

II. That course of life about which one is usually employed,* and to which he applies himself for the getting of a Subsistence, is styled his PROFESSION, Vocation, Calling, Trade, Function, Occupation, Course of life, Craft, Mystery.

To which may be adjoyned the word denoting the actual Use of such Callings, PRACTICE, Exercise, Vse, follow, put in ure.

These may be distinguished, into such as are either

  • More necessary and beneficial to humane life; whether
    • Liberal Professions, such as become free and generous men; relating ei∣ther to
      • Things.
        • Sacred; as ‖ discovered by revelation: or as the knowledge of them is▪ attainable by nature.
          • DIVINE, Theology, Clerk, Schoolman.
          • PHILOSOPHER.
        • Civil and political; namely, ‖ the more generally received Laws and Constitutions: or those belonging to a particular Nation.
          • CIVIL LAWYER.
          • COMMON LAWYER, Pettifogger.
        • Natural; with particular reference to the diseases of mens bodies and their cure; either ‖ by direction: or by manual operation.
          • PHYSICIAN, Medicine, Patient, Empiric, Mountebank, Quack salver, Farrier, Leach, Receipt.
          • CHIRURGION, dress a wound.
    • Words or Language: or the ornaments of discourse.
      • PHILOLOGER, Critic.
      • POET-ry, Poem, Bard, Muse.
  • Illiberal; belonging more peculiarly
    • To a Town; consisting of Trades of ‖ exchange: or manufacture.
      • MERCHANT, Market, Pedler, Huckster, Bodger, Hawker, Regra∣ter, Shopkeeper, Traffic, Dealing, Merchandize, Fair, Mart.
      • MECHANIC, Handicraft, Artificer, Manufacture; Artizan, Work house.
    • To the Country; relating to the most ancient Professions of
      • Tilling the ground: or feeding of Cattel.
        • HUSBANDMAN, georgic, Hinde, Agriculture, Tillage, Bayliffe.
        • HERDSMAN, Shepherd, Pastor, Cow-herd, Hog-herd.
      • Catching of wild Animals.
        • HUNTSMAN, Hunt-er, Fowler, Fisher, chase, trace, course, Ve∣nison, Game, Pocher.
    • Both to Town and Country; for the carriage of things by ‖ Water: or Land.
      • MARINER.
      • CARRIER, Ripier, Cargo.
  • Not necessary; comprehending those several Professions which tend to the diversion of others; ‖ by acting or personating some particular Story or Fiction: or by amusing of men by the Agility of body or hand.
    • PLAYER, Actor, Comedian, Tragedian, Play, Stage, Theatre, Enterlude, Personate.
    • PRESTIGIATOR, Shewer of tricks, juggle, Legerdemain, Hocas pocas, Tumbler, Dancer on the ropes, &c. Mountebank.
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  • 2024/09/04 06:42
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