

  • Vertebral artery
    • First part
      • Origin of artery to transverse process of 6 th cervical vertebra
      • Course
      • Runs upwards
      • Scalenovertebral triangle
      • Present at root of neck
    • Boundaries
      • Lateral Scalenus anterior
      • Medial : oblique part of longus colli muscle
      • Apex : transverse process of cervical vertebra
      • Base : first part of subclavian artery
      • Posterior wall : transverse process of C7 , ventral ramus of C8 nerve , neck of first rib
    • Relations
      • Anterior
        • Carotid sheath with common carotid artery
        • Vertebral vein
        • Inferior thyroid artery
        • Thoracic duct on left side
      • Posterior
        • Transverse process of 7 th cervical vertebra
        • Stellate ganglion
        • Ventral Rami of nerves C7 , C8
    • Second part
      • Runs through foramina transversria of upper 6 cervical vertebra
      • Finally reaches foramen of atlas
      • Relations
        • accompanied by venous plexus and a large branch from stellate ganglion
        • Ventral Rami of second to 6 th cervical nerves
    • Third part
      • Lies in suboccipital triangle
      • Emerges from atlas
      • Winds medially around posterior aspect of arch of atlas
      • Relations
        • Medial : ventral ramus of first cervical nerve
        • Lateral : rectus capitis Lateralis
        • Posterior : semispinalis capitis
        • Anterior : lateral mass of atlas
    • Fourth part
      • Atlantooccipital membrane to pons
      • Vertebral canal it pierces duramater
      • At lower border of pons it joins to form basilar artery
  • Branches
    • Cervical branches
      • Arise from 4 th part
      • Anterior spinal artery
      • Posterior spinal artery
      • Posterior inferior cerebellar artery
    • Meningeal branches
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  • hi/vertebral_artery.txt
  • 2023/06/19 09:54
  • brahmantra