
Regiones membri inferioris Regions of lower limb
Regio glutealis Gluteal region
Crena analis; crena ani; crena interglutealis Intergluteal cleft; natal cleft
Sulcus glutealis Gluteal fold
Regio coxae Hip region
Regio femoris Femoral region
Regio femoris anterior Anterior region of thigh
Trigonum femoris Femoral triangle
Regio femoris posterior Posterior region of thigh
Regio genus Knee region
Regio genus anterior Anterior region of knee
Regio genus posterior Posterior region of knee
Fossa poplitea Popliteal fossa
Regio cruris Leg region
Regio cruris anterior Anterior region of leg
Regio cruris posterior Posterior region of leg
Regio surae Sural region
Regio talocruralis anterior Anterior talocrural region; anterior ankle region
Regio talocruralis posterior Posterior talocrural region; posterior ankle region
Regio retromalleolaris lateralis Lateral retromalleolar region
Regio retromalleoaris medialis Medial retromalleolar region
Regio pedis Foot region
Regio calcanea Heel region
Dorsum pedis; regio dorsalis pedis Dorsum of foot; dorsal region of foot
Planta; regio plantaris Sole; plantar region
Margo lateralis pedis; margo fibularis pedis Lateral border of foot; fibular border of foot; peroneal border of foot
Margo medialis pedis; margo tibialis pedis Medial border of foot; tibial border of foot
Arcus pedis longitudinalis Longitudinal arch of foot
Pars lateralis Lateral part
Pars medialis Medial part
Arcus pedis transversus proximalis Proximal transverse arch of foot
Arcus pedis transversus distalis Distal transverse arch of foot
Regio tarsalis Ankle region
Regio metatarsalis Metatarsal region
Regiones digitorum pedis Region of digits of foot; toes
Regio hallucis; regio digiti primi Region of great toe
Regio digiti secundi Region of second toe
Regio digiti tertii Region of third toe
Regio digiti quarti Region of fourth toe
Regio digiti minimi; regio digiti quinti Region of little toe; region of fifth toe
Facies plantares digitorum Plantar surfaces of toes
Facies dorsales digitorum Dorsal surfaces of toes
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  • en/bodyregions/lower_limbs.txt
  • 2024/08/11 17:36
  • brahmantra