
Regiones thoracicae anterolaterales Anterior and lateral thoracic regions
Regio presternalis Presternal region
Fossa infraclavicularis Mohrenheimi Infraclavicular fossa Mohrenheimi
Trigonum clavipectorale; trigonum deltopectorale Clavipectoral triangle; deltopectoral triangle
Regio pectoralis Pectoral region
Regio pectoralis lateralis Lateral pectoral region
Regio mammaria Mammary region
Regio inframammaria Inframammary region
Regio axillaris Axillary region
Fossa axillaris Axillary fossa
  • Clavicle lies horizontally at the root of neck separating it from the front of chest.the bone is subcutaneous , and therefore palpable throughout its length.medially it articulates with sternum at the sternoclavicular joint and laterally with the acromioclavicular joint.both the joints are palpable because of the upwward projecting ends of the clavicle.
  • Jugular notch (interclavicular or suprasternal notch)
  • Sternal angle (angle of Louis) is felt as a transverse ridge about 5cm below the jugular notch.
  • Epigastric fossa (pit of stomach) is the depression in infrasternal angle. The fossa overlies the xiphoid process, and is bounded on each side by the seventh costal cartilage.
  • Nipple is markedly variable in position in females.In males and in immature females , it usually lies in the fourth intercostal space just medial to the midclavicular line.
  • Midclavicular line
  • Infraclavicular fossa (deltopectoral triangle)
  • Tip of coracoid process
  • Acromion
  • Axilla
  • Midaxillary line
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  • en/bodyregion/thorax.txt
  • 2024/08/11 17:33
  • brahmantra