
गर्भाशय (uterus)

  • Uterus ( गर्भाशय )
    • Synonym
    • Definition
      • Child bearing organ in females
    • Situation ( स्थिति )
      • In pelvis between bladder and rectum ( श्रोणि में )
      • Palpated bimanually during a per vaginal examination ( दो हाथों से छूकर पता लगाया जाता हैं )
      • Protects and provides nutrition to a fertilized ovum
    • Size and shape
      • Pyriform
      • 7.5 cm long , 5 cm broad , 2.5 cm thick
      • Weighs 30- 40 grams
    • Position and angulation
      • 90 with long axis of vagina ( योनि से 90 डिग्री )
      • Forward tilting of uterus relative to vagina ( आगे की ओर झुकना योनि के संबंध में )
        • Anteversion
      • Backward tilting of uterus relative to vagina
        • Retroversion
      • Slightly flexed at level of internal os of cervix ( गर्भग्रीवा )
        • Anteflexion
          • 125 degree
      • Long axis of uterus corresponds to
        • Axis of pelvic inlet
    • Parts ( भाग )
      • Upper expanded part - body
      • Upper 2/3
      • Lower cylindrical part - cervix
      • Lower 1/3
      • Junction of these two parts
        • Isthmus
        • Part of uterus above opening of fallopian tube
          • Fundus
        • Superolateral angle of body projects out
          • Cornua
      • Fundus
        • Convex like a dome
        • Covered with peritoneum
        • Directed forward when bladder is empty ( मूत्रशय खाली रहने पर सामने की ओर रहता हैं )
        • Fertilized oocyte is usually
        • Implanted posterior wall of fundus
          • Or Upper part of body of uterus
      • Anterior / vesical surface ( अग्र और आशय स्तर )
        • Body is flat ( काय चिपटा हैं )
        • Related to urinary bladder
        • Covered with peritoneum
        • Forms
          • Posterior or superior wall of uterovesical pouch
      • Posterior / intestinal surface ( पश्च या आंत्र स्तर )
        • Convex
        • Related to coils of terminal ileum and to sigmoid colon
        • Covered with peritoneum and forms anterior wall of rectouterine pouch
      • Lateral border ( पार्श्व किनारा )
        • Convex and rounded ( गोल और उभाड़ )
        • Provides attachment to broad ligament of uterus ( चौड़ी स्नायूबंधन से जुड़ता हैं )
        • Connects to lateral pelvic wall ( पार्श्व श्रोणि दीवार से जोड़ता हैं )
        • Uterine tube opens in to uterus
          • At upper end of this border ( इस किनारे के ऊपरी छोर में
        • End of this border
          • Anteroinferior to tube
            • Gives attachment to round ligament of uterus
          • Posteroinferior to tube
            • Ligament of ovary
        • Uterine artery ascends along the lateral border of uterus between two layers of broad ligament
    • Cavity of uterus
      • Sagittal section
        • It is a mere slit
        • Compressed anteroposterior
      • Coronal section
        • Triangular in shape
      • At Apex
        • Becomes continuous with canal of cervix
        • Junction called as internal os
    • Cervix
      • Supravaginal part
    • Relation
      • Anterior
        • Bladder
      • Posterior
        • Rectouterine pouch containing coils of intestine and rectum
      • Each side
        • Ureter and to uterine artery embedded in parametrium
    • Vaginal part
      • Projects in to anterior wall of vagina
      • Space between it and vagina
        • Fornices
      • Communication
        • Externally by external os
          • Nulliparous women ( नई स्त्री में , कुमारी स्त्री में )
            • Small and circular ( छोटा रहता हैं )
          • Multiparous women ( बहु गर्भधारण स्त्री में )
            • Bounded by anterior and posterior lips
    • Cervical canal ( गर्भ ग्रीवा )
      • Cavity of cervix.
        • Fusiform in shape
      • Internal os
        • Canal is flattened
          • Anterior wall
          • Posterior wall
          • Walls show
            • Mucous folds
              • Arbor vitae uteri
              • Folds interlock with each other to close the canal
    • Ligaments of uterus
      • Peritoneal ligaments
        • Anterior ligament ( अग्र स्नायू बंधन )
        • Uterovesical fold of peritoneum
        • Posterior ligament ( पश्च स्नायू बंधन)
        • Rectovaginal fold forming rectovaginal pouch of peritoneum
        • Broad ligaments ( right and left )
          • Bladder to lateral pelvic wall
            • Surfaces
              • Anterior , posterior
            • Borders
              • Upper , lower , medial , lateral
              • Upper border is free
        • Mesoovarium
          • Attached to posterior later of braod ligament
        • Mesosalpinx
          • Suspensory ligament of ovary or infundibulopelvic ligament
        • Broad ligament consists of following structures
          • Uterine tube
        • Round ligament
        • Ligament of ovary
        • Uterine vessels
        • Ovarian vessels in infundibulopelvic ligament
        • Uterovaginal and ovarian nerve plexus
        • Epoophoron
        • Paraphooron
    • Fibromuscular ligaments
      • Round ligament of uterus ( गोल
      • Transverse cervical ligament ( गर्भाशय ग्रीवा )
      • Uterosacral ligament ( गर्भशय त्रिक )
    • Arterial supply
      • Uterine artery (
      • Division of internal iliac artery
      • Partly by ovarian artery
    • Venous drainage
    • Lymphatic drainage
    • Nerve supply
    • Supports of uterus
    • Primary supports
      • Muscular or active supports
      • Pelvic diaphragm ( श्रोणि पट्ट )
      • Perineal body (कुंडलिनी काय )
      • Distal urethral sphincter mechanism
    • Fibromuscular or mechanical support
      • Uterine axis
      • Pubocervical ligament
      • Transverse cervical ligament of mackenrodt
      • Uterosacral ligament
      • Round ligament of uterus
    • Secondary support
      • Broad ligament
      • Vesicouterine pouch and fold of peritoneum
      • Rectovaginal pouch or rectouterine pouch and fold of peritoneum
    • Role of individual supports
      • Pelvic diaphragm
      • Perineal body
      • Urethral sphincter mechanism
      • Uterine axis
      • Pubocervical ligaments
      • Transverse cervical ligaments of mackenrodt
      • Uterosacral ligaments
      • Round ligament of uterus



स्थान और स्थिति कोण


fundus lateral border


anterior or vesical surface posterior or intestinal surface

गर्भाशय के स्नायू

पर्युदर्या स्नायू

  • anterior ligament
  • posterior ligament
  • right and left broad ligament
  • infundibulopelvic ligament
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  • hi/uterus.txt
  • 2023/06/21 14:44
  • brahmantra