- विशेष प्रकार ( Particular kinds; relating to such as are
- More primary and simple; whether ‖ such apert sounds as are fra∣med by a free emission of the breath through the organs of speech, or such closed sounds in the pronouncing of which the breath is intercepted by some collision or closure amongst the in∣struments of speech.
- free sounds , without any stricture in the vocal tract.
- based on measurements
- long vowel
- short vowel
- medium vowel
- closed sounds , that is articulated with complete or partial closure of the vocal tract,
- लिखित मात्रा , Sounds made by the Organs of speech, according to the General Name
- सामान्य नाम जो सूचित करता है या तो किसी बोली गई स्वर को या लिखित चित्र को ( General name; denoting either ‖ that which is spoken, or the picture of it in writing.
- LETTER, literal. अक्षर , कार , ओंकार , अकार , आकार , इकार
- वर्ण , सवर्ण , अवर्ण , चिन्ह , चरित्र , CHARACTER, Figure, Note, Letter, Cyphre, Orthography.
- एकल स्वर परंतु विभिन्न रूप या आकार ( single sound but different forms
- capital form ( दीर्घ या बड़ा रूप )
- small form ( लघु या छोटा रूप )
- एक स्वर का संग्रह ( A set of sounds