
मूत्र प्रनाली (Urinary system)

Main article: Mutra pranaali

  • वृक्कक या गुर्दा (Kidneys)
  • मूत्रवाहिनी (Ureter)
  • मूत्राशय (Bladder)
  • मूत्रमार्ग (Urethra)
  • URINARY SYSTEM ( root word - ल and ष )
  • KIDNEY (ष्ल )
    • Lateral border
    • Medial border
    • Anterior surface
    • Posterior surface
    • Superior pole; superior extremity
    • Inferior pole; inferior extremity
    • Renal fascia
      • Paranephric fat; pararenal fat body
    • Perinephric fat; perirenal fat capsule
    • Fibrous capsule
    • Kidney lobes
    • Renal cortex
      • Cortical labyrinth
        • Cortex corticis
      • Medullary rays
    • Renal columns Bertini
    • Renal medulla
      • Outer zone
        • Outer stripe
        • Inner stripe
        • Vascular bundles
        • Interbundle region
      • Inner zone
        • Renal papilla
        • Renal crest
      • Renal pyramids
        • Cribriform area
        • Openings of papillary ducts
    • Renal segments
      • Superior segment
      • Anterior superior segment
      • Anterior inferior segment
      • Inferior segment
      • Posterior segment
    • Intrarenal arteries
      • Interlobar arteries
      • Arcuate arteries
        • Cortical radiate arteries; interlobular arteries
        • Afferent glomerular arteriole
        • Efferent glomerular arteriole
      • Perforating radiate arteries
      • Vasa recta; straight arterioles
      • Capsular branches
    • Intrarenal veins
      • Interlobar veins
      • Arcuate veins
        • Cortical radiate veins; interlobular veins
      • Venulae rectae; straight venules
      • Stellate veins
    • Renal pelvis
      • Branching type
        • Major calices
          • Superior calyx
          • Middle calyx
          • Inferior calyx
        • Minor calices
      • (Ampullary type)
      • Adventitia
      • Muscular layer; muscular coat
      • Mucosa; mucous membrane
    • Abdominal part
    • Pelvic part
    • Intramular part
    • Adventitia
    • Muscular layer; muscular coat
    • Mucosa; mucous membrane
    • Apex of bladder
    • Body of bladder
    • Fundus of bladder
    • Neck of bladder
    • Uvula of bladder
    • Median umbilical ligament
    • Serosa; serous coat
    • Subserosa; subserous layer
    • Muscular layer; muscular coat
      • Trigonal muscles
        • Superficial trigone
        • Deep trigone
      • Detrusor
        • Unstratified part
        • Bladder neck part
        • External longitudinal layer
        • Circular layer
        • Internal longitudinal layer
      • Pubovesicalis
      • Rectovesicalis
      • Vesicoprostaticus
      • Vesicovaginalis
    • Submucosa
    • Mucosa; mucous membrane
    • Trigone of bladder
      • Interureteric crest
      • Ureteric orifice
      • Internal urethral orifice
  • Male urethra
  • Female urethra
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  • hi/uro_anatomy.txt
  • 2024/07/29 15:25
  • brahmantra