-eyed, restrain. BREDTH, Wideness, Latitude, Largeness, Ampleness, spacious, di∣late, enlarge, extend.
Body; reckoning from Top to Bottom. SHALLOWNESS, Ford, Scoure, Depression, low, flat. DEEPNESS, profound, Abyss, farr into, high.
Body; reckoning from Bottom.to Top LOWNESS, abase, bring down, depress, demiss, nether HIGHNESS, Altitude, exalt, elevate, Soar, sublime, tall, lofty, proper, towring, advance, raise, aloft.
Body; Any Superficies to the opposite. THINNESS, slender, fine, slim, lank, slank, slight, tenuity, gaunt, rare, subtle, attenuate THICKNESS, Crassitude, gross, deep, incrassate, roun∣cival.
Number of things SINGULARITY, Individual, numerical, single. PLVRALITY, more
Number of conceptual things PARTICULARITY, special, peculiar. VNIVERSALITY, Generality, Catholick, Oecumenical, utmost.
Kinds of things SPECIALNESS, peculiar, particular. GENERALNESS, All.
ODNESS, Imparity, uneven. EVENNESS, Parity.
SEGREGATENESS, sever, set apart or aside, Analysis, Ana∣tomy, piece-meal, by retail, dispence, distribute, one by one, Parcels, by pole. AGGREGATENESS, Train, Troop, Company, Party, Scull, Swarm, Team, Flock, Heard, Pack, Covy, Sheaf, Bale, Bundle, Fardle, Bunch, Cluster, Gross, by the great.
SERIES, Rank, Row, Class, successive, Chain, Course, Race, col∣lateral, Concatenation, Alphabet. CATALOGVE, Index, Table, List, Role, Bill, Scrole, Terrier, a particular, Cargo, Inventory, Muster, impannel, Genealogy, Pe∣digree, Vocabulary, Dictionary, Lexicon, Nomenclator, Alma∣nack, Calendar.
SUIT, Pack, Set, Mess, a Ring.
MULTITUDE, many, numerous, a world of, multiply, increase, propagate, store, swarm, thick, press, crowd throng, rout. FEWNESS, Paucity, decrease, small number, thin, diminish∣ing.
Cause of a thing, PRIMITIVENESS, Root, original, simple, underived. DERIVATIVENESS, conjugate, Notation, Etymology, transmission.
Distance of a thing, IMMEDIATENESS, Next. MEDIATENESS.
Manner of being, ABSOLUTENESS, Independent, Freehold. DEPENDENCY, Vnder.
Degrees of Being or Causality, PRINCIPALNESS, Chief, Special, Ring-leader, soveraign, supreme, paramount, first, main, arch, prime, primary, capital, cardinal fundamental, Top, Head, Master. ACCESSORINESS, Abet, adherent, second, Companion, Party, Copart∣ner, Complice, Appendage, Label, Appurtenance, adventitious, col∣lateral, conscious, privy, side with, back, partake, participate, by the way, by the by.
Positive; PERTINENCY, belong, appertain, apposite, to the purpose, touching, concern, material, relate to, serve for, incumbent on. IMPERTINENCY, not to the purpose, extravagant, sleeveless, wide from the matter, wild, idle, improper.
Comparative, PROPERNESS, incommunicable, owner, peculiar, concern. COMMONNESS, usual, vulgar, currant, general, prostitute.
Being; LIKENESS, Similitude, similar, assimilate, resemble, representation Species, Idea, Image, Effigies, Portraiture. VNLIKENESS, Dissimilitude, dissimilar, degenerous.
Place, Circumstances ORDER, Regular, Method, array, imbattle, marshal, rally, in frame, dispose, digest, range. CONFVSION, Disorder, Rhapsody, Chaos, Gallimaufry, tumult, rout, coyl, disheveled, disranked, out of frame or order, promiscuous, Preposterous, Ruffle, Shuffle, scamble, clutter, blunder, jumble, hurry, hurly burly, pell mell.
Time, either the being of things ORDINARINESS, common, usual, trivial, currant. EXTRAORDINARINESS, strange, uncouth, unusual, unwonted, of note, notable, notorious, Odness, Paradox.
The being of things REGULARNESS, right, rectifie, rule. EXORBITANCY, Irregularness, Enormity, Disorder, extravagant, li∣centious, wild, faulty, wrong, loose, immoderate, unruly, unbridled, out of square, lash out, Heteroclyte, Anomalous.
Being known; PUBLICKNESS, Notorious, famous, common, extant, open, being out, or abroad, Declaration, Manifesto, Remonstrance, Edition, Promul∣gation, set forth or out, shew, spread, blazon, publish, proclaim, di∣vulge, denounce, produ•e, post up, come to light, high way. PRIVATENESS, underhand, clancular, clandestine, retire, between themselves.
such mixture, ORNATENESS, adorn, set out, Deck, beautifie, embellish, trimm, trick, tire, garnish, flourish, dress, prank, Ornament, Grace, flo∣rid, neat, smug, spruce, elegant, quaint, fine, polite, gay, gaudy, gor∣geous, flaring, garish, flaunting, Gallant, Spark, Bracelet, Plume, Garland, Ouch, &c. HOMELINESS, simple, rough, rude, untrimmed, plain, bald.
without such mixture PURITY, Cleanness, undefiled, defecate, fine, refine, try, furbush, scoure▪ purge, purifie, clarifie, depuration, neat, abstersive. DEFILEMENT, Filthiness, Impurity, unclean, fowl, squalid, bedawb, besmear, bewray, contaminate, slabber, slubber, smear, soil, sully, pollute, daggle, slurry, smutch, smutt, stain, alloy, em∣base, dash.
BEST PART, Quintessence, Cream, Flower, the heart, Top. WORST PART, Refuse, Scumm, Dreggs, Raff, draft, dross, rubbish, tare, bran, chaff, recrement, trash, garbage, offal.
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