
Passive; Not hindring one to take or to do.

  • YIELDING, Suffering, permitting, give way, give place.



Imperfect; denoting a willingness to part with, or a desire to have a thing.

  • OFFERING, Proffer, tender, exhibit, present, recommend, Oblation.
  • DEMANDING, Require, Challenge.
  • Possession of a thing; the Parting with it, or Taking of it.
    • DELIVERING, Surrender, transferr, resign.
    • RECEIVING, Take, entertain, capable, reception, receptacle.
  • Right of a thing; the Parting with it, or Taking of it.
    • GIVING, Bestow, confer, render, grant, contribute, endow, con∣sign, Gift, Boon, Largess, Collation, Donation, Donative, Gratis.
    • ACCEPTING, Receiving, administer, dispense, distribute, To∣ken, Fairing, take in good part.

Causing of Relations by Actions that are

Causing of Relations by Actions that are

Real; The Parting with something of ones own for the use and in the stead of another, or the restoring what another hath so parted with.

  • DISBURSING, Bestow, defray, extend, lay out, Bursar, Principal.
  • REFUNDING, Repay, return, reimburse.

Verbal; the Comparing and measuring of particulars, or reducing them to an equality.

  • RECKONING, Compute-ation, count, account, cast account, Cal∣culate, Audit, Score, Tally.
  • BALLANCING, Evening of Accounts, Quitting scores, Adjust.

Relations themselves ensuing upon such Actions

Relations themselves ensuing upon such Actions, whether as having somewhat of ones own in anothers possession, or something of anothers in ones own possession.

  • BEING CREDITOR, Lending, Loan.
  • BEING DEBTOR, Owing, Debt, upon score, in ones books, behind hand, Arrear.

Ceasing or dissolution of such relations

Ceasing or dissolution of such relations by some Act of the

Debitor; either by restoring what is due, or by being rendred unable for it.

  • PAYING, Defray, discharge, satisfie, reimburse, Annuity, Poun∣dage, Shot, responsible.
  • FAILING, Break, Bankrout.

Creditor; Acknowledging restitution, or Giving away his right to it.

  • ACQUITTING, Discharge, Quittance, Receipt, clear accounts.
  • FORGIVING, Remitting, pardoning, put up,
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  • en/commerce_actions.txt
  • 2023/05/22 15:35
  • brahmantra