- मृ – मारयति(kill) , मृ – मरति(die) , हन् - हन्ति(kill)
- सृज -(create) , उत् - उद्यत:(grow) , जन् - जायते(birth) ,
- ध्वृ - ध्वंसति(destroy) , नश् - नाशयति(perish)
- क्षर्(perish) , क्षि - क्षयति(decay)
- वास्(live) , जीव् – जीवति(live)
- पुष्(nourish)
- चूल्यती(cook) , पच् – पचति(cook)
Improvement of what is thus brought
Improvement of what is thus brought forth; either
Peculiar to the Young
Peculiar to the Young; implying that more then ordinary tenderness to be used towards things in that state, ‖ whether more general: or that which is proper to viviparous Animals.
- FOTION, cherishing, foster, foment, brood, Incubation, hatching.
- LACTATION, giving suck, suckle,
Common to Young and Old;
- Antecedent; ‖ the taking in of sutable and sufficient aliment: or the fit∣ting of this aliment by fermentation.
- FEEDING, living upon, Aliment, Food.
- DIGESTING, Concoction, put over.
- Consequent from the
Primary and more general; denoting the making: or unmaking of a thing; the motion towards a new form: or from the precedent form; styled
- GENERATION, get, beget, procreate, propagate, breeding, engender, Gene∣sis.
- CORRVPTION, Dissolution, consume•tion.
- Secondary and more particular; relating unto the
- CONCEPTION, with child, Superfetation.
- ABORTION, miscarry, Mischance, cast young, Castling, untimely birth, Slink, still-born.