

OECONOMICAL RELATION. THat respect wherein one man may stand to another, according to the first and most natural kind of association of men into Families,* is styled OECONOMICAL RELATION, Family, Houshold, domestic, menial, House, Home.

The Notions belonging to this Head, may be distinguished into such as sig∣nifie; either

  • Personal Relations, of
    • SUPERIORITY, or Inferiority. III.
  • Oeconomical Duties referring to Education; consisting either in
    • WORDS. V.
    • DEEDS. VI.

II. Those respects which do either refer unto or arise from a state of Marriage,* whereby persons are mutually ingaged to Fidelity and Con∣stancy, are styled Relations of AFFINITY, Alliance, Kindred.

These are distinguishable into such as do concern either

  • That state preceding whereby persons are rendred capable of it as to their ‖ not being married: or not having coupled with any other person.
    • COELEBS, Single life, Bachelour, Damosel, Maid.
    • VIRGIN, Maid.
  • The endeavour after Marriage; wherein, if several persons stand in com∣petition, there doth thence arise this double Relation.
    • SUTER, Paramor, Sweet-heart, Mistress, Servant, woo, canvase court, make love▪
    • RIVAL, Corrival, Competitor.
  • The first beginning of this Affiance, by a mutual Promise in order to the consummating of it.
    • BETROTHED, contracted, Spouse, espouse, Affiance, sure.
  • The full completing of it by all its Solemnities.
    • MARRIED, Matrimony, Wed-ding, Match, Mate, nuptial, conjugal, Husband, Wife, Yoke-fellow, Spouse, Bride-groom, Bains, Dower, Bygamy, Polygamy, Hymen, Epithalamium.
  • The state resulting from a dissolution of it by Death.
    • WIDOWER, Dowager, Relict, Iointer.

III. Relations of SUPERIORITY, Betters, and INFERIORITY, Vnderlings, do originally belong to Families, in which was the first kind of Government, and from thence are derived all the secondary Relati∣ons which follow; respecting either

  • Minors; as to their
    • Souls and Religion.
      • GODFATHER, Godmother, Gossip, stand for.
        • GODCHILD.
    • Bodies; in respect of ‖ nourishing: or being nourished.
      • FOSTERER, Nurse, educate.
      • NVRSLING.
    • Minds; ‖ instructing: or being instructed in any Science or Art.
      • TEACHER, Master, Tutor, institute, instruct, inform, indoctrinate, Doctrine, Document, docil, Lecture, Lesson, train, discipline, enter, read to, Rabbi.
      • LEARNER, Apprentice, Disciple, Pupil, Scholar, Puny, Neophyte, young beginner, Student.
    • Estates.
      • GUARDIAN, Tutor, Tuition.
      • PUPIL, Minority, Ward-ship, under-age, non-age.
  • Majors or Minors; in respect of
    • Habitation; as supreme: or subordinate; whether in a relation
      • More fixed.
        • MASTER OF THE FAMILY, House-wife, Good man of the house.
        • DOMESTIC, of the houshold, menial.
      • More occasional.
        • HOST, Landlord, boord, tabling, sojourn, entertain, Inn, Hospi∣tality, Inholder.
        • GVEST, Boorder, Sojourner, quarter, lodge, lie, tabling, at livery.
    • Power to command: or Duty to obey.
      • MASTER, Lord, Sir, Mistress, Dame, Madam, Lady▪
      • SERVANT, Servitor, Minister, Man, Maid, Handmaid, servile, ad∣minister, Hind, Iourneyman, Prentice, Waiter, Lacquey, Footman, Page, Livery.
    • Benefits ‖ conferred: or received.
      • BENEFACTOR, Courtesie, Kindness, Favour, Service, Good turn, Pleasure, gratifie, oblige, ingage, good office, Patron.
      • BENEFICIARY, beholding, bound, obliged, ingaged humble Servant.
    • General obligation of ‖ protecting others: or being under such Protection.
      • PATRON-age, support, dedicate.
      • DEPENDANT, Retainer, Cadet, Client, Follower, Retinue, wait.

IV. Relations of EQUALITY or Fellowship (as was said concerning those of the former Difference) do originally belong to persons in an Oeconomical capacity;* though they are not in the strictest sense to be so confined, but they are likewise applicable to persons upon other con∣siderations.

These are founded; either upon

  • Mutual Love: or Hatred, which should be chiefly upon the account of Vertue: or Vice.
    • FRIEND-ship, Confident, Privado, intimate, all one, being in with, Amity, amicable, befriend, great with, strike in with, kind▪ attone.
    • ENEMY, Adversary, Foe, Antagonist, Opposite, Opponent, Feud, Hostility, Odds, Spite, Enmity, being out with, fall out with, adverse party.
  • Conversation with others, chiefly upon the account of Pleasure; or Se∣gregation from others.
    • COMPANION, Compeer, Associate, Fellow, Match, Mate, Consort, So∣ciety, Sociable-ness, Comrade, Collegue, Complice, Concomitant, Gossip, associate, accompany, Crew, Gang, keep company with.
    • SOLITARY, lonesom, alone, onely, recluse, sole, single, Solitude, by it self, retired, desolate, several, aside.
  • Near: or remote Habitation.
    • NEIGHBOUR, adjacent, vicinity.
    • FOREINER, Alien, exotic, extraneous, peregrine, outlandish.
  • Particular Knowledge: or Ignorance of others.
    • ACQUAINTANCE, Familiar-ity, conversant.
    • STRANGER, strange, alienate, unacquainted, uncouth, alien.
  • Dealings with others.
    • Iointly; as one party.
      • PARTNER, Copartner, Partizan, Sharer, impart, joyn, commu∣nicate, Communion, halves, joynt-stock, partake.
    • Mutually; as party and party.
      • CUSTOMER.

