Previous to it.
Mental or Verbal.
- DESIGNING, allot, appoint, plot, preordein, project.
- UNDERTAKING, enterprize, take in hand set upon, task.
Real; either more general or more special, with respect to the providing of requi∣site materials.
- PREPARING, Parade, previous, ready, make way, fitting, Tuning, Harbinger.
- FURNISHING, Aequipage, fitting, ready.
Initial; with respect to the
First entrance upon a business; either Real or Seeming.
- OFFERING, Propose profer, tender, bid, propound, overture.
Application of the labor, either to the doing of any thing, or to know whether it can be done.
- ESSAYING, Trying, say, attempt, prove, tempt-ation, Test, Experience, enter∣prize, venture, sound, tast, touch, run the risk or adventure.