V. The chief Oeconomical Duties (which are likewise applicable to other Relations) are those which concern the due Government of per∣sons in this capacity,* chiefly of the inferiour and younger sort, styled by the general name of EDUCATION, institute, train, breed, bring up, semi∣nary.

Education Duties consisting in WORDS do respect either

  • A thing to be done, or forborn; expressing to others our Desires, or their Duties.
    • Simply; to persons
      • Inferior; ‖ for it: or against it.
        • COMMAND, require, bid, impose, charge, injoyn, exact, appoint, prescribe, Mandate, Precept, Injunction, Commandment, Impe∣rative, Warrant, will.
          • FORBID, Prohibit-ion, interdict, inhibit, barr, contraband, coun∣termand.
      • Equal; ‖ for it: or against it.
        • PERSUADE, exhort, suasory, move, press, win, cajole, Motive, Inducement, ductile, exorable, pliable, flexible, draw in, Elo∣quence.
        • DISSVADE, dehort.
      • Superior; ‖ for it: or against it.
        • INTREAT, beseech, pray, desire, crave, ask, petition, supplicate, Postulation, invite, implore, Obtestation, Obsecration, request, sue, supplicate, solicit, press, urge, instant, Importunity, conjure, exorable, inexorable.
        • DEPRECATE.
    • Argumentatively; (i.) with reasons representing it chiefly as
      • Honest: or dishonest.
        • ADVISE, counsel, consult, wish one.
        • WARN, admonish, Monition, advertise, Caution, Item, Precaution, premonish, notifie, Proviso, Caveat, forewarn.
      • Pleasant: or unpleasant.
        • ALLURE, tempt, tice, entice, till, drill, inveigle, move, draw, lull, lure, lead, tole, train, egg on, win, trepan, bait, stale.
        • DETERR, dishearten, fright.
      • Profitable: or hurtful.
        • PROMISE.
        • THREATEN, Commination, menace, denounce▪
  • A thing already done; expressing our ‖ liking: or dislike of it; whether
    • To themselves, in their presence.
      • COMMEND, applaud, extoll, magnifie, hem, recommend.
      • REPREHEND, reprove, rebuke, chide, blame, check, snib, quip, rate, rattle, controll, take up, shent, find fault, shrive, Redarguti∣on, culpable, Satyr, scold.
    • To others, in their absence.
      • PRAISE, Fame, Glory, Renown, Encomium, extol, exalt, laudable, plausible, applaud, commend, Doxology, Panegyric.
      • DISPRAISE, discommend.

VI. Oeconomical Duties of EDUCATION consisting chiefly in DEEDS,* may be distinguished into such as are either

  • Precedent; signifying the ‖ assisting: or hindring another in the
    • Way of doing
      • DIRECT, steer, guide, lead, govern.
      • SEDVCE, tempt, err-or, astray, mislead, deceive, delude, pervert, be∣guile, debauch, inveigle, Mistake, Oversight, Fallacy, Sophistry, draw in, lead aside, Fools Paradice.
    • Will of doing.
      • INCOURAGE, animate, hearten, comfort, solace, abett, back, cheer, cherish, countenance, set on, stand by, patronize, quicken, excite.
      • DISCOVRAGE, dishearten, disanimate, weaken, discomfort, baulk, daunt, droop, quail, out of heart, crest-faln, exanimate.
  • Concomitant; supporting against Evil.
    • Past: or present.
      • COMFORT, Consolation, solace.
      • DISCOMFORT, disconsolate, uncomfortable.
    • Present, or future; whether of
      • Want; either ‖ in whole: or in part.
        • MAINTAIN, sustain, support, find, keep, provide for, Subsistence, Livelihood.
        • STIPENDATE, Allowance, Exhibition, Pension, Annuity, Scho∣larship.
      • Danger.
        • DEFENDING, standing to or by one, guard, ward, preserve, shelter, protect, save, fence, keep, tutelary.
        • DESERTING, leave, destitute, forsake, quit, flinch, relinquish.
  • Consequent; relating to the
    • Persons; ‖ endeavouring to better them by punishments while there is hope: or ceasing to punish them as being past hope.
      • CORRECTING, chastising, discipline, inflict.
      • GIVING OVER, leave.
    • Event of such dealings; by making them ‖ better: or worse.
      • REFORM, reclaiming, mend, convert, correct.
      • HARDEN, incorrigible, indurate, obdurate, seared.
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